
  • 网络Deism;Manito;natural god;NaturalGod
  1. 在殷商卜辞中,殷人所祭祀的河神兼具自然神和祖先神的身份,河神因而又有人格化的特征。

    In oracle inscriptions of the Yin-Shang Dynasty , the river god that Xin people prayed had the identification of the natural god as well as the ancestry one , it thus contained its personification .

  2. 神道是,崇拜自然神的宗教。

    Shinto is a local religion of the nature .

  3. 自然神成为事实上的评价主体,但这是历史的进步。

    But that is also a progress of history .

  4. 自然神祗归之为天象神祗、山水神祗、动植物神祗三个部分。

    Nature gods is attributed to celestial gods , landscape gods , plants and animals gods three parts .

  5. 春秋宗教信仰的神灵体系由天神、自然神、氏族神、职能神构成。

    The spirit system of this period was consisted of Heaven , Nature , Tribe , and Function spirits .

  6. 相传远古的时候,人类与自然神是同父异母的兄弟。

    According to the legend , man and nature were brothers who had a same father but different mothers .

  7. 在这种多神并存的神灵观念中,人们赋予了天神、自然神和氏族神各种超自然的权能。

    With the concept of plural spirits , people empowered the Heaven , Nature , and Tribal spirits many supernatural rights .

  8. 从此以后,人类每年都要带上上好的食品,到神泉处拜祭自然神,以求自然神赐予一切。

    Later , man took good food to holy spring to worship the God of Nature and prayed good luck for everything .

  9. 后来,纳西族人每当遇到乾旱的年景,也会到祭自然神的神泉,以祭水来求雨降落。

    When there was draught , the Naxi people would come to holy spring to worship the God of the Nature for rain .

  10. 伴随着人类自我意识的产生,先民们在顶礼膜拜自然神的信仰中产生了对于生命存在的渴求和对于死亡的敬畏。

    Accompanied by the emergence of human self-consciousness , our ancestors have worshiped at the natural belief in God had a thirst for life and reverence for the dead .

  11. 祭祀坑的年代约当商末周初,被认为是蜀人祭祀天地山川诸自然神祗的遗迹。

    Sacrificial pits at the end of the about when to weekly , is considered Shuren worship heaven and earth mountains and all the remains of the natural gods .

  12. 最初的河神信仰属于自然神崇拜,人们在朴素的世界观和价值观引导下,对身边的自然物产生敬畏和崇祀。

    The initial River God Worship belongs to the natural worship of God , for people treat the natural things with fear and apotheosis because of their simple world view .

  13. 普通民众对东岳的信仰建立在东岳作为山川自然神调节气候的能力之上,同时对其治鬼、保境安民神力更为着迷。

    The cult of Mount Tai of the ordinary people established as a beautiful natural ability on the regulation of climate , while its rule of ghosts , Habitat-Brief introduction to reassure the public more fascinating .

  14. 第四章:简要分析了郑韩故城的精神防御构成,在城址设计上注意聚气与避邪,庙宇建筑可对敌人产生精神震慑,通过祭祀又可求得自然神与祖先神的护佑。

    When designing the town site , they paid attention to gathering Qi together and avoiding evil spirits . Temples could frighten enemies spiritually . Sacrifice could pray for the protection and help of natural gods and forefathers .

  15. 岩画集中而保存完好的少数民族地区,在人类文明时代的地平线上徘徊时间较长,自然神和宗教政治长期作为一统治思想而存在,巫术是氏族部落的稳定剂。

    In minority nationality regions where extant rock paintings concentrate , the civilized period came much later than that in Central Plains , the worship of nature gods and religious politics existed long as dominant ideology , and witchery played a role of the stabilizer in the clans .

  16. 而旋转运动产生了也像自然之神所赋予的形式。

    And the turning movement leads the form that is like Providence of nature also .

  17. 据信他是个喜好恶作剧和爱开玩笑的森林、动物和自然之神。

    He was believed to be very mischievous and playful as the god of forests , animals , and nature .

  18. 先生们,只要我们正确使用自然之神赋予我们力量的那些手段,我们就不再弱小。

    Sir , we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power .

  19. 选自然之神丽,尽高栖之意得&从别墅的历史发展看传统居住环境意识

    Select the charm from the nature to realise the spirits of perfection living & See the awareness of traditional and inhabiting environment from the historical development of the villa

  20. 当你重生后,你就自然成为神家的一份子,但是你也要投身当地教会,成为教会的成员。

    When you were born again , you automatically became a part of God 's universal family , but you also need to become a member of a local expression of God 's family .

  21. 自然世界由神而来,因此是有秩序而美妙的。

    The natural world comes from God and is therefore orderly and beautiful .

  22. “只要勇敢,自然会有神助”

    " Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid . "

  23. 人类不再只是寻求适应自然法则或神的指示,他们正想方设法改变这一切。

    Humans were no longer searching for ways simply to fit into a natural or divine order ; they were seeking to change it .

  24. 西方从希腊神话起,代表自然的旧神和代表精神生活的新神开始有了分化,有了“神一人一自然”三维结构的雏形。

    In the West , from Greek myth , there developed a division between the old gods representing nature and the new gods representing spiritual lives , and3D model of " God-Nature-Man " was constructed .

  25. 摘要阿奎那把亚里斯多德的理论与基督教神学巧妙地结合起来,从哲学上论证了理性和信仰的关系,并把意志和理性、自然法和神法结合了起来,创立了完备而系统的神学法学体系。

    Ingeniously integrated aristotle 's theory with Christian theology , Aquinas successfully demonstrated the relationship between the reason and belief , and set up mature and systematic theological legal theory based on the combination of will and reason , natural law and divine law .

  26. 他们提及到自然和自然之神

    they talk about nature and nature 's God .

  27. 霍金说,在了解科学之前,我们自然会认为是神创万物。

    Hawking said : Before we understand science , it is natural to believe that God created the universe .

  28. 他忘情山水,同情百姓,崇尚自然,又赋神于自然。

    He was curious about the landscape and worshipped nature , composing verses of God in a natural way .

  29. 凯西和超验主义代表人物爱默生一样,辞去神职,走向自然,并获得神启。

    Like the representative of transcendentalism Emerson , Casy quits his priesthood , turns into nature and obtains " inspiration from God " .

  30. 当然,这两颗卫星的赤道长度自然不能同妊神星相提并论,毕竟它们的自转速度并不足以使其膨胀。

    The elongated equators of these moons cannot be explained in the same way as Haumea , since they do not spin fast enough to bulge .