
  • 网络Leiden;leighton;Layton;Ryton
  1. 1例因子V莱顿突变成年患者出现烟雾综合征伴脑室出血

    Moyamoya syndrome with intraventricular hemorrhage in an adult with factor V Leiden mutation

  2. 她和同为莱顿研究人员的尤里·罗伯斯(YuriRobbers)报告称,几年后,他们获得了1.2万个视频片段。

    Several years and 12000 snippets of video later , she and Yuri Robbers , also a Leiden researcher , reported the results .

  3. 本文采用莱顿强迫量表(TheLeytonObsessionalInventoryLOI)对45例强迫症、30例抑郁症及69名正常人进行测试。

    Forty & five obsessional patients , 30 depressive patients and 69 normal subjects were ex-amined with The Leyton obsessional Inventory ( LOI ) .

  4. 维冈竞技的边后卫莱顿.贝恩斯希望在这个夏天离开JJB球场。

    Wigan Athletic fullback Leighton Baines is expected to leave the JJB this summer .

  5. 荷兰莱顿大学(LeidenUniversity)研究人类起源的专家维尔·罗伯罗伊克兹(WilRoebroeks)在与论文同时发表的评论中写道,现在评估这项发现的深层含义还为时过早。

    But it is too soon to assess the discovery 's deeper implications , Wil Roebroeks , a specialist in human origins studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands , wrote in a commentary accompanying the report .

  6. “市场认为铜价反弹将是长期的,”麦格理(macquarie)驻伦敦贱金属分析师马克斯莱顿(maxlayton)在最近一份研究报告中指出。

    " The market believes that the copper rally is going to be long-lived , " said Max Layton , a base metals analyst at Macquarie in London , in a recent research note .

  7. 我们的对手是莱顿东方,实际上那是我的处子秀。

    We faced Leyton Orient and it was actually my debut .

  8. 这是莱顿大学医学中心的网站。

    This is the website of the Leiden University Medical Center .

  9. 下一步,是莱顿瓶的发明。

    The next step was the invention of the Leyden jar .

  10. 莱顿强迫量表在中国的初步应用

    The preliminary application of The Leyton Obsessional Inventory in China

  11. 只有不到一半的工作组的成员当选离开莱顿。

    Fewer than half of the group 's members elected to leave Leiden .

  12. 莱顿常常一连12个小时坐在那儿,观看选手们训练。

    Lleyton would sit for up to12 hours a day watching players practise .

  13. 莱顿在她这个年龄的时候可没有这么好的成绩。

    She has achieved already more in tennis than Lleyton had at the same age .

  14. 莱顿瓶的用途是能蓄电。

    The use of the Leyden jar was that it enables electricity to be stored .

  15. 他的出生地在阿姆斯特丹南部20英里的莱顿市,当地也有庆祝他的庆典。

    His birthplace in Leiden , 20 miles south , has naturally organized its own festivities .

  16. 这是莱顿大学数学与自然科学学院的网站。

    This is the website of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Leiden University .

  17. 荷兰莱顿大学精心维系中世纪传统,构建神圣学术殿堂;

    Leiden University of Holland : keep the academic traditional buildings and atmosphere of middle ages ;

  18. 这与莱顿瓶不一样,莱顿瓶只能骤然发出一股电流。

    This was unlike the leyden jar , which merely gave a sudden rush of current .

  19. 自19世纪以来莱顿大学就拥有了欧洲最有实力和最成功的中国系。

    Leiden University has had one of the most ambitious and successful Chinese Departments in Europe ever since the19th century .

  20. 莱顿瓶或电器发出来的电竟使死蛙的腿动起来。

    That electricity from a Leyden jar or an electric machine would cause the legs of a dead frog to move .

  21. 如果莱顿去踢足球,他最终可能会加入他最喜欢的球队阿德莱德乌鸦队。

    Had Lleyton played football , it is quite possible he may have ended up8 playing for his favourite team-the Adelaide crows .

  22. 莱顿说,这毁掉了巢穴的一部分,但是树枝仍旧给它以支撑。

    It ruined part of the nest , but some of the tree limbs that are still sticking out of the ground .

  23. 莱顿的网球生涯是他的父母一手安排的,他们想办法不让他踢足球。

    Lleyton 's career as a tennis player was planned by his parents who tried their best to keep him away from football .

  24. 呵呵,是不是应该:这次航行的原动力来自于荷兰莱顿的大约四百人左右的英国清教徒会众。

    The motivating force behind the voyage had come from a congregation of approximately four hundred English Puritans living in Leiden , Holland .

  25. 马克-艾利斯被判罚禁区内手球,这名射手十分合理的把球送进了莱顿的左手边。

    Mark Ellis was adjudged to have handled inside the area , and the striker duly dispatched the kick inside leighton 's left-hand post .

  26. 几年之后,两个莱顿的学生,古德米斯特和乌伦贝克,提出电子其实是在自旋的。

    And several years later these two graduate students at Leiden by the name of Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck proposed that the electron in fact spins .

  27. 我在莱顿东方呆了四个赛季,不过在我学徒合同的最后一个赛季我离开了,在那个赛季我加入了沃特福德。

    I was at Orient for four seasons but I left in my last year as a scholar and spent the final season at Watford .

  28. 早期的(莱顿瓶)只是由一个盛水(或酒精、或水银)的瓶子和一个浸入液体的长钉子组成。

    An early type consisted merely of a bottle containing water ( or alcohol or mercury ) with a long nail dipping into the liquid .

  29. 伊拉兹马斯大学的鹿特丹管理学院和莱顿大学的中国系已经宣布了一个新的“中国经济和商业”管理项目。

    The Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University , and the Chinese Department of Leiden University have announced a new Masters program in Chinese Economy and Business .

  30. 荷兰莱顿小镇上有一位没有天分的街头音乐家,每天演奏刺耳的萨克斯。当地居民不堪忍受,让警察没收了他的乐器。

    A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument .