
zì yóu yì zhì
  • free will
自由意志[zì yóu yì zhì]
  1. 或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。

    The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related .

  2. 阿民念认为清楚和重要的经文教导:神的爱,普世的恩典,以及人类绝对的自由意志(libertarianfreewill)是居于首位的(比其他的属性更重要)。

    Arminians think that the clear and important passages teach the primacy of God 's love ( over other attributes ), the universality of grace , and the libertarian free will of human beings .

  3. 摘要卢梭认为,公意就是人类自由意志的升华

    Luleng deems that public will is a sublimation of human 's free volitions .

  4. 人具有自由意志。否则,劝告、赞扬、命令、禁规、奖赏和惩罚都将是徒劳的

    Men has free choice . Otherwise counsels , exhortations , commands , prohibitions , rewards and punishments would be in vain .

  5. “审计美联储”(audittheFed)运动的主要推动者是兰德•保罗(RandPaul)。这名自由意志派参议员周二启动了竞选美国总统的征程。

    A campaign to " audit the Fed " has been championed by Rand Paul , the libertarian senator who launched his bid for the White House yesterday .

  6. 要创办和发展亚马逊或Uber这样的公司,需要有一种特定的自由意志主义牛仔心态,把障碍和规则抛诸脑后。

    To create and grow an enterprise like Amazon or Uber takes a certain libertarian cowboy mind-set that ignores obstacles and rules .

  7. 就像宿命论和自由意志这两种概念一样水火不兼容。

    As irreconcilable as the notions of predestination and free will .

  8. 不信奉自由意志教条的人。

    Someone who does not believe the doctrine of free will .

  9. 今天的课还将讨论休谟关于自由意志的观点。

    This lesson goes through to the Hume on free will .

  10. 哲学家认为,自由意志,是不符合宿命论。

    Philosophers have argued that free will is incompatible with determinism .

  11. 在伦理观上它是指人的道德意识和自由意志。

    It refers to moral consciousness and free will in ethics .

  12. 但是,只有自由意志能够挽救人类。

    However , nothing but free will can save the world .

  13. 由此,奥古斯丁引出了人的原罪,来说明自己对自由意志的观点。

    He pointed out original sin to illustrate free will theory .

  14. 宿命不过是那些没有自由意志者屈服的借口罢了。

    Fatality is the excuse of a person without a will .

  15. 《哲学原理》中笛卡尔的自由意志观初探

    The Opinion of Free Will in Principles of Philosophy by Descartes

  16. 有了自由意志,万物被容许对立出现。

    With free will , all things are allowed and oppositions occur .

  17. 胁从犯是独立共同犯罪人,其哲学理论基础是相对自由意志的学说;

    Its philosophy rationale is the relative free will theory ;

  18. 这是自由意志的选择,有人会离开。

    It 's an act of free will . Somebody 's leaving .

  19. 人是自由意志的行动者。出于某人的自由意志,自愿地,自动地

    Man is a voluntary agent . of one 's own free will

  20. 自由意志是无法访问的文件,无法删除。

    Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed .

  21. 柔性决定论声称,自由意志与决定论两者可以并存。

    Soft-determinists claim that free will and determinism are compatible .

  22. 他不能破坏别人的自由意志。

    He will not destroy the free will of others .

  23. 良知和自由意志即有相似性,又有不同处。

    There are similar and different of innate knowledge and Free will .

  24. 我知道你在尊重自由意志上有疑虑。

    I am aware of your problem with respect to free will .

  25. 道德法则在规定自由意志时产生了敬重。

    When moral law makes provision of free will , respect emerges .

  26. 阿明尼乌被曲解教导人类绝对的自由意志。

    Arminius is misrepresented as teaching the absolute freedom of the will .

  27. 但你的骑士们的自由意志又是什么呢?

    And what of the free will of your knights ?

  28. 企业保守派或许喜欢你,新保守派和自由意志主义者或许喜欢你。

    Corporate conservatives may love you , neo-cons and libertarians may love you .

  29. 甚至在提升里也没有自由意志。

    Even in ascension there is no free will .

  30. 犯罪对策与刑罚措施&从自由意志与决定论出发

    On Measures against Crime & from the view of free will or determinism