
zú zhǎng
  • clan elder;the head of a clan;clan leader;chieftain;chief;patriarch;induna
族长 [zú zhǎng]
  • [the head of a clan;clan leader] 一个宗族中行辈、地位最尊的人

族长[zú zhǎng]
  1. 他有着族长式的慷慨大方,同时却又冷漠无情。

    His patriarchal generosity is counterbalanced by his ruthlessness .

  2. 男人们聚集在族长们面前。

    The men mustered before their clan chiefs

  3. 宗族族长约瑟夫·肯尼迪通过一系列便笺和博比交流。

    Joseph Kennedy , the clan 's patriarch , communicated with Bobby in a series of notes .

  4. 好时和费列罗拥有强大而保守的控股股东分别是HersheySchoolTrust和费列罗家族年逾八旬的老族长。

    Hershey and Ferrero have powerful , conservative controlling shareholders the Hershey School Trust and the octogenarian patriarch of the Ferrero family respectively .

  5. 全书上半部分集中描写了倔强的族长以及他死后继承家族产业的儿子塞伦(salem)的故事。

    The first half of the story is dominated by the tough patriarch , and Salem , the son who takes over the family enterprises after his death .

  6. 卡帕萨家族的女族长西尼奥拉·卡帕萨(SignoraCapasa)穿着一袭白衣,白发长辫垂在背上,时尚得令人难以置信。

    Dressed all in white , a long white braid down her back , Signora Capasa , the matriarch of the family , is impossibly chic .

  7. 这些手段并不是全新的:50多年前,幽默作家迈克尔弗兰德斯(MichaelFlanders)创造了一个独断专行的食人者,头衔是助理族长的首席助理,恐怕他脑海里也有某个组织中特定的人吧。

    Such tactics are not entirely new : more than 50 years ago , the humorist Michael Flanders created a dogmatic cannibal who was chief assistant to the assistant chief , and presumably he had a particular organisation man in mind .

  8. Weaver在影片中扮演了墨尔本恶名昭著的犯罪家族中的女族长,她的表现得到了来自全世界的赞许,人们将她比作自FayeDunaway出演《亲爱的妈咪》以来最出色的女族长形象。

    Her portrayal as the matriarch of a notorious Melbourne crime family has won worldwide praise and comparisons to being the most terrifying matriarch figure since Faye Dunaway in " Mommie , Dearest " .

  9. 449年,一位朱特族长成为了肯特的国王。

    A Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449 .

  10. 你受到教育是因为你是族长的儿子

    You were educated because you 're the chief 's son .

  11. 也许是个长兄或是族长

    Perhaps an older brother , a social father , maybe .

  12. 试析蒙古族长调民歌的意境美

    On the Beauty of Artistic Conception of the Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

  13. 这是拉但族的族长。

    These were the heads of the families of Ladan .

  14. 每个大星星家族都由一个魁梧的、长着银色被毛的族长带领着。

    Each family of gorillas is led by a great silverbacked patriarch .

  15. 蒙古族长调演唱方法新探

    New Probe into the Singing Way of Mongolian Long Tune

  16. 这是从以东地的何利人西珥子孙中所出的族长。

    These sons of Seir in Edom were Horite chiefs .

  17. 他们都是族长,是大能的勇士。按着家谱计算,他们的子孙共有二万零二百人。

    Their genealogical record listed the heads of families and20,200 fighting men .

  18. 长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵.具有家长或族长特性的。

    The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck .

  19. 这些人都是他们的族长。

    All these men were heads of their families .

  20. 动身之前,迈斯先来拜访本族的族长,请求指点。

    Befor left home , he visited the patriarch and asked some advice .

  21. 他爸爸是氏族族长。

    His father is the chieftain of the clan .

  22. 美声唱法与蒙古族长调的艺术特点比较

    A Comparison of the Artistic Features between Bel Canto and Mongolian long-tune singing

  23. 而她的妈妈算是这个大家庭的族长。

    And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family .

  24. 这不是族长的长茅吗?

    Isn 't this the spear of the tribe-master ?

  25. 部族是由族长所领导。

    The tribes are led by the tribal leaders .

  26. 我知道女族长是发过誓,神殿不参与斗争的。

    I know the vestal matriarch has sworn the temple will not take sides .

  27. 这是从以扫妻子,亚拿的女儿,阿何利巴玛子孙中所出的族长。

    These were the chiefs descended from Esau 's wife Oholibamah daughter of Anah .

  28. 经验与启示&蒙古族长调民歌的保护与传承经验两例

    Experience and Inspiration & Two cases of Protecting and Inheriting Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

  29. 刑法的重点在于惩罚,而不是改造。女族长所能判处的最重刑罚是流放。

    The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house .

  30. 族长给了他一笔可观的数目。

    The patriarch paid him a handsome price .