
hóng chǎng
  • the Red Square
红场 [hóng chǎng]
  • [the Red Square] 俄罗斯首都莫斯科的中心广场。在克里姆林宫的正东面

红场[hóng chǎng]
  1. 他们在熙熙攘攘的红场散步。

    They walked among the crowds in Red Square .

  2. 去年夏天,阳光在红场(RedSquare)附近慢慢褪成金色,奥利弗•斯通(OliverStone)穿过莫斯科一家五星级酒店的大堂酒吧。

    The summer light was fading to gold near Red Square as Oliver Stone maneuvered through the lobby bar of a five-star Moscow hotel last year .

  3. 位于红场(RedSquare)南侧的酒吧及餐馆GQBar去年开张,在那里,堆满覆盆子的甜点被盛在金箔上。

    At the GQ Bar , a bar and restaurant south of Red Square that opened last year , dessert plates piled with raspberries are served with flakes of gold leaf .

  4. 纳粹德国投降70年后,俄政府正在为其所称的伟大卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)筹备一场几十年来最大规模的纪念活动,包括5月9日在红场(RedSquare)举行的盛大阅兵仪式。

    Seventy years after Nazi Germany 's capitulation , Moscow is gearing up for the biggest commemoration in decades of what it calls the Great Patriotic War , with a huge military parade on Red Square on May 9 .

  5. 阿列克谢•苏契舍夫(AlexeyShchusev)曾是前苏联时代最为知名的建筑大师,他设计的作品众多,从威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)的俄罗斯展厅到莫斯科红场(RedSquare)的列宁墓。

    Alexey Shchusev was one of the most distinguished architects of the Soviet era , a designer of projects from the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale to Lenin 's mausoleum on Red Square .

  6. 一个月前,在自斯大林(Stalin)时期以来莫斯科红场举行的规模最大的阅兵式上,一位外国嘉宾与阅兵式上展示的令人生畏的武器一样吸引了世人的关注。

    A month ago , in the largest military parade held on Red Square since the days of Stalin , one foreign guest drew as much attention as the fearsome hardware on display .

  7. 因为它地处最佳地段,客房最为宽敞,周围还有着迷人美景,如果诸位入住在右侧客房,至少能欣赏到从红场到克里姆林宫(Kremlin)的胜景。

    For it is the best-located hotel in the city , its rooms are the biggest and have some of the best views , at least if yours is on the right with a view across Red Square to the Kremlin .

  8. 人们在莫斯科红场燃放烟花庆祝新年。

    Fireworks welcomed the new year in moscow 's red square .

  9. 傍晚,红场上的国营百货公司。

    GUM or State Department Store on Red Square at dusk .

  10. 今年,他们和其他西方领导人将缺席红场。

    This year , they and other western leaders will be absent .

  11. 在红场里的列宁陵墓,每天都有民众瞻仰其遗容。

    In the red mausoleum , Lenin people visit every day the dead looks .

  12. 下午6:01,一位购物者冒着寒风走向红场上的一家品牌服装店。

    P.M.A shopper scythes through bitter cold to reach a boutique on Red Square .

  13. 去俄罗斯看一看红场的壮观

    Go to Russia , see the Red Square

  14. 一年前,红场阅兵象征着苏联对格鲁吉亚及其后台老板美国人的胜利。

    A year ago it symbolised Russia 's victory over Georgia and its American backers .

  15. 今天,红场吸引了众多俄罗斯和外国游客,人们争相拍照留念。

    Today , Red Square is a popular attraction for both Russian and foreign visitors alike .

  16. 我们来到了俄罗斯,看到了向往已久的红场。

    Here is the russia , here is the Red Square we have been longing to see .

  17. 凌晨6点,在我位于红场附近的住宅,我推开窗户,看到了坦克。

    At 6 am I opened the windows of my house near Red Square and saw the tanks .

  18. 在5月9日的红场纪念活动中,俄罗斯把历史当做宣传武器方面的行径也不太可能有所克制。

    The May 9 commemoration in Red Square is unlikely to show restraint in using history as a propaganda weapon .

  19. 照片中美国前总统里根由前苏联领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫陪同,在莫斯科红场正与一名小男孩握手。

    Reagan , escorted by then-soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev , is shaking a boy 's hand in Moscow 's Red Square .

  20. 1988年,在莫斯科红场上,里根总统在问候一名小男孩,苏联领导人米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫位于右侧的稍远处。

    President Ronald Reagan greets a boy while in Red Square with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev , far right , in Moscow in1988 .

  21. 穆斯托是意大利人,这也许可以解释为何主餐厅Quadrum(可以俯瞰红场)是意式餐厅。

    Musto is Italian , which may explain why the principal restaurant , Quadrum ( which has views towards Red Square ) , is Italian .

  22. 在红场上防御城墙的脚下坐落的圣瓦西里教堂是俄罗斯传统艺术最漂亮的代表作之一。

    At the foot of its ramparts , on red square , St basil 's Basilica is one of the most beautiful Russian Orthodox monuments .

  23. 其中包括俄罗斯一些著名建筑的复制品如东宫、莫斯科红场。

    Among them were replicas of some of Russia 's most famous architecture , such as the East Place , and Moscow 's Red Square .

  24. 奥运之火穿过这个巨大国家的旅程始于红场,过去的圣巴西尔大教堂和克里姆林宫的红墙。

    The flame 's journey across this massive country started in Red Square , past St.Basil 's Cathedral and the red walls of the Kremlin .

  25. “我们谨此陈除此之外,有信心,和方面的法官(红场)鲍姆,作为这种情况下的法律程序展开了”。

    Beyond that , we have confidence in , and respect for , Judge ( Redfield ) Baum and the legal process as this case unfolds .

  26. “宠物店男孩”的音乐录像充满超现实主义的华丽场景,其中有红场和列宁的镜头。

    The original music video for the Pet Shop Boys " version , an exuberantly surreal pageant , includes shots of Red Square and Vladimir Lenin .

  27. 答:它给我了放眼世界的机会:莫斯科的红场,中国的长城,巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔。

    It gives me a chance to see the world : Red Square in Moscow , the Great Wall of China , the Eiffel Tower in Paris .

  28. 在那一天成千上万的俄罗斯士兵出现在红场阅兵仪式中,然后直接冲向前线保卫苏联首都。

    On that day thousands of Russian soldiers appeared in parades on Red Square and then marched directly to the front line to defend the Soviet capital .

  29. 2009年5月9日,俄罗斯在首都莫斯科红场举行盛大阅兵式,庆祝卫国战争胜利六十四周年。

    On May9,2009 , a grand military parade was held in Russia 's Red Square of Moscow to mark the64 anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War .

  30. 一个大型贸易中心,在苏联时期就作为商场使用,如今也是一样。它的大门正对着红场。

    The large trading mall which was used as a mall in Soviet times and is a mall now as well , and its front windows facing the Red Square .