
bù shì yìng
  • not adapted to;not fit to;not suited to;unaccustomed
不适应[bù shì yìng]
  1. 分析对象-关系访问层体系结构和OID生成策略,128位随机数算法生成的OID已不适应数据信息量不断增加和海量数据存储的需求。

    Analyzing the architecture of object-relational access layer and OID generating strategies , 128 bit random number algorithms is not adapted to the increment of the data processing and data storage .

  2. 传统经济理论主要是从区域经济和城市管理的角度对商业街进行研究,在商业街面临的竞争日趋激烈的背景下,已经越来越不适应于商业街深入发展的需要。

    Traditional economy theories has not adapted to the development of business streets .

  3. 学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。

    Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work

  4. 他不适应这种乡村小镇的单调生活。

    He was not used to the tedious of life in a small country town .

  5. 她总觉得自己在商业界有些不适应。

    She always felt a bit of a misfit in the business world .

  6. 加入WTO后,中国企业面临着创新体系、运行机制、法律法规三个方面的不适应。

    Innovation system , running mechanism and laws and rules .

  7. 这种方式已经不适应现代化机械设计制造的要求,发展CAD/CAPP/CAM集成技术是机械行业的迫切要求。

    These methods are not suitable the modern mechanical design and manufacture yet , so developing CAD / CAPP / CAM integrated technique is the imperious need of the mechanical industry .

  8. 然而,随着外部条件的改变,经济全球化的进一步深化以及ERP本身的缺陷,使得ERP的越来越不适应企业的发展;

    But , with the change of condition outside enterprises , development of economy globalization and some faults on ERP itself , which make it gradually unfit for the development of enterprises .

  9. 结论根据Roy适应模式,临床护理人员应针对肺癌患者术后的主要不适应加强护理,尤其重视老年肺癌患者的护理。

    Conclusion Intensive nursing care should be given to lung cancer patients with major postoperative adverse adaptive responses , especially in elderly patients .

  10. 应加紧清理和废止与WTO规则不适应的相关政策,加大县域行政审批制度改革力度,创造宽松、透明的政策环境。

    We should step up cleaning and avoiding the relevant policies that are inadaptable to WTO rules , strengthen the reform of the county administrative examining and approving system , and create the comfortable and transparent policy environment .

  11. 随着我国加入WTO,经济和社会的飞速发展,现行的法院独立原则越来越不适应我国要融入国际大家庭的现状。

    As our country joins WTO , the development at full speed of the economy and of the society , the less the current independent principle of court adapt to our country 's incorporating the current situation of the international big family .

  12. 由于传统的公平非抵赖协议大多需要可信第三方(TTP)的支持,因而不适应无中心节点的移动自组网络,因此本文对MANET下的公平非抵赖协议进行了研究。

    Most fair non-repudiation protocols depend on trusted third party ( TTP ), and they are not suitable for MANET without central nodes . In this dissertation , fair non-repudiation protocols for MANET are studied .

  13. 传统的临床医学教育观念已不适应EBM时代的要求,以问题为基础的循证医学的临床教育观念和教学模式,是当今临床医学发展的必然趋势。

    Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends of the times of EBM . Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends towards problem based EBM with the development of clinical medicine .

  14. 分析了南京公交IC卡系统现状和地铁AFC系统选型,表明公交IC卡系统不适应技术发展趋势以及多应用的拓展,而地铁AFC系统则充分考虑了这些需求。

    The status quo of Nanjing bus IC card systems and the technology option of Nanjing metro AFC ( Automatic Fare Collection ) systems were analyzed . The results show that bus IC card systems don 't adapt to the technology development trend and multi-application purpose .

  15. 农技人员对农业结构变化的不适应;

    Agriculture technical staff cannot adapt the change of agricultural structure ;

  16. 面对当今社会,许多大学生产生心理上的不适应。

    Many college students cannot adapt themselves to the present society mentally .

  17. 两组观察前房积血吸收时间、患者的不适应及并发症。

    The absorption time , discomfort and complications were observed .

  18. 农业机械化现状不适应农业产业结构调整的需要。

    The situation could not adapt to the agricultural restructuring .

  19. (九)微观经营与宏观调控的不适应状态;

    The mutual unadaptability between microscopic management and macroscopic regulation ;

  20. 改革现行不适应的能源价格形成机制和价格管制方式;

    Reforming the current , inappropriate energy price mechanisms and price control patterns ;

  21. 培训资源供给与教师的需求不适应;

    The training resources supplies can not meet the needs of the teachers ;

  22. 传统国有企业不适应我国经济的发展;

    Traditional SOE is not fit to the development of our country 's economy .

  23. 这种现状是不适应军队现代化建设的需要的。

    And this situation cannot meet the requirements on the modernization of the military forces .

  24. 学生个人、学校、家庭等因素是这种不适应症产生的主要根源。

    Student individual , university and family are the main sources that the inadaptation from .

  25. 在成长的道路上,他们经历了校园不适应的种种情况。

    In the path of growth , they also experienced various situations of campus adaptation .

  26. 但是,无论是在观念上,还是行为上,教师都出现了很大的不适应。

    Whether on concept or behavior , however , teachers are not been largely suited .

  27. 高校毕业生就业问题的出现,原因是多方面的,其中大学生的不适应和高校的不作为是重要原因。

    The maladjustment of the graduates and the omission of colleges are the important reasons .

  28. 但由于其试行不久,还存在着一定的不适应之处,需要进行相应的完善。

    However , the trial is soon , there are also some points needing improving .

  29. 大学新生的不适应主要表现在学习、生活、人际关系等多个方面。

    Freshmen are not suited mainly in the study , life , relationships and other aspects .

  30. 新规则周期下运动员对新规则稍有不适应和对动作有所保留。

    Players new rule period not meet the new rules and the action a little reservation .