
  • 网络Wei;CHINA
  1. 魏巍的《地球的红飘带》是一部以长征为题材的现实主义与浪漫主义相结合的力作。

    The Red Ribbon Of The Earth , written by Wei Wei , is a romantic masterpiece based on the world-famous Long March .

  2. 作为领舞男演员,魏巍异常出色,他的舞伴是优秀的梁菲(剧中唯一的一位女演员),他们上演了另一幕激情四射的双人舞。

    Wei Wei was outstanding as the leading man , and partnered an excellent Faye Leung ( the only woman in the ballet ) in another intense duet .

  3. 魏巍在抗美援朝战争期间发表的一批令人荡气回肠的作品,唱出了那个时代真诚的精神与信念。吸引了不少研究者对其进行研究。

    Weiwei writed a series of literary works which were published during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea . The works sincerely reflects the spirit and belief of that period which draws many researchers attention to their research .

  4. 魏巍的抗美援朝作品中涉及到很多朝鲜人物、风俗和方物、景物描述,也有观念、言词和套话,总之,它是存在于作品中的相关的主观情感、思想、意识和客观物象的总和。

    The works of Weiwei involves many North Korea characters , custom and scenery , also have ideas , words and cliches . In a word , all of these exist in the works related to the subjective feelings , thoughts , conscience , and the objective images .