
  • 网络Weissman;Weismann;Weismann A
  1. Aurora生物燃料公司的魏斯曼自从上个世纪70年代的石油危机以来一直在研究种植海藻作为燃油的可能性。

    Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s .

  2. 不收取管理费很重要,魏斯曼说。

    Not getting paid to manage money was really important , says Mr Weissman .

  3. 我们花了一年时间尝试找出最佳办法,魏斯曼说。

    We spent a year trying to figure out the best way , says Mr Weissman .

  4. 据魏斯曼介绍,合唱团上周已在北京大学和北京外国语大学演出,这周他们将去美国。

    Vaisman said the choir performed at Peking University and Beijing Foreign Studies University last week and would head back to the US this week .

  5. 由于几乎没有使用者,这家公司资金逐渐枯竭,但博思威克和魏斯曼决定亲自管理一段时间,而不是将其关闭。

    With few users it was running out of cash but Mr Borthwick and Mr Weissman decided to manage it themselves for a while , instead of shutting it .

  6. 一个正常的投资者会说,‘止损吧,不要再浪费我的时间’,但由于我们很灵活,所以我们可以比较从容,魏斯曼说。

    A normal investor would say ' cut my losses and cut my time ', but because we were flexible we were able to take some time , says Mr Weissman .