
ɡōnɡ ɡào lán
  • bulletin board
  1. 民意测验结果公布在公告栏上。

    The results of the poll were posted on the bulletin board .

  2. 一个人在学校公告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。

    I bought it second - hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board .

  3. 你是怎么知道有这么个公寓出租呢?Sam回答Isawyouradvertisementononeofthebulletinboards.我在一个公告栏上看到了你的广告。

    Sam : I saw your advertisement on one of the bulletin boards .

  4. 基于ASP技术的滚动公告栏的动态更新

    Dynamic Updating of Rolling Announcement Board based on ASP Technology

  5. 也许有人是初次听说Pinterest,这是个表面看似简单,却能让人疯狂上瘾的社交媒体网站,用户可在网站的数字公告栏上收集、共享图片。

    Pinterest , for the uninitiated , is a deceptively simple-sounding , insanely addictive social media site that lets users collect and share images on digital pinboards .

  6. 在公告栏上列出了下一次质量改善培训期的不同时间。

    Posters list the times of the next quality-circle training sessions .

  7. 修改来自可选公告栏列表的公告栏名称。

    Modify Bulletin Board name from list of selectable Bulletin Boards .

  8. 他们在互联网里的电子公告栏把标准化的试题贴出来。

    They post questions from standardized tests on Internet bulletin boards .

  9. 调查结果通常公布在全省各地的公告栏中。

    The results are posted on billboards around the province . '

  10. 在人类学系的公告栏上难道没有通知吗?

    Wasn 't there notice on the Anthropology Department 's bulletin board ?

  11. 在公告栏上有一张学校即将来临的(赛)目。

    On the noticeboard there was a list of forthcoming events at school .

  12. 你们能告诉我公告栏上是谁的内裤!

    You can tell me whose damn panties are on the bulletin board !

  13. 请输入公告栏名称,添加到可选公告栏列表中。

    Enter Bulletin Board name to add to list of selectable Bulletin Boards .

  14. 他是我们教堂的教友,是在公告栏上的。

    He was a member of our church ; he was on the board .

  15. 公告栏上贴满了招聘广告:熨衣工,质检员,出纳员。

    The board was plastered with ads : ironing , quality control , cashier .

  16. 因经常迟到而将我们的名字公布在公告栏上。

    Put us on notice for chronic lateness .

  17. 电子公告栏和论坛;

    BULLETIN BOARD 4 . Providing BBS ;

  18. 我不知道,但那边的公告栏有一幅校园地图。

    No , but there 's a map of the campus on that bulletin board .

  19. 这是一个你随时随地都能访问的在线公告栏。

    It 's an online bulletin board you can access from anywhere at any time .

  20. 未经公司允许擅自张贴、毁损或移走公司公告栏上的通知

    " Posting , defacing or removing notices on the Company Bulletin Board without Company approval "

  21. 贴到了公告栏上

    up on that bulletin board .

  22. 如果你有秘诀,你希望别人知道后对他们在公告栏上。

    If you have recipes you want others to know about post them on the Bulletin Board .

  23. 通常来说你要坚持多找一些地方,比如公司网址、求职公告栏等。

    Often you end up searching in many places , i.e. company websites , job boards , etc.

  24. 执行官们已经表示企业已经摒弃了过去在公告栏里批评业绩不佳员工的做法。

    But executives say the firm has abandoned its old practice of humiliating underperformers in public criticism sessions .

  25. 当天上午,姑娘们出门去看招工公告栏。

    Later that morning , the girls headed out to look at a bulletin board which carried job advertisements .

  26. 在迁安北部,一群下岗工人聚集在一个贴满A4纸招聘广告的公告栏周围。

    In north Qianan , a crowd of laid-off workers gathers around a billboard papered with A4 job advertisements .

  27. 我觉得他们应该会有很多测验,我问了一位正在看公告栏的学生。

    I thought they would have tests , so I asked a student who was looking at the board .

  28. 从公告栏上草草记下的工作信息中,一份收银员的工作似乎是最适合她的。

    Of the jobs she jotted down at the bulletin board , a cashier position looked like her best shot .

  29. 这所基督教学校的管理人员表示,电子邮件、海报和校园公告栏都太容易被大家忽视。

    Administrators at the Christian-based school said e-mails , posters and campus bulletin boards were just too easy to ignore .

  30. 违规二次后,你的相片将会被贴在公司公告栏的如厕违反者目录下。

    After your second offense , your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the Chronic Offenders category .