
  1. 第三部分,考古资料中所反映的族邦。

    Part three ," Clan Nation " reflected in the archaeological materials .

  2. 因为我将要在你们面前赶出那些族邦,扩大你们的边界;

    For I will drive out the nations before you , and enlarge your borders ;

  3. 周初的政治变革,打破了殷商时期以血缘纽带为依托的族邦方国结构,使中国历史从此走上了一条崭新的发展道路。

    The political change happened in the earlier Zhou Dynasty had broken the structure of tribal state of the Shang period , which is founded on consanguineous bonds , and led Chinese history to a new developing path .

  4. 神主子将为你们打开天上的宝库,依季节给你们降雨;你们将借贷给众多族邦,而你们不需要向任何人借贷。

    The Lord will open for you his good treasure house , the heavens , to give you the rain of the land in its season and to bless all you do ; you will lend to many nations but you will not borrow from any .

  5. 根据2008年宪法,佤族、帕朗族在掸邦北部有权利建立自己的自治区域。

    The Palaung and Wa in northern Shan State have the right to set up their own autonomous regions , according to the2008 Constitution .