
jīng shén cuò luàn
  • be destroyed;insane;delirious;get out of one's mind;dementia;lunacy;deranged
精神错乱[jīng shén cuò luàn]
  1. 囚犯正慢慢地变得精神错乱起来。

    The prisoners were slowly going insane .

  2. 他觉得贝洛夫精神错乱是难以置信的。

    He found it inconceivable that belov was insane .

  3. 他患有某种类型的精神错乱。

    He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder .

  4. 他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。

    He became delirious and couldn 't recognize people .

  5. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪,但以精神错乱为由逃过惩罚。

    He was charged with murder , but got off on a plea of insanity .

  6. 家族遗传的精神错乱困扰着他。

    The insanity which ran in his family haunted him .

  7. 马尔科姆看着她好像在看一个精神错乱的疯子。

    Malcolm looked at her as if she were a raving lunatic .

  8. 菲利普斯谋杀了他的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。

    Phillips murdered his wife , but got off on a plea of insanity

  9. 辩护律师申辩称被告精神错乱,但最后被告还是被认定有罪并判刑。

    The defence pleaded insanity , but the defendant was found guilty and sentenced .

  10. 这个警方认定为精神错乱的男子被认为是8起袭击事件的制造者。

    The man , who police believe is psychotic , is thought to be responsible for eight attacks .

  11. InsanityPlea(pleaofinsanity)以精神错乱为由抗辩菲利普斯谋杀了他的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。Judgment判决

    Phillips murdered his wife , but got off on a plea of insanity .

  12. 由于一种莫名的精神错乱,他把自己的名字忘了。

    Owing to a strange mental aberration he forgot his own name .

  13. 接下来的九个月,约伯处于持续精神错乱的状态。

    For the next nine months , Job was in constant delirium .

  14. Tom并不是一个有武器的精神错乱的人;

    Tom wasn 't an armed lunatic ;

  15. Yu援引一个先前的研究,就是把梦境主题与精神错乱做比较。

    Yu cites a prior study that compared dream themes to psychosis .

  16. v.使错乱;扰乱那女人已精神错乱好几年了。

    derange The poor woman 's mind has been deranged for many years .

  17. 独立议员鲍勃凯特(bobkatter)认为此项收购提案“极度之精神错乱”。

    Bob katter , an independent MP , called the proposal " lunacy on a grand scale " .

  18. 他对Bloomberg新闻说,被调查者中大约有一半的人精神错乱“相当严重”。

    He told the Bloomberg news agency that the finding of a psychiatric disorder in about half of those studied " seems extraordinarily high . "

  19. 异化一词出自拉丁文alienation,有让渡、转让、疏远、差异、分离、精神错乱等义。

    The word alienation , which has origin in Latin , has the same connotation with demisability , transference , estrangement , separation , mental disorder , etc. Afterwards , different philosophers have defined the alienation in diversified ways .

  20. 在意大利,人们曾怀疑茄子会让人精神错乱,于是把它叫做malainsana,也就是“疯狂的苹果”。

    In Italy , where eggplant was suspected of causing insanity , it was called mala insana ," mad apple " .

  21. 华盛顿州一名杀手正在肆意横行,但是他是合法的精神错乱的杀手。

    A killer is in Washington state , a legally killer .

  22. 她开始想这个人一定是精神错乱了。

    She began to think he was out of his senses .

  23. 昏迷病人或精神错乱病人需要精心护理。

    Patients who are comatose or mentally deranged need careful nursing .

  24. 悲哀使他精神错乱。这时,悲哀化作了欢笑。

    Grief distracted him . Now sorrow gave way to smiles .

  25. 她嫁给一个精神错乱的人。

    She was married to a man who 'd gone mad .

  26. 他说,她们看上去有点精神错乱。

    ' They looked sort of demented , ' he said .

  27. 精神错乱的由于婚姻她最终疯了。

    She became mad in the end because of her marriage .

  28. 兰尼的律师们已经准备了精神错乱辩护。

    Lane 's lawyers had been preparing an insanity defense .

  29. 你认为他被那次经历弄得有点精神错乱吗?

    Do you think he was a little unhinged by the experience ?

  30. 因为你看起来有点精神错乱。

    Because you -- you seem a little ... unhinged .