
  • 网络The Uncertainty Principle;Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  1. 量子理论的核心是海森堡(Heisenberg)的不确定性原理(uncertaintyprinciple),即我们永远无法极为精准地测量出一个粒子的每一项属性。

    Central to quantum theory is Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle , which states that we can never measure every property of a particle to the utmost precision .

  2. 地理尺度问题中不确定性原理的假设探讨

    A Hypothetic Investigation about the Uncertainty Principle in the Geography Scale

  3. 最后用测量不确定性原理对测量数据进行了误差分析。

    At last we analyze the error using the Principles of Uncertainty .

  4. 时-频分析中的不确定性原理

    Concept of the uncertainty principle in time and frequency analysis

  5. 不确定性原理和可知性原理是新范式下指导预测的基本原理;

    Uncertainty and knowability is the first principle of forecasting .

  6. 海森堡告诉我们不确定性原理,我们之后会看这个。

    Heisenberg gave us the uncertainty principle , which we will visit later .

  7. 这是波尔和海森堡,我们将讨论海森堡的不确定性原理。

    Here 's Bohr with Heisenberg , and we 'll talk about Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle .

  8. 基于不确定性原理的产业集聚讨论

    Industry Clusters Based on Uncertainties

  9. 试论海森伯不确定性原理

    On Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

  10. 根据不确定性原理,进一步研究了原子角动量的压缩和高阶压缩性质及其演化。

    According to the uncertainty principle , the squeezing and higher order squeezing for atomic angular momentum are investigated .

  11. 图灵还做了另一个类似的计算,得出了由量子不确定性原理而导致的约束,

    He might have made a similar calculation regarding the effect of quantum indeterminacy , and the upshot would have been the same .

  12. 量子力学的一些思想对人们的哲学观念产生了相当大的影响,量子力学的核心思想是波粒二象性、互补原理、不确定性原理(测不准原理)和因果关系的几率描述。

    Some thoughts of the quantum mechanics have produced great influence on people 's philosophic ideas and the core thought of the quantum mechanics is Wave-particle duality , Bohr 's Complementary principle , Uncertainty Principle and Causality relate to probability .

  13. 基于量子物理的基本原理,如量子不确定性原理、量子不可克隆定理等,量子密钥分发过程中任何可能存在的窃听行为都可以被检测出来,从而可以为合法通信双方提供无条件安全的通信。

    Based on the basic principles of the quantum physics , for example the uncertainty principle and the quantum no-cloning principle , any eavesdropping attacks can be detected and the unconditional security communication between two legal parties can be achieved .

  14. 量子信息学的研究发现,如果能通过量子态编码来传送密码信息的话,那么依据量子力学不确定性原理,任何对量子载体的测量或复制行为都将改变原量子态。

    The research of quantum information has shown that if one encodes messages onto quantum states , he will be able to achieve a perfect cryptographic communication whose security is unconditionally guaranteed by the well-known uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics .

  15. 基于不确定性推理原理的机组振动信息融合技术

    Vibration information-fusion technology of dynamo set based on uncertainty reasoning

  16. 论述了企业理财系统柔性的时间运动原理由企业理财信息不确定性递减原理、企业理财方案数量递减原理和企业理财系统的不确定性传递原理构成。

    The principle of flexibility in a business finance system with the change of time consists of the principle of declining uncertainties of business finance information , the principle of declining quantities of business finance alternatives , and the principle of uncertainty in the transmission of a business finance system .

  17. 其突出特点:利用不遵循确定性等价原理的自适应机制和非线性H∞控制相结合,来研究几类电力系统模型的鲁棒稳定问题。

    The paper adopts an adaptive mechanism which does not follow the certainty equivalent principle combined with nonlinear H ∞ control , and then the robust stability of classes of power systems is researched .

  18. 全文具体工作如下:首先,简要介绍了电力系统稳定性意义、研究的主要对象和现阶段用于电力系统的各种控制方法,并且简要讨论了本文所用的不遵循确定性等价原理的自适应机制。

    The main work is as follows : Firstly , the dissertation gives a brief introduction of stable significance , main objects and various control techniques of power systems at present .

  19. 介绍了道路建设项目不确定性分析的原理和分析方法,通过具体事例阐明了敏感性分析和风险分析在道路建设项目经济评价中的应用。

    Introduced hereby are the mechanism and method of uncertainty analysis in road construction projects . Specific examples are given to indicate the application of sensitivity analysis and risk analysis in the economic evaluation of the said projects .

  20. 针对武器系统试验次数少的特点,用经验分布函数和不确定性极大值原理的方法,研究了小样本条件下武器系统战术技术性能指标的极值分布分位点估计法,并以示例进行了说明。

    Estimation methods for percentiles of extremum distribution related to the evaluation methods of performance indexes of weapon systems in small sample situation are proposed with empirical distribution function and uncertain maximum principle . Then , a example is given .

  21. 将多机器人协作引入了构建地图的作业任务研究中,将多个范围传感器所探测到的环境信息以概率值的方式表示,利用不确定性证据推理的原理对其进行了Dempster-shafer数据融合。

    In this paper multi-robot system is introduced in map-building task . The environment information from multiple range sensors is represented in the form of probability , and is fused using evidential reasoning with uncertainty based on Dempster-Shafer theory .

  22. 量子力学的基本原理:量子不可克隆定理,海森堡不确定性原理和测量塌缩理论决定了任何对密钥的窃听都可以被合法通信方发现。

    According to the basic principles of quantum mechanics including quantum no-cloning theorem , the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and measurement-collapse theory , any eavesdropping on the key can be found by legitimate communication parties .

  23. 针对输入参数的不确定性,阐述了RiskSpectrum软件关于不确定性分析的原理、方法和误差因子的选取。

    Aiming at the uncertainty of the parameter input in PSA has specified the theory and method for the uncertainty analysis of Risk Spectrum Software .