
shànɡ miàn jiào mǔ
  • top yeast
  1. 上面酵母比下面酵母的乙醛含量低。

    The end-of-fermentation acetaldehyde content tended to be lower using top yeast than bottom yeast .

  2. 上面酵母是活跃的发酵剂。

    Top yeasts are Vigorous fermenters .

  3. 小麦啤酒是以小麦麦芽为主要原料(占原料总量的40%以上),采用上面酵母发酵酿制而成。

    Wheat beer was produced from wheat malt ( accounting for 40 % of the raw material ) by top fermentation yeast .

  4. 应用上面发酵酵母发酵的全小麦啤酒的泡沫性能较好,酯香浓郁,口感醇厚。

    The whole wheat beer which used top beer yeast have good foam , strong easter fragrant and mellow mouthfeel .

  5. 更有甚者,简约得干脆把小寸盘悉数去掉,只留下平整的白桌布或纸卷,径直在上面切手工酵母面包。

    Simplicity usually extends to doing away with the side plate altogether and relying on the clean expanse of white tablecloth or paper slip on which to break the hand-made sourdough .