
  • 网络planck constant;planck's constant;plank constant;j.s
  1. 普朗克常数h的百年回顾

    A century of t h e Planck constant

  2. 普朗克常数h的意义及应用

    The Meaning and Application of Planck Constant h

  3. 光电效应普朗克常数测定中截止电位Us的解析表示

    Analytic representation of the stopping potential us in measuring the plank 's constant with photoelectric effect

  4. 普朗克常数h的潜科学分析

    Analysis of Potential Science of the Plank 's Constant h

  5. 普朗克常数h引起的经典物理学自然观的三种改变

    Three Changes of the Nature-idea in Conventional Physics by Plank 's Constant h

  6. 结合一般高校现有条件,介绍了一种仪器简单而又能充分定量分析光电效应三定律的一种实验方法,并由此进一步测量近代量子理论中常见到的普朗克常数h。

    A simple and sufficiently accurate experiment to analyse the three laws of photoelectric effect is proposed .

  7. 现用VISUALBASIC软件处理棱镜单色仪测定普朗克常数实验数据的主要思想及设计过程,将计算机技术应用于实验数据处理,可迅速、准确地得到实验结果。

    This paper introduced an idea and its design-process on determining Planck constant by prism monochromatic apparatus with Visual Basic software . The experimental result can be obtained quickly and exactly by applying the computer technique to the data processing .

  8. 在量子力学创立时,理论上受到两个物理上的基本限制:一是普朗克常数h(或h),它常以能量子ε

    There are two essential limits in the physics for quantum mechanics when it was founded . The Thermodynamic Analysis of a Quantum Ericsson Cycle Performance Discovery , Identification and Application of the Chemical Quantum Energy

  9. 这些离散的值乘以整数,乘积因子,是普朗克常数除以2π,其中n可以取1,2,3,等等。

    N It takes discrete values , multiples of some integer n , and the multiplication factor is the ratio of the Planck constant divided by2 pi where n takes one , two , three and so on .

  10. 光电效应测普朗克常数实验研究

    Study of Experiment in Measuring Planck Constant Using Photoelectric Effect Method

  11. 光电效应测定普朗克常数实验的探讨

    Researches onto the measurment of Plank 's constant by Photoelectric Effect

  12. 用光电效应测定普朗克常数的计算机辅助方法

    A Computer-Aided Design for Calculating the Planck Constant by Photoelectric Effect

  13. 光电效应法测量普朗克常数实验数据采集与处理系统的研制

    Data acquisition and processing system for experiments of measuring Planck constant

  14. 普朗克常数决定了这两种情况所涉及的量值。

    Planck 's constant controls the magnitudes involved in both cases .

  15. 最后给出了普朗克常数的测定结果。

    Examples of experimental measurement of Planck constant are shown .

  16. 关于普朗克常数测定实验中的数据处理

    Data processing in the experiment of the survey of the Planck constant

  17. 普朗克常数测定实验的微机拟合

    The Microcomputer Fitting of the Experiment for Measuring Plank Constant

  18. 用色散及光谱理论测定普朗克常数

    Measuring Plank Constant on the Basis of Dispersion Theory and Spectrum Theory

  19. 基于相关检测理论的普朗克常数测量原理

    The Principle of Planck 's Constant Measurement Based on Relevant Detecting Theory

  20. 黑体辐射测定普朗克常数

    Planck 's constant determination from black - body radiation

  21. 给出了一种精确计算普朗克常数的方法。

    In this paper a method to calculate precisely Planck constant is presented .

  22. 有普朗克常数在第5个。

    There is the Planck Constant , number five .

  23. 正确确定遏止电压测量普朗克常数

    Determining Cut-off Voltage Properly and Measuring Planck Constant

  24. 用改装数字表测量普朗克常数及不确定度分析

    The measurement of Plank constant with rectified multimeter and the analysis of the uncertainty

  25. 用玻尔理论测量普朗克常数

    Measuring the Planck Constant with the Bohr Theory

  26. 用棱镜单色仪测定普朗克常数计算机处理

    Determining Planck 's Constant by Prism Monochromatic Apparatus

  27. 普朗克常数测量实验的数据处理

    Data Processing of Measurement Experiment of Plank Constant

  28. 普朗克常数一百年

    A Century of the Plank Constant

  29. 普朗克常数测定的研究

    The Research of Plank Constant Measurement

  30. 设计了普朗克常数测定实验的计算机数据拟合程序。

    The data fitting program of computer is designed for the experiment for measuring Plank constant in the paper .