
  • 网络Founding Fathers of the United States
  1. 美国开国元勋之一本杰明·富兰克林不仅仅发明了避雷针。

    Ben Franklin , one of America 's founding fathers , didn 't just invent the lightning rod .

  2. 不过,美国开国元勋之一本杰明-富兰克林不赞成把白头鹰作为美国的象征。

    But , one of the Founding Fathers , Benjamin Franklin didn 't agree with the choice .

  3. 这可以对美国开国元勋的政治哲学思想有所介绍,这种思想仍然影响着美国的现代立法。

    It may be an introduction to the political philosophy of the Founding Fathers which still animates modern legislation .

  4. 乔姆斯基的苦涩同时也肯定了他并未提及的一群人,即美国开国元勋们的美德。

    Chomsky 's bitterness simultaneously affirms the virtues of a group he did not mention : America 's founding fathers .

  5. 在美国,开国元勋们放弃了胡须。

    In the United States , the founding fathers eschewed facial hair .

  6. 这可不是美国的开国元勋们觉得有必要明确奉为神圣的权利。

    It is not a right the founding fathers felt they needed explicitly to enshrine .

  7. 美国的开国元勋们相信共同价值。

    Our founders believed in universal values .

  8. 在华盛顿,演员们扮演美国的开国元勋,再现了签署独立宣言的那一幕。

    In the nation 's capital , actors portraying America 's founders re-enacted the signing of the Declaration of Independence .

  9. 人们普遍认为美国的开国元勋都是基督徒,这其实也是我们在历史课上学到的谎言之一。

    One of the prevailing myths taught in history classes is that the Founding Fathers of America were all Christian .

  10. 亚历山大·汉密尔顿是美国著名的开国元勋之一,也是美国的首任财政部长。

    Alexander Hamilton was one of the famous American founding fathers , who was also the first Treasury secretary .

  11. 理查德·诺顿·史密斯[乔治梅森大学历史学家]:“你有理由认为不论是谁开枪干掉了西蒙·弗雷泽,他的贡献都不亚于美国独立的开国元勋。”群龙无首英军损失了1000人,是爱国军的两倍。

    You could argue that whoever fired the bullet that took out Simon Fraser did as much as any Founding Father to establish American independence . Without leadership , the British lose 1000 men . Twice as many as the Patriots .

  12. 他被视为美国最重要的开国元勋之一,开启美国政治王朝的第一人——他的儿子约翰·昆西·亚当斯被选为美国第6任总统。

    He will be remembered as being one of the key Founding Fathers of the United States and for the first U.S. politician to start a political dynasty - his son John Quincy became America 's sixth President .

  13. 他不是美国总统,但他是美国开国元勋之一,

    Franklin was never elected president , but was one of the Founding Fathers .

  14. 他是美国第五任总统,同时也是美国最后一位开国元勋。他16岁时继承了父亲的农场和财富。

    He was America 's fifth President and the last who was a Founding Father of the U.S.A. He inherited his father 's plantation and fortune when he was 16 .