
yuán zǐ wù lǐ xué
  • atomic physics
  1. 指出当前国内使用的多种原子物理学课本中列出的58Ce和97Bk的原子基态是错误的,应分别纠正为3H4和6H15/2。

    It points out that there are two mistakes in many atomic physics books . The ground-state of 58 Ce and 97 Bk should be 3H 4 and H 15 / 2 respectively .

  2. 如何看待《原子物理学》中的玻尔理论与量子力学

    How to Treat Bohr Theory and Quantum Mechanics in Atomic Physics

  3. 我准备开始攻读原子物理学博士学位。

    I 'm going to start my doctorate in nuclear physics .

  4. 原子物理学发展中的一座里程碑&玻尔理论

    A milestone in the development of atomic physics & Bohr theory

  5. 原子物理学中如何介绍量子理论的讨论

    A discussion on how to introduce the quantum theory in atomic physics

  6. 对两本《原子物理学》教材的统计及评价

    Statistics and assessment on two " atomic physic " textbooks

  7. 量纲分析法及其在原子物理学中的应用

    Analyzed Method of Dimension and Its Application in Atomic Physics

  8. 亚原子物理学涉及到粒子的产生和湮灭。

    Subatomic physics involves the creation and destruction of particles .

  9. 开展原子物理学精品课程建设的探讨与实践

    The Discussions and Practice on the Construction of Top-quality Course of Atomic Physics

  10. 亚原子物理学影响到生活的许多方面。

    Subatomic physics bears on many aspects of life .

  11. 他将作一个关于原子物理学的演说。

    He 'll give a lecture on atomic physics .

  12. 层次目标激活教学法在原子物理学教学中的应用研究

    The Application Study of Layers Aim Activation Teaching Method in Atom Physical Teachings

  13. 从原子物理学的发展看原子物理学的特点及其教学任务

    Comment on characteristics and teaching tasks about atomic physics from angle of history

  14. 原子物理学是经典理论和量子力学的桥梁和转折点。

    Atomicphysics is a bridge and turning point of classical theory and quantum mechanics .

  15. 开发原子物理学教育功能,促进学生发展

    Developing the educational function of atomic physics , and promoting the development of students

  16. 他的专门研究范围是原子物理学。

    His area of concentration is nuclear physics .

  17. 原子物理学中的哲学思想探析

    Philosophy thought exploring and analyzing of atomic physics

  18. 原子物理学课程改革的探究

    Exploration of the Course Reform of Atomic Physics

  19. 我叫宾达专攻原子物理学

    The name 's Bender . Atomic physics .

  20. 在原子物理学的术语中,壳层一词是经常使用的。

    The word " shell " is used extensively in the terminology of atomic physics .

  21. 《原子物理学》课程内容改革与学生创新能力的培养

    Course Content Reform of " Atomic Physics " and Cultivation of Students ′ Innovation Ability

  22. GB3102.9-1993原子物理学和核物理学的量和单位

    Quantities and units of atomic and nuclear

  23. 原子物理学的课程结构改革

    Curriculum Structure Reform of Atomic Physics

  24. 原子物理学是原子中电子云的物理学。

    Atomic physics ( or atom physics ) is physics of the electron hull of atoms .

  25. 谱线的发现和深入研究标志着原子物理学的开端。

    The beginning of atomic physics is marked by the discovery and scrutinious study of spectral lines .

  26. 基于加速器的原子物理学

    Accelerator - Based Atomic Physics

  27. 本文进一步深入研究了现有可见光偏光片的偏光机理,从原子物理学及光谱学角度解释了塑性红外偏光片的偏红外光机理。

    From the view of atomic physics and spectroscopy , this paper explains the mechanism of plastic infrared polarizer .

  28. 介绍了对应用物理学专业《原子物理学》与《量子力学》课程内容体系进行整合的情况。

    We give an introduction of how to incorporate atomic physics into quantum mechanics for the specialty of applied physics .

  29. 虽然亚原子物理学的许多概念可以用手势和类比来说明,但要真正理解还需要公式。

    While many aspects of subatomic physics can be elucidated by hand-waving and analogies , a proper understanding requires equations .

  30. 本世纪20年代初期发展起来的量子力学,其最初取得的突破是在原子物理学的领域中。

    Quantum mechanics , which evolved in the early nineteen-twenties , had its initial thrust in the area of atomic physics .