
  1. 美国革命的奠基人托马斯潆遧逊(ThomasJefferson)与联邦党创始人亚历山大汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)之间的分歧在美国独立之前就存在了。

    The dispute between Thomas Jefferson , the poet of the American Revolution , and Alexander Hamilton , its chief federalist , predates the republic .

  2. 美国革命期间富兰克林与法美同盟研究

    The Benjamin Franklin and the Franco-American Alliance during the American Revolution

  3. 18世纪,英裔美国革命家托马斯•潘恩(ThomasPaine)主张采用彩虹旗作为海上识别中立国船只的通用符号。

    In the 18th Century , the English-American revolutionary and author of the influential political tract Rights of Man , Thomas Paine , advocated for the adoption of the rainbow flag as a universal symbol for identifying neutral ships at sea .

  4. 如果你还不相信历史有时会产生让人惊喜的结果,那你可以看看英国今年1月新推出的一部关于纳尔逊?曼德拉(NelsonMandela)的精彩纪录片。影片表明,南非的“革命”跟美国革命一样了不起。

    And if you want another reminder that history can sometimes deliver pleasant surprises , take a look at the brilliant new biopic of Nelson Mandela being released in the UK in January : as it shows , the " revolution " that took place in South Africa was almost as extraordinary as anything that occurred inAmerica .

  5. 相反,美国革命后来带来了一场极其暴力的内战。

    Instead , it eventually delivered a very violent civil war .

  6. 美国革命比法国革命早十四年。

    The American Revolution antedates the French Revolution by 14 years .

  7. 论美国革命后英国帝国政策的调整

    The Adjustment of British Empire Police After The American Revolution

  8. 我们对自由的渴望导致了美国革命。

    Our passion for freedom led to the American Revolution .

  9. 引发英国内战和美国革命的事件,要比这小得多。

    The English Civil War and American Revolution were ignited by much less .

  10. 你们中听说过这个名字的人是因为她是美国革命的一个英雄。

    The first woman I 'd like to talk about is Molly Pitcher .

  11. 美国革命战争之前的美国民兵。

    An American militiaman prior to the Revolutionary War .

  12. 美国革命时期马萨诸塞立宪运动的意义和影响

    The Meaning and Significance of the Massachusetts Constitutional Movement during the Revolutionary Period

  13. 美国革命是一场平民革命。

    The American Revolution was a citizen 's revolution .

  14. 1777年,美军在佛蒙特州本宁顿赢了美国革命之战!

    In1777 , American forces won the Revolutionary War Battle of Bennington , Vermont .

  15. 以他为代表的商人群体,对美国革命产生了举足轻重的影响。

    Merchants group , represented by him has a significant impact on the American revolution .

  16. 到了美国革命的时候,这些元素都已知了。

    By the time of the American Revolution these are the elements that were known .

  17. 英国士兵;之所以如此称呼是因为他的红色外套。尤其在美国革命战争期间。

    British soldier ; so-called because of his red coat , esp. during the Revolutionary War .

  18. 美国革命的历史意义

    The Historical Significance of American Revolution

  19. 美国革命期间宗教教派政治态度与立场浅析(1775-1783)

    Analysis of the Different Attitude and Position of Different Denominations during American Revolution ( 1775-1783 )

  20. 美国革命从发生根本和彻底变化的意义上说其实并不算是一场革命。

    The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change .

  21. 本文对《美国革命的激进主义》的内容、思想、方法加以梳理和评论。

    This article will analyze and review the contents , ideas , and methodologies in this book .

  22. 美国革命战争时期乔治·华盛顿总统就用敌人囚犯交换美国人民。

    Think back to the American Revolutionary War when President George Washington exchanged enemy prisoners for Americans .

  23. 一些革命(美国革命,法国革命)确实将事情变得越来越好。

    Some ( The American Revolution , the French Revolution ) clearly do change things for the better .

  24. 茶叶党积极分子则将自己视为美国革命前反税收抗议者的现代版。

    Tea Party activists see themselves as modern-day versions of the anti-tax protesters from before the American Revolution .

  25. 美国革命如同十七八世纪英国的政治动乱一样,也是资产阶级性质的。

    Like the English political turmoil of the 17th and 18th centuries , the American revolution was bourgeois .

  26. 美国革命的武装冲突使殖民地人民逐渐意识到必须脱离英国独立。

    The armed conflict during the American Revolution gradually convinced the colonists that separation from Britain was essential .

  27. 是百年战争,布尔战争,克里米亚战争还是美国革命?

    Is the Hundred Years ' War , the Boer War , the Crimean War or American Revolution ?

  28. 富兰克林生活在18世纪,他是美国革命的领导人。

    Franklin lived in the seventeen hundreds . He was a leader of the American Revolution against English rule .

  29. 你们谁是熟悉的名字,可知道她的美国革命的英雄。

    Those of you who are familiar with the name may know her as a hero of the American Revolution .

  30. 而把商业精神与政治观照现实地结合起来,则使他众望所归地成为北美革命时期的重要人物,并对美国革命作出了卓著的贡献。

    The business spirit and political view combine practical , which make him made outstanding contribution to the American revolution .