
zhòu yǔ
  • incantation;curses;imprecation;exorcism;spell;mantra
咒语 [zhòu yǔ]
  • [incantation] 某些宗教、巫术中被认为可以帮助法术施行的口诀;神话故事中认为可以起到特殊效果的词语

咒语[zhòu yǔ]
  1. 他要用他的咒语把吉姆变成像公主一样的戒指!

    He will use his incantation make Jim become a ring like princess !

  2. 也不是召唤一朵玫瑰的幽灵的咒语。

    Nor is it an incantation to summon the spectre of a Rose .

  3. 巫师念了一道咒语。

    The wizard recited a spell .

  4. 夏尔马先生点上香,念起梵文咒语。

    Mr Sharma lit incense and chanted Sanskrit mantras .

  5. 他低声地发出咒语。

    He uttered imprecations under his breath .

  6. 男孩很非常开心的用了这两个咒语。

    The boy was happy and tried to use the spells .

  7. 我可以用咒语保护你。

    I can do a spell to protect you .

  8. 这个巫师感到很惊讶,问这个年轻人关于咒语的事情。

    The wizard was surprised , and asked the young man about the spells .

  9. 魔力术语“咒语”最初适用于治疗枯草热的特殊目的。

    The magic word " abracadabra " was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing hay fever .

  10. 有可能是咒语把那个鬼魂召唤出来的,但我想应是该他的邀请。

    It might have been the chant but I am almost sure it was his invitation that provoked it .

  11. 巫婆说:“或许我可以做的到,但你必须一字不落地告诉我下咒的时候说的那句咒语。”

    The wizard says , " Maybe , but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you . "

  12. 王七念过咒语后,果然能够穿墙而过,他非常高兴,谢过师傅就下了山。

    After reciting the incantations of the magic , Wang Qi made it . With great pleasure , Wang Qi said goodbye to his teacher and went back home .

  13. 然后就把穿墙术的咒语告诉了王七。王七念过咒语后,果然能够穿墙而过,他非常高兴,谢过师傅就下了山。

    that let him walk through a wall . After reciting the incantations , Wang Qi made it through the wall . With great pleasure , Wang Qi said goodbye to his teacher and went back home .

  14. 加拿大人说:“我是个父亲我儿子将成为农夫,因此我想让加拿大的土地永远肥沃。”精灵说了咒语愿望实现了。

    The Canadian said , " I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile . " The genie said the magic words and the wish came true .

  15. 被全世界识破真实身份后压力山大的彼得到奇异博士的至圣所求助,请教这位在复仇者联盟系列电影中结识的至尊魔法师是否有咒语可以让全世界忘记彼得·帕克和蜘蛛侠是同一个人。

    The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange 's Sanctum Sanctorum , where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme ( whom he got to know in the Avengers movies ) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person .

  16. 仁波切随后指示我们为TM唱诵长寿佛咒语。

    Rinpoche then instructed us to chant Namo Amitabha for TM .

  17. 早在JK罗琳构思创作《哈利波特》系列之前,奥伯伦就开始向有志成为魔法师的人们教授咒语了。奥伯伦曾担任教师和顾问。

    The former teacher and counselor was teaching spells to aspiring wizards long before JK Rowling even dreamed up Harry Potter .

  18. 之后,我朋友的房子里再没发生什么大事,我便抓紧时间把电视机和X盒子搬到楼上。有可能是咒语把那个鬼魂召唤出来的,但我想应是该他的邀请。

    After that nothing major happened in his house and I was only in his basement long enough to move the TV and X-Box upstairs .

  19. Java代码受到自己“随处运行”的咒语限制,并且调用本机函数(例如通过Java本机接口)是一个大忌。

    Java code is restricted by its " run anywhere " mantra , and calling native functions through the Java Native Interface ( JNI ) for example is a big no-no.

  20. 这在改革宗和路德宗的圈子内,已经变成一种咒语(mantra)。

    This has become something of a mantra in Reformed as well as in Lutheran circles .

  21. 然而,使用者只能在发动期间发动SC指定的咒语,这限制了SC的全局用途。

    However , the user may only cast the spell that was specified by the Spell Card until the trance ends , limiting its overall usefulness .

  22. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame ,' the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights .

  23. 咒语是很小、很小的字体写的,因此教母就没有看,而是希望魔法交易委员会(Sorcerers'ExchangeCommission)已经作了检查。

    Rumpelstiltskin sent the Fairy Godmother the recipe for this magic spell . It was in tiny , tiny writing , so she did not read it but hoped the Sorcerers ' Exchange Commission had checked it .

  24. 新泽西州峰岭区(GlenRidge)的贝琪•米德尔顿(BeckyMiddleton)有四个孩子,一个6岁、两个9岁,最大的11岁。她说她想选的是能控制音量的咒语。

    Becky Middleton of Glen Ridge , N.J. , who has four children ages 6 , 9 , 9 and 11 , said her spell of choice would be volume control .

  25. 莫莉•布伦南(MollyBrennan)是两个孩子的妈,在周六晚间参加了新泽西州蒙特克莱尔(Montclair)的沃昌书店(WatchungBooksellers)的新书发布会。她提出一个叫做“表现好点儿!(Behavioramus)”的咒语。

    Molly Brennan , a mother of two attending a book release party on Saturday night at Watchung Booksellers in Montclair , N.J. , suggested a spell called Behavioramus .

  26. 这个问题对他来说已经变得有点像一个咒语了,他解释道,Fassbender的明智的选择让他作为一个曾经的哈利波特这个角色来说面临更加艰难的选择。

    Has become a bit of a mantra for him , explaining that it 's Fassbender 's smart choices that have put him on such a high pedestal for the former Harry Potter star .

  27. 他看守着通往大海的咒语。

    Who guards the secrets of the passage to the sea .

  28. 我想恶魔男爵念了下雨的咒语。

    I thought that evil Baron cast a spell for rain .

  29. 你知道有什么咒语里用这个词的吗?

    Do you know of a spell that uses those words ?

  30. 我知道,造物主肯定是给我下了咒语。

    I knew the Lord had put a spell on me .