
  • 网络Danba;danba county
  1. 四川省丹巴县建设街后山滑坡稳定性评价与防治工程作用效果分析

    Research on the Stability and Controlling Engineering Effect of the Danba Landslide

  2. 县级泥石流信息系统的建立及其应用&以四川省丹巴县为例

    Designing and application of debris flow information system in County Grade A Case Study in Danba county , Sichuan Province

  3. 燕子沟金矿床位于四川甘孜州丹巴县,永西穹窿核部。

    Yanzigou gold deposit is located in Yongxi dome core of Ganzi Danba county in Sichuan province .

  4. 丹巴县建设街后山滑坡是我国近年来遇到的变形速度最大、危害最严重、防治处理难度最大的滑坡之一。

    The movement of the landslide was made serious damage to the buildings which were in front of it .

  5. 丹巴县中小学新教师入职教育的实施问题研究

    A Study on the Practice Problem of Inductive Education for Beginning Teacher of Primary and Secondary School in Danba County

  6. 单体危岩崩塌灾害风险评价方法&以四川省丹巴县危岩崩塌体为例

    Risk assessment method for single rockfall geo-disaster : a case study on the rockfall in Danba County , Sichuan , China

  7. 受地质、地貌、水文气象条件及人类活动的影响,丹巴县泥石流、滑坡、崩塌及潜在不稳定斜坡地质灾害呈现分布广、成灾快、危害大等特点。

    Induced by geological , geomorphological and hydrogeological features and human activity , wide-spread geological hazards such as debris flows , landslides , land collapses and potential unstable slopes often occur in Danba , Sichuan .

  8. 四川省甘孜州丹巴县巴底乡邛山沟于2003年7月11日晚暴发罕见泥石流,给当地造成巨大的人员和财产损失。

    An unusual debris flow broke out at Danba county of Ganzi of Sichuan province in the night on July 11 , 2003 . It is an extraordinarily serious natural disaster there in a century that caused enormous losses of life and property .