
zì rán zī yuán
  • natural resources;natural wealth
  1. 从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上的自然资源日益减少。

    Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world 's diminishing natural resources .

  2. 他们正在寻找减少自然资源浪费的方法。

    They are looking at ways of reducing the waste of natural resources .

  3. 自然资源保护主义者预测,数以百计的物种可能会从这个地区消失。

    Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area .

  4. 这结果将被视为检验政府是否关注自然资源保护问题的试金石。

    The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for conservation issues .

  5. 耗尽世界的自然资源毋庸置疑是愚蠢的经济行为。

    Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources

  6. 他是自然资源保护基金会的创办负责人。

    He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation .

  7. 对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。

    Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests

  8. 安哥拉是一个自然资源丰富的国家。

    Angola was a country rich in natural resources

  9. 人们对鱼类等自然资源的总储备量所知甚少。

    Only sketchy information exists on the stock of natural resources such as fish .

  10. 我们必须为后代子孙保护土地/自然资源。

    We must conserve our land / natural resources for future generations .

  11. 首先,我们拥有丰富的自然资源。

    First , we have abundant natural resources .

  12. 人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。

    The scope of man 's use of natural resources will steadily grow .

  13. 我国有得天独厚的自然资源。

    My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources .

  14. 我国自然资源丰富。

    Our country is abundant in natural resources .

  15. 他们决定开发自然资源。

    They decided to exploit natural resources .

  16. 然而,他们也使用了更多的自然资源燃料、水(所有那些浴室和高尔夫球场)和建筑材料。

    They also , however , use far more natural resources-fuel , water ( all those baths and golf courses ) and building materials .

  17. 植物给我们的教训是,共享生命可以扩大和增强生命的范围,而将生命划分为所谓的自然资源或人类资源则会削弱生命的范围。

    The lesson taught by plants is that sharing life expands and enhances the sphere of the living , while dividing life into so-called natural or human resources diminishes it .

  18. 它们大多是建立在消耗自然资源的基础上。

    They are too often built around consuming natural resources .

  19. 你可以申请成为一名青年护林员,并在今年夏天为当地自然资源管理项目工作8周。

    You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer .

  20. 日益增长的肉类需求将给自然资源造成了巨大的压力。

    Growing need of meat will to put pressure on natural resources .

  21. 肉类比谷物消耗更多的自然资源。

    Meat uses more natural resources than grains .

  22. 这一地区能找到大量自然资源。

    Resources in plenty can be found in this territory .

  23. 中国自然资源丰富。

    China is abundant with natural resources .

  24. 自然资源部副部长王广华介绍:耕地地类减少的主要原因是农业结构调整和国土绿化。

    It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country 's greening project .

  25. 开发自然资源,特别是水资源,将是建造未来永久月球基地的关键。

    Tapping into natural resources , particularly water , will be key to a permanent future lunar base .

  26. 答案似乎并不是常见的技术或自然资源等经济增长点,而是人口。

    The answer seems to lie , not in obvious economic boosters like technology or natural resources , but demographics .

  27. 地球正迅速接近“不可逆转的临界点”。砍伐森林、污染河流和海洋、开垦草原导致自然资源正在“消失殆尽”。

    The planet was rapidly reaching a " point of no return , " cutting down forests , polluting rivers and oceans , and ploughing grasslands " into oblivion . "

  28. 这个开拓地——有可能在2030年前可供使用——将利用来自月球表面的自然资源进行建设,为科学、商业甚至是旅游业提供永久性的基地。

    This settlement - which could be available by 2030 - would be built using natural resources from the lunar surface to create a permanent base for the purpose of science , business , and even tourism .

  29. 全文共分六章阐述区域溢出问题,内容涉及知识溢出、信息化设施溢出、信息化作用下的GDP溢出和自然资源溢出。

    The themes on the knowledge spillovers , the spillovers of informatization infrastructure , the GDP spillovers with informatization and the natural resource spillovers are discussed in the dissertation .

  30. 基于生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganization,fao)及《陕西省统计年鉴》等自然资源生产与消费、人口、土地等数据,分析了1993-2004年陕西省生态足迹变化情况。

    The ecological footprint of Shaanxi Province during the period from1993to2004is calculated based on the theory and calculation method of the ecological footprint , with the data of resources production and consumption , population , and land use from FAO Database and Shaanxi statistical yearbook .