
  • 网络nature conceived
  1. 她的儿子Cameron是自然受孕,这在一些地方被认为是IVF确实有效的证据。

    Her son , Cameron , was conceived naturally and this was hailed in some quarters as proof that IVF really'works ' .

  2. 研究发现ICSI婴儿与自然受孕婴儿相比,出生缺陷率要高三倍。

    Research has found that ICSI babies have three times the rate of birth defects of naturally conceived infants .

  3. 目的了解试管婴儿(IVF-ET)与自然受孕儿出生时身体状况的差异,客观地对试管婴儿的安全性进行分析。

    Objective To understand the difference in newborn IVF-ET and spontaneous pregnant baby 's body heath index , then analyze the safety of IVF-ET.

  4. 刊登在英国《皇家学会学报B刊》的这篇文章以19世纪美国犹他州“自然受孕”的妇女为研究的主体,所以它的研究成果在现代这个体外受精盛行的社会或许并不太适用。

    The research , published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , focused on a " natural fertility " population of women in 1800s Utah , so the results may not apply in today 's in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) world .

  5. 这暗示患者在自然受孕失败后,且在腹腔镜手术治疗后一年内尽快做IVF的准备。

    This finding suggests that IVF should be proposed as soon as patients fail to conceive spontaneously and within a maximum of1 year from the time of laparoscopic surgery .

  6. 根据最新发表者在Cochrane图书馆上的一篇系统综述显示,抗氧化剂的补充可使那些自然受孕困难的夫妇获益。

    Antioxidant supplements may benefit couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally , according to a new systematic review published today in The Cochrane Library .

  7. 近年的研究认为POF患者并非完全不可逆转的丧失卵巢功能,部分确诊POF患者可恢复正常月经周期并自然受孕。

    Recent research find that the ovarian dysfunction is not irreversible , and some women receiving the diagnosis have intermittent ovarian function leading to unpredictable menses and pregnancy .

  8. ⑷OHSS组双胎妊娠8例(11.1%),自然受孕双胎妊娠79例,发生率1.7%,两者比较差异有极显著性(p<0.01)。

    Twin pregnancy rate is the same in OHSS group ( 8 cases , 11.1 % ) than control group ( p > 0.05 ) .

  9. SSCs移植技术可以使睾丸性无精子症患者产生精子并获得生育能力,通过夫妇间常见的方式自然受孕,符合伦理学及传统观念,更易于患者接受。

    The technology of SSCs transplantation make patients of testicular azoospermia produce sperm and obtain fertility , then through the common mode of couples to conceive naturally .

  10. OHSS组患妊娠期糖尿病或糖耐量异常13例(18.1%),自然受孕组120例(2.6%),两者比较差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。

    Gestational diabetes mellitus or gesta-tional impaired glucose tolerance are also significantly higher in OHSS group ( 12 cases , 18.1 % ) thancontrol group ( 120 cases , 2.6 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 助孕与自然受孕围生期结局的差异

    The Difference of Perinatal Stage Results Between ART and Natural Way

  12. 自然受孕率均降为0%。

    The natural pregnant rate decreased to zero in both AOA groups .

  13. 初婚夫妇自然受孕力及影响因素的研究

    Natural Fecundity among Newly Married Couples and Influenced Factors

  14. 亲爱的,我有了试管婴儿与自然受孕儿出生情况分析

    Newborn Situation Analysis of IVF-ET and Spontaneous Pregnant Babies

  15. 辅助生育技术受孕双胎与自然受孕双胎妊娠结局的分析

    Perinatal outcome of twin pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive techniques and those conceived spontaneously

  16. 目的比较助孕儿与自然受孕儿生长发育的差异,探讨助孕技术对婴儿生长发育的影响。

    Objective To compare development in children after ART with that in natural way children .

  17. 如果输卵管受损不太严重,手术有助于自然受孕。

    If your tubes are not badly damaged , surgery might help you get pregnant naturally .

  18. 这不仅使得她们失去自然受孕的机会,就连试管婴儿也失败了。

    This not only makes them lose the chance of natural conception , even fail the test-tube baby .

  19. 方法:自拟心理状态调查表,对行人工授精术妇女(人工授精组120例)进行心态调查分析,并与自然受孕妇女(自然受孕组120例)进行比较。

    Methods : To draft psychology questionary for women underwent artificial insemination and compared with women underwent natural fertilization .

  20. 总之,辅助生殖技术可能遏止不了与吸烟有关的自然受孕减少。

    Overall , the reduction in natural fertility associated with smoking may not be overcome by assisted reproductive technologies .

  21. 此假设与长期以来自然受孕的单卵双胞胎最常见的原因非常吻合。

    This hypothesis fits well with the long established cause of the most common form of natural monozygotic twins .

  22. 结论单胎试管婴儿在1岁内的生长发育与自然受孕儿比较无显著性差异。

    Conclusion There is no difference with in one year old between children born after ART and in natural way .

  23. 这只小犀牛的妈妈露露,即便是和雄犀牛关在一个围栏里也没能成功地完成自然受孕。

    Her mother Lulu had failed to conceive naturally , even when put in an enclosure with a male rhino .

  24. 但是,不管布吕尼看上去多么年轻,她怎么也算是一个高龄产妇了,倘若不能自然受孕,布吕尼与萨科奇会选择“收养”的方式领养小孩。

    And if Miss Bruni is unable to conceive naturally , they would consider adopting a baby boy , glossy French weekly magazine Gala said .

  25. 目的探讨应用促排卵技术致中重度卵巢过度刺激综合征继发妊娠与自然受孕妊娠结局的差异。

    Objective A study on the differences between pregnancy outcomes of spontaneous pregnancy and sever ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome ( OHSS ) complicated pregnancy after assisted reproductive techniques .

  26. 她并非自然受孕,而是接受了一位匿名者的精子捐赠。

    The child is not her biological child , as the ovum ( and also the sperm ) was from an anonymous donor , and Iliescu was more of a Surrogate mother .

  27. 尽管这通常需要先进的生育治疗,但对于接近及超过50岁的女性(如莫顿)来说,罕见的自然受孕也是可能的。

    Though this is typically down to advances in fertility treatments , rare cases of natural conception occurring for women approaching their 50s and beyond , such as Morten , are possible .

  28. 实验组婚后半年、1年自然受孕率分别为138%、398%,对照组分别为313%、496%。

    The natural impregnation rates after 0.5 and 1 year of marriage in the radar group were 13.8 % and 39.8 % respectively , and 31.3 % and 49.6 % in the controls , respectively .

  29. 结论:助孕与自然受孕围生期结局总体上无明显差异,技术助孕儿具有与自然受孕儿基本相同的生存质量。

    Conclusion : There is no significant difference of perinatal stage results between ART and natural way , and the children born after ART have the same survival quality with the children in the natural way .

  30. 其对预防流产的知识、自己的行为能满足家人期望、自己对家庭能够有所贡献的需要显著高于自然受孕孕妇(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    The needs for the knowledge for prevention of abortion , and the desires to satisfy the expectation of family members and to make contribution to family were significantly stronger than those of naturally pregnant women ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .