
  • 网络Natural Bridge;Nature Bridge;Pont Natural
  1. JasonMorris是“自然桥”的副总裁,他说学生们是在户外吃住的,不会在实验室里吃住。

    Jason Morris is executive vice president of NatureBridge . He says when they are not sleeping , eating or in a laboratory , the students spend their time outdoors .

  2. 国家公园服务中心还将与合作者一起提供教育项目,其中一个合作者是名为“自然桥”的非营利组织。

    The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education . One of its partners is a organization called NatureBridge .

  3. 现在,“自然桥”利用谷歌提供的4万美元赞助费,创建了东海岸中心。

    Now , NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a four-million-dollar from Google . The program will begin in April at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia .

  4. 学生们会在“自然桥”项目里呆上三到五天,活动的目的是提高学生的科学技能。

    Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs . The activities are aimed at developing their science skills . For example , they learn about different soils and study water quality under a

  5. 河是自然,桥是文化。

    He is a natural bridge culture .

  6. 目的:评价非选择性应用上颌窦提升植入种植体与自然牙联合桥修复上颌后牙缺失2~4年的临床效果。

    AIM : To evaluate 2 to 4 years ' clinical effects after the loss of maxillary posterior teeth restored with implants and natural teeth combined with fixed prostheses without maxillary sinus augmentation .

  7. 因此很自然,她和桥结为夫妻也只是时间问题。

    Naturally , it was only a matter of time before they became bridge and wife .

  8. 风是一种重要的自然现象,悬索桥因风的作用而产生的灾害事故屡见不鲜。

    Wind is an important natural phenomenon , disasters resulting from the wind action are frequently reported for suspension bridges .

  9. 种植体植入与自然牙联合固定桥修复上颌后牙缺失:2~4年随访评价

    Tooth-implant supported fixed prostheses and natural teeth for the loss of maxillary posterior teeth : evaluation for 2 to 4 years of follow-up

  10. 然而,桥址处的自然风很少与桥轴线相垂直的,而是经常成一偏角。

    However , strong wind at a given bridge site seldom attacks the bridge exactly at a right angle to the longitudinal axis , but generally at a yaw angle instead .