
  • 网络liberalist theory;liberal theories
  1. 自从20世纪70年代D.从20世纪70年代以来,新自由主义理论风行一时。

    Since the concept of domain was first introduced by D. Since 1970s , Neo-Liberalism theory is in fashion .

  2. 这一分裂造成了西方自由主义理论阵营内部持久的动荡。

    This caused a split Western liberalism theory camp lasting turmoil .

  3. 经济自由主义理论:困境及其发展

    Theory of Economic Liberalism : a Dilemma and its Development

  4. 各国(地区)互利互惠,共同发展。一般来说,先进国家赞成自由主义理论,后进国家赞成贸易保护理论。

    Each country ( district ) develops with mutual benefit .

  5. 但是,自由主义理论的个中原则仍值得我们研究和借鉴。

    However , the theory of liberalism is still worth studying and learning from .

  6. 在哈耶克整个宪政理论建构过程中,他是以自由主义理论中所主张的一般性行为规则为凭据而形成的。

    Basing on the general rules in his liberalism theory , Hayek formed his constitutional theory .

  7. 司法审查的普通法之维&评《普通法与自由主义理论》

    The Common Law Dimension of Judicial Review & Review on Common Law and Liberal Theory ;

  8. 自由主义理论立足点分析

    On the Basic Theory of Liberalism

  9. 资产阶级自由主义理论中,传媒是以抑制政府,分散制衡的立场来看待与政府的关系。

    In liberalism theory . The media is inhibiting government , scattered to have balances with government .

  10. 存异主要体现在国家干预主义和经济自由主义理论与政策取向之间的互不相容,趋同表现为两者之间互相吸收对方合理的理论并进行综合。

    " Seeking differences " reflects itself in the inconsistency between the country interventionism and economic liberalism .

  11. 在理论界,一直存在着自由主义理论与贸易保护理论之争,这两种理论的对立,实质上是先进国家与后进国家之间利益的对立。

    In the theoretical field , there has been dispute between the liberalism theory and the trade protection theory .

  12. 对其他人而言,他却为洛克的思想,以及政府自由主义理论开创了先河。

    And yet for others , he opened the door to John Locke and the liberal theory of government .

  13. 本文第一章将大略考察社会主义和自由主义理论分歧的起源和发展。

    The source and development of theoretical divergence between socialism and liberalism will be clarified sketchily in Chapter One .

  14. 在他的一生中,其开创性的先进的自由主义理论有着不容忽视的价值。

    In his life , its foundation advanced liberalism theory has the value which not allows to be neglected .

  15. 新自由主义理论导致西方国企普遍实行私有化或社会化及民营化改革。

    In the western , new liberalism has led to state-owned enterprise to put into commonly privatization or socialization .

  16. 本文研究了现代西方自由主义理论的基本逻辑论证结构和元理论范式。

    The dissertation studies the basic logic frame of argumentum and the meta theoretical paradigm of the modern western liberalism .

  17. 有人不顾我们社会主义国情,大力推销西方70年代以来的新自由主义理论,哈耶克、弗里德曼等人的思想一时成为他们的法宝。

    Some people neglect the national conditions of our socialist state , promoting new liberalism theories in west in over 70 's strongly .

  18. 这一理论范式结合了主流的现实主义和自由主义理论,不忽视建构主义理论的观念因素,具有其自身的特色。

    This paradigm , with its own characteristics , combines mainstream realism and liberalism theory , while not ignoring the ideational factor of constructivism .

  19. 然而,自由主义理论的内在矛盾和现实遭遇决定了平社学人的努力又将陷入新的轮回之中。

    But the inner contradiction and the actual encounter determined that the struggle of Pingshe would plunge into a new " samsara " again .

  20. 而自由主义理论之所以具有现代性内涵,在于自由主义在道德哲学最根本的问题上提出了与以往的政治学说完全不同的答案。

    The reason why liberalism is endowed with modern characteristics is that it puts forth a substantially different answer to the basic question of moral philosophy .

  21. 具体来说,德日资本主义模式的形成是新古典的新自由主义理论、凯恩斯的国家干预理论、马克思的社会主义理论共同作用的结果。

    Specifically the German and Japanese mode is founded upon the neo-liberalism from the neo-classic , national interference from Keynesian , and socialist theory from Marxist economics .

  22. 流行观点依据新老自由主义理论,强调市场均衡利率水平的重要性,忽略了利率结构问题。

    Those prevalent ideas base on new and old liberalism , stress on the importance of equilibrium interest rate and neglect the importance of interest rate structure .

  23. 在结论部分,我简单陈述均势理论与它附加的自由主义理论(软实力制衡)使得它们容易被接受,但也容易过度使用导致问题。

    I conclude that the simplicity of the balance of power theory and its soft balancing addendum makes them easy to adopt , but also easy to overuse .

  24. 经济自由主义理论自其产生以后,一直在经济理论发展中占主流地位,并深刻影响着人们的经济政策和经济活动。

    Economic liberalism has played a dominant role in the development of economic theory and influence people 's economic policy making and activities as it came into being .

  25. 第三部分讨论新自由主义理论、左翼批判理论和第三条道路理论对福利国家的批判以及它们所提出的以重构国家与社会关系为核心的新国家理论。

    The third part discusses the animadverts on welfare state rising from Neo-Liberalism , The Left Theory and The Third Road Theory , attempting to sketch their construction proposals .

  26. 本文试图对哈耶克法学思想的一个基础性的概念正当行为规则加以解读,来清理哈耶克的法律思想及他的自由主义理论。

    This paper attempt to analyze a basic concept of Hayek 's theory : rules of just conduct , so we can understand the whole system of Hayek 's theory about law and liberty .

  27. 卢梭对洛克自由主义理论的修正,不但表现在他用“社会状态中的自由”观念去补充洛克的“天赋自由”观念,而且还在其中注入了平等的要求。

    The revision of this theory by Jean-Jacques Rousseau consists not only in completing the concepation of freedom endowed by nature with that by society , but also in adding the demand of equality .

  28. 其自由主义理论体系,由于历史的特定阶段反而彰显着理论的光芒。近现代以来,自由主义在中国得到广泛的传播,并主要有三种表现形态。

    As special stages of history , his theoretical system of liberalism incarnated radiance of theory . Since the recent and modern , liberalism spreaded widely in China and mainly displayed in three forms .

  29. 国家干预与自由放任的争论贯穿于重商主义、古典主义、凯恩斯主义和新自由主义理论中,信息经济学和制度经济学的发展论证了政府和市场走向交融的趋势。

    Tracing the Mercantilism , the Classicalism , the Keynesianism and the New Liberalism , also with the view of Information Economics and Institutional Economics , this paper demonstrates the relationship between the State Interference and the Laissez-faire is interdependent but not substitutive .

  30. 论贡斯当自由主义辨析理论的价值

    On the Value of Benjamin Constant 's Liberalist Discrimination Theory