
  • 网络autodigestion;autodigestive
  1. 以往的临床治疗观点及方案一味针对胰腺自身消化,使治疗始终处于被动局面。

    Previous view and program on treatment focus on pancreatic autodigestion which make treatment in passive situation .

  2. 天牛能否自身消化植物的纤维素,是长期来争论未决的问题,本课题用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳方法着重研究了纤维素酶复合酶中CX酶在虫体中的来源。

    The origin of the chief cellulose digesting enzyme , C_X-Cellulase , in longhorn beetles was investigated .

  3. 大鼠重症急性胰腺炎中胰酶自身消化作用及善得定治疗效果

    The role of enzymatic autodigestion in rats with severe acute pancreatitis and its treatment of sandostatin

  4. 猪的生长发育和饲料利用率主要取决于其自身消化和吸收能力。

    Growth performance and feed conversion of pigs are affected by their digestive and absorptive abilities .

  5. 反刍家畜瘤胃微生物利用尿素合成的微生物蛋白质,能被家畜自身消化、吸收、利用。

    Microbiol protein which the microbe in rumen of ruminant synthetise by using urea can be digested , assimilated and utilized by ruminant itself .

  6. 目前比较公认的四大机制是:胰酶自身消化学说、胰腺微循环障碍学说、白细胞过度激活学说和肠道细菌移居胰腺组织学说。

    Nowadays , there are four hypotheses about pathogenesis of SAP which were pancreatic enzyme itself digesting , pancreatic microcirculation disorder , leukocyte activating overly and intestinal bacterial translocation .

  7. 生的食物提供丰富的酶,可以促进消化,帮助身体自身的消化酶的工作。

    Raw foods supply plant enzymes , which promote digestion and help to conserve the body 's own digestive enzymes .

  8. 而其处置成本通常单靠银行自身无法消化,需要各方合理分摊。

    However , its disposal costs relying on the bank itself usually can not be digested , so all parties need share it reasonably .

  9. 对于产学研合作模式的主体特别是企业、研究机构、高校来说,要分别根据自身的消化能力或研发能力、技术本身的特点、合作双方沟通的特点等选择合适的技术联盟形式。

    According to the features of the main enterprise % universities and research centre , including digestion or R & D capabilities , the characteristics of the technology , the partners communication , it has to select Appropriate forms of technology alliance .

  10. 有一种微生物向人体提供每月所需热量的10%,这些热量产生自一种人体酶无法分解的植物碳水化合物,其实不仅是植物糖类,人类母乳中包含的多糖也无法被人体自身的酶消化,细菌酶却可以。

    One is to feed people more than 10 % of their daily calories . These are derived from plant carbohydrates that human enzymes are unable to break down . And not just plant carbohydrates . Mother 's milk contains carbohydrates called glycans which human enzymes cannot digest , but bacterial ones can .