
  • 网络Pushkin Square;Pushkinskaya Square
  1. 去年8月,该机构的联邦分部更进一步,暂时关停4家麦当劳门店,包括位于莫斯科普希金广场(PushkinSquare)的旗舰店,当年这是麦当劳在俄罗斯开设的第一家门店,也是按销售额计算世界上最大的麦当劳门店之一。

    In late August , the agency 's federal branch went further , temporarily shutting down four McDonald 's outlets , including its flagship location on Moscow 's Pushkin Square - McDonald 's first ever restaurant in Russia and one of its biggest locations by sales in the world .

  2. 激进团体左翼阵线(leftfront)领导人谢尔盖乌达利佐夫(sergeiudaltsov)称:“我们总是来了又走,这次我们一定会坚守!”他誓言不会离开抗议现场,距离克里姆林宫一公里的普希金广场。

    Sergei udaltsov , leader of radical group left front , declared : " we keep coming and going , but this time we are going to stay . " he vowed not to quit Pushkin square , the site of the protest 1km from the Kremlin .

  3. 普希金广场附近的Turandot餐馆于2年前开业,建造耗时逾6年,花费了5000万美元。这里,用餐者可以花上数千卢布,让自己重新回到18世纪。

    And at Turandot , a restaurant near Pushkin Square that opened two years ago after $ 50m was spent building it over six years , diners can spend thousands of roubles transporting themselves back to the 18th century .

  4. 花:在普希金广场,1941年含羞草。

    Flowers : mimosa in Pushkin square , 1941 .

  5. 麦当劳称,其1990年开业、位于莫斯科市中心普希金广场的餐厅,是全球最繁忙的。

    It claims its Pushkin Square restaurant in central Moscow , opened in 1990 , is the busiest in the world .

  6. 随着夜幕降临,抗议者转移到了普希金广场&广场上耸立着这名俄罗斯诗人的铜像。

    As evening fell , they moved towards Pushkin square , which is dominated by a bronze statue of the Russian poet .