
zú lèi
  • of the same clan or race
族类 [zú lèi]
  • [of the same clan or race] 指同族或同类

族类[zú lèi]
  1. 族类回系。

    Races are different . ;

  2. 本文为《闪石族类质同象及晶体化学的X射线研究》这一专题的系列论文之二,阐述实验方法中的关键问题。

    The paper is one of monographic study selected from " X - Ray Research on Isomorph and Crystallochemistry in Amphibole " .

  3. 硝基氧、氨磷汀和甾族类化合物是目前较受关注的防护辐射损伤的候选药,其中氨磷汀1999年已被美国FDA(食品与药物管理局)批准为放射治疗的辐射防护药。

    Nitroxide , amifostine and steroids are most considered as candidates of radioprotective drug .

  4. 说明脂肪族类两亲物对SR膜流动性的影响与脂肪链饱和程度有关。

    It indicated that effects of amphiphiles on SR membrane fluidity depend on the degree of saturation of aliphatic chain .

  5. 白人和亚洲族类已被“反极化”。

    The White and Asian races have " reversed polarized " .

  6. 氚标记甾族类化合物的氚核磁共振波谱的研究

    Studies on some tritiated steroide by the tritium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  7. 地球在那时已经有了有趣的族类,包括巨人族和侏儒族。

    The Earth had interesting species at that time which included giants and elves .

  8. 就动物来说,族类的过程乃是它的生命力的顶点。

    For the animal the process of kind is the highest point of its vitality .

  9. 植物的族类和动物的族类都僵缩在这个大禁律之下。

    The race of plants and the race of animals shrink under this great restrictive law .

  10. 魔鬼的笔迹(二)&前殖民话语,人种/族类见解和跨文化认同在德国殖民过程中的作用

    " The Devil 's Handwriting ": Precolonial Discourse , Ethnographic Acuity and Cross-Identification in German Colonialism

  11. 我们的有意识梦想使我们族类与地球上的全部其他族类相互联系在一起。

    Our conscious dreaming interconnects our species to all others and all other species upon earth .

  12. 超越种族的渴望,与族类有别的文化核心不断发生冲突。

    The yearning to transcend race keeps coming up against the bedrock cultural matter of separateness .

  13. 古代中国史家的民族史观,包涵族类、文化、政治三方面的思想要素。

    Ancient Chinese historians ' views of nations included three factors : clans , culture and politics .

  14. 这个族类将在精神上发生转变,将会朝向一个更加完美的精神之存在。

    This Race will be altered in mentality and will move toward a more perfect spiritual existence .

  15. 大环内酯类抗生素耐药菌比例比其他族类抗生素高,在医院环境中表现出最高的耐药菌比例;

    Proportion of macrolide antibiotic was higher than other antibiotics and demonstrated the highest proportion in hospitals .

  16. 他们在那里大大的害怕,因为神在义人的族类中。

    There were they in great fear : for God is in the generation of the righteous .

  17. 灵魂载具的功能被降低或缩减到能调和相称地共感,以使这族类能感知到灵魂?

    The soul carrier function is muted or diminished in proportional sympathy to the species'perception of soul .

  18. 总体而言,白人和亚洲人的身体比其他族类的生物体痛苦程度更高。

    The White and Asian forms are in a greater degree of biological pain than other races overall .

  19. 十二个螺旋的形成将不意味你们将彻底成为有知识的一个族类。

    The formation of the twelve helixes will not mean that you will become completely informed as a species .

  20. 一块叫鲁塔斯的大陆是一块极广大的大陆,在印度东面的遥远地方,是一个太阳崇拜族类的故乡。

    A land called Rutas was an immense continent far to the east of India and home to a race of sun-worshippers .

  21. 你们的族类有其他可以采取的方向,我将试图我你们指明。

    There are other directions that your race can take , and I 'm trying to point out those directions to you .

  22. 我意愿宽恕在所有密度绝对制造奴隶族类,使其遍及时空与形态而生存的祖先。

    I intend to forgive ancestors who created slave races absolute and upon all dimensions that they existed throughout time and space and form .

  23. 尽管如此,当农耕时代即将结束时,阴影议员决定在剩余的狼人族类中独自行动。

    Nonetheless , the Shadow Lords decided to act independently of the rest of the Garou Nation when the Impergium came to an end .

  24. 综述了具有保幼激素活性的昆虫生长控制剂,主要是脂肪族类保幼激素类似物的合成及应用。

    The progress of the synthesis and application of aliphatic juvenoids , insect growth regulator with juvenile hormone activity , is reviewed in this paper .

  25. 正是由于痛苦,这些族类和我,地球母亲不再连接,随之进一步投生的灵魂不再和身体连接。

    It is from the pain that such races disconnected from I , Earth Mother , and the souls incarnate further disconnected from the form .

  26. 其中多环芳烃类、酯类和单环芳香族类的污染程度相对较高,分别超标1.78~2.857、0.16~0.37、0.001~1.543倍。

    The pollution of PAHs , esters and mononuclear aromatics whose overruns are 1.78 ~ 2.857 , 0.16 ~ 0.37 , 0.001 ~ 1.543 respectively is relatively serious .

  27. 现代金融制度体系中自始至终存在着政策性金融与商业性金融这两大相互对称、补充与完善的金融族类。

    In modern financial system , there are always two large financial clusters : policy-oriented finance and commercial finance , which are symmetrical and complementary to each other .

  28. 然而,作为一个族类,十二螺旋的形成,将极大地赋予你们是谁的更大的图片。

    However , the forming of the twelve helixes will be plenty to give you , as a species , a much bigger picture of who you are .

  29. 这样子,按“人学”实现自我、发展族类的尺度衡量,实际上是对个体生命的压抑,对自我活力的冷冻,对人际生态的禁锢。

    It is actually , from the perspective of Human Study that focuses on self-fulfillment and self-development , the oppression of life and passion as well as human relationship .

  30. 各样走兽、牲畜、飞禽和各样在地上爬行的动物,各从自己的族类,都出了方舟。

    Every beast , every creeping thing , and every fowl , and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth , after their kinds , went forth out of the ark .