
jīng shén wěi mǐ
  • One's spirits are drooping
精神萎靡[jīng shén wěi mǐ]
  1. 1临床表现:模型组SD大鼠在用药12-15d开始出现多尿、精神萎靡、眼睑周围浮肿、体重增长缓慢等一系列阳虚型肾功能衰竭临床表现,空白组外观及活动正常,体重上升。

    Results : 1 Clinical performance : The model group was beginning to emerge more urine , psychotropic medication , dropsy . The normal group 's activity was not unusual ;

  2. 其余3组注射STZ后,均出现明显的多饮、多食、多尿症状,并慢慢出现精神萎靡,反应迟钝,少动抱团。

    After STZ injection , the rats of other three groups all presented obviously polydipsia , polyphagia , polyuria , and presented slowly the energetic dispirited , the slow reaction , little moves hugs the group .

  3. 结果刺激组(SG)毛发相对黯淡无光、卷曲,精神萎靡,惊恐,消瘦,肢体无力,摄食减少,饮水减少,手术伤口愈合迟缓,符合中医脑梗死后遗症征候。

    Results In electric stimulation group , the rats showed relatively dark and convoluted hair , depression , emotional panic , emaciation , somatasthenia , bad appetite , decreased drinking , delayed operative cut healing , which consisted with the signs of cerebral infarction sequela in Traditional Chinese medicine .

  4. 脱水会导致虚弱、精神萎靡以致死亡。

    Dehydration can lead to weakness , mental fatigue and eventually death .

  5. 消除嗜睡和精神萎靡。

    Relieves lethargy and mental sluggishness .

  6. 在大多数情况下,它一般表现为精神萎靡、感觉生活没有意义。

    In most cases , it manifests itself as general listlessness and a feeling that life has no meaning .

  7. 结果34例老年吸入性肺炎中,32例无明确吸入史,合并2种以上疾病者26例;以精神萎靡为主要表现者14例;

    Results 32 cases were without definite aspiration history and 26 cases suffered originally from more than two other diseases .

  8. 模型组小鼠精神萎靡,动作迟缓无力,摄食减少,皮毛不荣,怕冷。

    Model group , the apathetic , slow to weakness , reduced feeding , fur is not glory , cold .

  9. 结果57例患儿,重要临床表现为精神萎靡、嗜睡、抽搐、声嘶、呛奶等症状。

    Results Of all the 57 cases , the common important clinical complains were weary , twitch , hoarseness and cough .

  10. 抗战爆发之时,中国国力衰败,民族精神萎靡。

    When the Anti-Japanese War breaks out , Chinese national power is at low ebb , and the national spirit is dejected .

  11. 结果模型组动物皮毛稀疏,精神萎靡,懒动,大便溏稀,耳垂毛细血管紫暗;

    Result Phenomenons , including rare fur , depression , lazy , duck stools and purpl dim in micrangium micrangium , occurred in model group .

  12. 原因不明的情绪变化,特别是感觉精神萎靡或烦躁,可能预示着你的身体没有得到它所需要的能量。

    Unexplained mood changes , especially feeling apathetic or irritable , can be a sign that your body isn 't getting the energy it needs .

  13. 在我很小的时候我的父母就教我不要相信这样的事情,(因为一旦相信了这神神鬼鬼的事情,)就会让你精神萎靡影响到你的正常生活。

    My parents taught me never to believe such things at a very young age as these will drive you insane and affect your normal life .

  14. 目前国内外临床上主要将它应用于治疗精神萎靡、酒精中毒及胃和十二指肠溃疡等疾病。

    At present , mainly on the current clinical treatment , it is applied to cure depression , alcoholism and diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcer .

  15. 一位自称名为约翰的病人是一名40岁的风险投资人,他告诉《金融时报》说,他缺乏动力、精神萎靡,一开始被诊断为抑郁症。

    One patient , a 40-year-old venture capitalist who goes only by the name John , told the paper that his lack of drive and lethargy was initially diagnosed as depression .

  16. 在交稿后,我在度假时采用了突然戒除法,因为我明白,当我在威尔士海岸漫步时,头疼和精神萎靡的痛苦程度要轻得多。

    Manuscript submitted , I went cold turkey on holiday , knowing that the headache and sluggishness of mind would be both less painful and less important while wandering around the Welsh coast .

  17. 术后出现脑栓塞2例,精神萎靡或错乱7例,失血性休克2例,心律失常2例,肺部感染3例,静脉血栓形成11例,泌尿系感染5例,应激性溃疡1例。

    After operation , there were 2 cases of cerebral embolism , 7 psychological fusion , 2 hemorrhagic shock , 2 arrhythmia , 3 pulmonary infection , 11 vascular embolization , 5 genitourinary infection and 1 gastrointestinal ulcer .

  18. 这不但会使人类的成熟年龄提前,还会使人生理节奏失调,进而出现心悸、胸闷、精神萎靡等现象。

    This not only can make ripe age of the mankind shifts to an earlier date , still can make person physiology rhythm maladjusted , appear then palpitation , bosom frowsty , spirit is dispirited wait for a phenomenon .

  19. 用14号、16号钝头直针组,术后门脉压力均升高,但14号钝头直针组大鼠术后表现明显拒食、精神萎靡、体重减轻、腹水形成并相继死亡。

    Portal pressure had increased in the two groups of gauge 14 and gauge 16 . In the gauge 14 group , the rats had expressed anepithymia , loss of body weight , ascites formation and died one by one .

  20. 结果:造模完成后,造模组出现肾虚症状,主要有倦怠、精神萎靡,游泳过后主动拥挤在一起,活动少,畏寒怕冷,皮毛不光泽,大便清稀。

    Results : Results : The model is completed , the model appears Kidney symptoms , mainly fatigue , make them apathetic , swimming after the initiative crowded together , the activities of small , cold chills , fur is not shiny , thin stool .

  21. 从不同方面探讨生物材料的植入对肿瘤动物模型的影响。结果:1.经加速器电子线照射免疫抑制处理的树鼩,射线照射后活动减少、行动迟缓、精神萎靡,进食减少,甚至拒食。

    Explore the influence of the implantation of Biological materials affected on tumor animal models from different aspects . Result : 1 . The immune suppressed tree shrews which treated by Electron accelerator radiation processing were activities reduced , slow , inactive , eating less , and even antifeedant .

  22. 大众文化的张扬与人的批判精神的萎靡;

    The popularization of public civilization and weariness of human criticism spirit ;

  23. 当他在挣扎,在冲在挤地时候,脚下的距离并没有故意跑来捣乱,可等他现在抓紧了,这高度却让他的精神和大脑都萎靡屈服。

    While he had been weltering , hooling and thurling , the distance beneath him had not bothered him unduly , but now that he was gripping , the distance made his heart wilt and his brain bend .

  24. 学生在语文学习中享受不到情感被抚慰、灵魂被触动所带来的精神愉悦,反而常常在语文课堂中精神萎靡、表情呆滞,进而在日常生活中也缺乏人情味儿。

    Students can not enjoy the spiritual joy caused by emotional comfort and the touched soul in Chinese language learning . In the Chinese language classroom , students are often apathetic and expressionless , and lack of " human feelings " in their daily lives .

  25. 第三人精神损害是指第三人因耳闻或目睹直接侵权行为所造成的严重伤害而引起的心神不定、精神萎靡、绝望等种种精神损伤的总称。

    The moral damage of the third person is the general term for the restless , apathetic , and despair spiritual damage caused by the third person who heard or witnessed the serious damage caused by the direct infringement .