
  • 网络public life;communal life
  1. 害怕的父母不是帮助青少年制定策略来应对公共生活和与人交往的风险,而是将注意力集中在跟踪、监控和阻止上。

    Rather than helping teens develop strategies for negotiating public life and the risks of interacting with others , fearful parents have focused on tracking , monitoring and blocking .

  2. 置身于波士顿公共生活的热心的和外向的类型(b小托马斯P.奥涅尔)

    The hearty and extroverted types who dominated public life in Boston ( bThomas P. O'Neill , Jr. )

  3. 在WASP的统治下,公共生活中弥漫着的是稳定、坚实、庄重和几分严肃的气氛。

    Under WASP rule , stability , solidity , gravity and a certain weight and aura of seriousness suffused public life .

  4. 本杰明·胡克斯(BenjaminHooks)出生在田纳西州的孟菲斯,当时这个南方城市在所有公共生活领域歧视黑人。

    Benjamin Hooks was born in Memphis , Tennessee , at a time when the southern city discriminated against blacks in all areas of public life .

  5. 论文着重选取事实对20世纪90年代中期后的农村社区公共生活的基本面貌进行了揭示,这些事实有:L村村政功能由管理到服务的转化;

    The paper has chosen several facts to disclose the fundamental features of rural community 's public life .

  6. IBM是罗斯福1935年采用的新社会保险体系的中流砥柱,借此它踏足公共生活领域,发挥重要的商业作用,它还在研究方面投入大笔金钱。

    As well as making an important commercial entry into the public arena , by providing the backbone of a new social-security system introduced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1935 , IBM also spent a lot of money on research .

  7. 社会变革与公共生活伦理的养成机制

    The Social Changing and Constructing Mechanism Ethics of the Public Life

  8. 在我们的公共生活中,在我们的私人生活中。

    In our public life , and in our personal lives .

  9. 社群与邻里在公共生活中所扮演的角色

    The role that community and neighborhood played in public life

  10. 现代产品设计与公共生活安全关系的研究

    Research of the Relationship between Modern Product Design and Public Living Safety

  11. 孔子的伦理思想与当代公共生活伦理建设

    Confucian Ethics and Constructing Ethics of the Current Public Life

  12. 在个人和公共生活中值得信赖的人

    Men who can be trusted in public and private life

  13. 在社会公共生活日益扩张的今天,工作伦理成为社会价值的源点。

    Work ethic is becoming one of the sources for social value .

  14. 城市中心交往空间的公共生活研究探索&读扬·盖尔《公共空间·公共生活》有感

    Research on public life in intercourse space in city center Public Relations

  15. 如果他们欢迎并鼓励女人参与到公共生活中去

    if they welcomed and encouraged women to participate in public life .

  16. 社论会提出要求,他要么宣布放弃信仰,要么从公共生活中隐退。

    Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life .

  17. 的确,美国妇女的地位在公共生活未被充分代表。

    American women are certainly under-represented in public life .

  18. 您的职业目标和公共生活的幸福。

    Your professional goals and public life are blessed .

  19. 在北京宜家,公共生活从没如此丰富过。

    Communal living has never been as celebrated as in the Beijing Ikea .

  20. 作为开国元勋在杰斐逊的公共生活中

    in Jefferson 's public life as a founding father

  21. 但在今年,该节目却变成了有关宗教信仰和公共生活的战场。

    But this year it turned into a battleground over religion and public life .

  22. 这种驱动机制是公民积极参与公共生活的活力之源,也是当代共和主义塑造积极公民战略性选择方案的实质内容。

    This dynamism guarantees citizens ' enthusiasm to actively participate in the public life .

  23. 在公共生活中只有受害者才能立足吗?

    Will only victims do in public life ?

  24. 3,住政治上是公共生活的不负责任。

    3 , irresponsibility in public political life .

  25. 亚里士多德的公共生活世界

    Aris to tle 's World of Public Life

  26. 公民不是私民,就在于他参与公共生活。

    The nature and scope of citizens public life are different in different times .

  27. 论公共生活中的公共信用构建

    Construction of Public Credit in Our Public Life

  28. 我还要对那些公共生活中的其他人说:停止与那些努力作对。

    And I say to others in public life : Stop fighting those efforts .

  29. 是这个运动关于女人在公共生活中角色的意识形态

    is a movement 's ideology regarding the role of women in public life .

  30. 论公共生活及其主体性品质

    On Common Life and Its Subjectivity Features