
  • 网络public opinion;public discourse
  1. 民调显示公共舆论对此项税改喜忧参半。

    Polls indicate public opinion is evenly split on the tax .

  2. 公共舆论的形成与文学变革

    Formation of " Public Opinion " and Transformation in Literature

  3. 辽宁省新兴传媒公共舆论的调控及管理研究

    Liaoning Regulating of the Public Opinion on the New Media

  4. 构建和谐社会之公共舆论监督

    On the Public Opinion Supervision in Constructing the Harmonious Society

  5. 在监管机构和公共舆论的推动下,它们从错误中吸取了教训。

    Prompted by regulators and public opinion , they have learnt from mistakes .

  6. 近代组织传媒与晚清公共舆论的扩张&以学堂生群体和功能性社团为中心

    Communication in Modern Organization and Diffusion of Public Opinion During Later Qing Dynasty

  7. 一旦公共舆论打好基础,就不太能被撼动了。

    And once public opinion is established , it is unlikely to change .

  8. 这三个方面是政府公共舆论管理的基本要件。

    These three aspects are the basic elements for the governmental administration of public opinion .

  9. 网络公共舆论的形成机理及其影响政策制定的途径

    The Mechanism of Public Opinion Formation in Internet and Its Approach to Influence the Policy-making

  10. 要解决类似问题就要从制度上和机制上来规制网络公共舆论。

    We should regulate the net public opinion by system and institution to resolve these problems .

  11. 建构绿色的公共舆论空间

    Construct Green Public Opinion Space

  12. 现代中国的公共舆论

    Public Opinion of Modern China

  13. 公共舆论发生了转变。

    Public opinion has turned .

  14. 对公共舆论实施引导是最为常见的政府管理行为。

    To implement guidance to the public opinions is a frequently seen act of the governmental administration .

  15. 大众传媒、公共舆论与美国对外政策:以中美撞机事件为例

    Mass Media , Public Opinions and American Foreign Policy : A Case Study of the Sino-US Airplane Collision

  16. 准确的答案似乎是:公共舆论将起权威性评判家的作用。

    The right answer seems to be , that public opinion shall play the part of authoritative critic .

  17. 法律层面的辩论非常激烈,但在公共舆论场上,战斗已经结束。

    The legal rhetoric was sharp ; but in the court of public opinion , the battle was over .

  18. 但是,政府对公共舆论也存在着一个合理干预的问题。

    However , the government also has a problem of rational intervention existing in the respect of the public opinion .

  19. 利益集团通过他们的社会关系网络、公共舆论、说服和求助专家顾问团体等手段来实现他们的目标。

    The interest groups realize their aim by social connection network , public consensus , persuading , resorting to expert group .

  20. 所以,如果想更好地管理,或是统治人民的作为,必须从管好公共舆论开始。

    So , if we are going to govern or regulate human behavior , we have to begin by regulating opinion .

  21. 当世界各国寻求新技术和新融资时,公共舆论和政治意志的取向就会变得十分重要。

    As the world seeks new technologies and new financing , the direction of public opinion and political will becomes critical .

  22. 公共舆论的适度自由与相对独立的精神品格,有利于和谐社会的构建。

    The comparatively free and independent nature of public opinions could have a better influence on the construction of a harmonious society .

  23. 他必须首先使得公共舆论愿意听取意见,紧接着就务必作到使舆论愿意听取正确的意见。

    He must first make public opinion willing to listen and then see to it that it listen to the right things .

  24. 公共舆论的最大特点是它每天都在发生,处于动态变化之中。

    The greatest characteristic of the public opinion is their coming into being from day to day , in a dynamic alteration .

  25. 在维护公民权利、限制公权力培养公民法治精神方面网络公共舆论也起到了促进作用,同时也促进了我国的法治进程。

    The net public opinion is very helpful to safeguarding civil right , restricting power , cultivating civil consciousness and law spirit .

  26. 微博成为公共舆论的新空间,为信息的公开提供动力支持和平台保障。

    Th-e Micro-blog become the new space of public opinion , it provides support and platf-orm security for the disclosure of information .

  27. 作为公共舆论平台和政府监督形式的有力补充,新闻舆论是重大工程科学决策的重要保证。

    As the public opinion platform and complements of government oversight , news media is an important guarantee for scientific decision-making project .

  28. 如果美国相对衰落的问题不能得到恰当的讨论,美国的公共舆论对于迎接一个新时代就可能准备不足。

    The failure to have a proper discussion of relative decline also risks leaving American public opinion unprepared for a new era .

  29. 随着网络技术的发展,网络公共舆论也随之出现,并对政治的决策和社会公共事务的运行产生很大的影响。

    With the development of the internet technology , the net public opinion formed that affected greatly the policy and the social affair .

  30. 微博在中国的流行,不仅改变了个人的生活,也影响了公共舆论的生态。

    Micro blog is not only changed the lives of individuals , but also affected public opinion ecology with its popularity in China .