- listed company;public company

Management Risk Preference 、 Compensate Incentive and R D Investment Based on Chinese Listed Company
We have chosen Logistic regression model as the theory models of credit risks prediction of listed company .
Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers .
Some of Australia 's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week .
When a corporation becomes bankrupt , its stock is of no value any more .
Instead of civil suits or modest inheritance and divorce cases , they are eager to undertake lucrative notarial work for new companies , real estate firms and the like .
How to guarantee the verity of the financial information disclosed by listed companies ?
Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .
Listed Company 's Implicative MBO and Its countermeasures
An Empirical Analysis of the Performance Changes and the Affecting Factors of Listed Companies after SEO
An Empirical Study on Financial Distress Prediction of Listed Companies on KMV Model
An Empirical Research on the Association between Firm Characteristics and IPO Underpricing The Listed Companies ′ Features Comparison with Different Institutional Investors ′ Share-holding Proportion
A deal to take Clear Channel private would be worth more than $ 17.5bn , making it the biggest leveraged buy-out in the media industry and the latest example of large family-run businesses abandoning the public markets .
Meantime , it introduces the case of indirect MBO of listed company , which has validity to seek for the current development of MBO .
With the development of listed company , as a new form , management buyouts gradually occured in our country 's reform of economic system .
On the basis of reviewing the existing literature , the paper examined the market reaction of the ultra-ability dividends payout announcement by Cumulative Abnormal Return method ( CAR ) The empirical result shows that the market reaction is quite impassive and even negative .
However , the influences are not great . Further studies about accounting index discover that EVA does not explain the capital structure more efficiently than EPS and ROE .
Using the linearity recursion and F test method , the paper makes positive investigation analysis about the accounting and disclosure problems of stock option plan in listed companies and then proposes the betterment of the stock option accounting process ;
Based on the differences of ST and non-ST listed companies , using distance judge France , establishing the early warning models for their overall financial situation and forecasting the financial position of enterprises will warn models for four respects .
Using data from Chinese A-share market ( 1992 ~ 2002 ), we examined the Chinese listed companies ' capital structure changes by taking the Fama-Macbeth method .
As a private company , NG of listed companies relative to the stock ownership incentive mode totally different , to be able to smooth implementation of the stock ownership incentive , the related elements which will be targeted design .
Equity concentration ratio CR5 which is the sum of shares of the leading five shareholders and corporate performance present an inverse-U shape .
Another innovation lies in , in our country 's present actual conditions , have proposed the design plans of ESO key-element of suiting our country 's national conditions , offer effectual guidance for the listed company of our country implementing ESO as much as possible .
In this article , taking listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen before end of 2005 as research object , uses Jones'section mode way REDCA ( ROA in Estimation Discretionary Current Accruals ) which was revised by Hollis in 2003 to measure the earnings management of listed companies .
The Research of the Interrelation between Chinese Stock Price and Macroeconomy
Complexity Analysis on Evolution Efficiency of China 's listed Company System
Governance Frame and Policy Design of China 's Family-controlled Listed Companies
Corporate Governance : Theory , Modes and China Listed Companies ' Practice
Listed company relative trade interest export 's influence factor research
Double Principal-agent Theory : Another Analysis Framework of Listed Companies ' Governance