
zì rán shén lùn
  • deism
自然神论[zì rán shén lùn]
  1. 渐渐地,自然神论的某些方面在美国知识份子之中产生了影响力。

    Gradually , some aspects of the movement known as Deism gained influence among a few American intellectuals .

  2. 同时在宗教批判中逐渐形成了法国式的自然神论。

    And emerge French - style Deism in the religious criticism .

  3. 这种形式的自然主义主张的密切关系,理性主义和自然神论。

    This form of naturalism stands in close relation with Rationalism and Deism .

  4. 而这些就构成了自然神论。

    All of these concerned are the deism .

  5. 自然神论的神学根源

    An Analysis on the Theological Root of Deism

  6. 然而,我们必须了解,欧洲的自然神论从未在美国生根。

    We must realize , however , that European Deism never took root in America .

  7. 自然神论信仰�

    a person who believes in deism .

  8. 伏尔泰的宗教思想是反教会、自然神论、宗教宽容三位一体。

    Voltaire 's religion thoughts were a trinity of anti-church , deism and tolerant of religious .

  9. 我相信自然神论。

    I believe in Deism .

  10. 1778年5月30日,法国启蒙作家、自然神论信仰者、哲学家伏尔泰逝世。

    French Enlightenment writer , deist and philosopher Voltaire died at the age of 84 on May 30th .

  11. 我不知道这是否是科学压倒自然神论的特殊时刻。

    I 'm not sure whether there was a specific moment in which science overtook the deistic explanation of existence .

  12. 与此相反的自然神论,它是承认上帝的存在和活动的每一个部分创作。

    In contrast with Deism , it is the recognition of God 's presence and activity in every part of creation .

  13. 最后,它是有别于自然神论,否认神的活跃,目前参与,在世界上的幸福和世界的历史。

    Finally , it is distinguished from Deism , which denies God 's active , present participation in the world 's being and the world 's history .

  14. 但是,要扭转对自然神论的认识,还需要进一步的专门研究,本文是这方面的一个尝试。

    Nevertheless , much more has to be done to turn over the simplification of deism and this work is therefore an initial attempt to call attention to and deepen the related research work .

  15. 莎士比亚的主张更带有自然神论色彩,塞万提斯则将作家的才情摆在显著的位置,强调人的能力与价值,把人看成是具有无限创造力的生物。

    However , Shakespeare advocated more natural deification , Cervantes put the talent of writers on a remarkable position , reinforcing human abilities and values and regarded human beings as the creature of limitless creativity .

  16. 该书的显著特点是剔除亚里士多德哲学中的自然神论,并融合中国传统格致知识,以演绎推理构成全书内容。

    Among the notable features of this work were its abandonment of the natural theology of Aristotelian philosophy and its integration with Chinese natural sciences ( gezhi ), and its total reliance on deductive reasoning .

  17. 托马斯·杰斐逊和本杰明·富兰克林被认为是自然神论者,他们并不严格遵奉《圣经》为至高真理,但却坚信有“上帝”的存在,因为自然是如此妙不可言,而上帝在创造这个世界之后,就让它按照自然的不变的法则运转下去;

    For starters , Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were both believed to be deists , who don 't follow the Bible explicitly but assume there 's a " god " because nature is so great .

  18. 韦伯在《新教伦理与资本主义精神》中,将职业与天职联系起来,并从这一角度指出,新教伦理促进了资本主义精神的兴起。该文认为这种直接的联系的基础是自然神论。

    In Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism , Weber related the worldly calling , that is , occupation , with the calling from God directly by regarding the achievement in the occupation as the glorification of God .

  19. 自然神论的设计论证明建立在不彻底的经验论基础之上,它与经院哲学的本体论证明和宇宙论证明一起,共同构成了基督教理性神学关于上帝存在的三大经典证明。

    The design of deism bases its testimony on the imperfect empiricism and , with the cosmological testimony and the ontological testimony of the scholasticism , forms the three classical testimonies of the existence of God in the Christian rational theology .

  20. 近年来,在研究欧洲16世纪至18世纪的重大变化过程中,自然神论的重要作用也不断显现出来,它作为导向欧洲启蒙运动的重要步骤也逐渐为国内外学者所确认。

    In recent years , however , the significance of deism becomes more and more obvious in the research for the revolutionary factors of the transition of Europe from the 16th century to 18th century and more scholars have began to realize its leading importance in the European Enlightenment .