
  • 网络Self protection mechanism;self-protection system
  1. 此外,近年来的研究还表明病毒感染能够引起宿主细胞的DNA损伤应答,该反应是细胞另一种防止病毒入侵的自我保护机制。

    But recent researches suggest that the cellular DNA damage response could be activited by some viruses infection , which is another safeguard of cell to prevent virus insult .

  2. 结论CGRP参与新生儿窒息后病理生理过程,血浆CGRP的升高可能是窒息后机体自我保护机制之一;

    Conclusion : In asphyxiated newborns , the increase of plasma CGRP may be one of the mechanism of self-protection .

  3. 缺糖和/或缺氧致脑损伤过程中IAA的增加可能是机体的一个自我保护机制。

    The increase of IAA may be a self-protective mechanism during the cerebral damage caused by anoxia and / or aglycaemia .

  4. 通过对这些基因的研究了解了一些植物应答重金属Cd胁迫过程中的自我保护机制,例如HMA家族基因对区室化的作用等。

    Through studying those genes in response to cadmium stress , some self-protection mechanisms including chelation , sequestration and etc have been found .

  5. 结论在行CABG围术期中,肺动脉血浆中ET和CGRP的变化可能是机体的一种自我保护机制,使CGRP/ET比值稳定在一定范围。

    Conclusion During CABG , plasma ET and CGRP levels may be a self protective mechanism to maintain the balance of CGRP / ET ratio .

  6. 同时,VASP也实现了自我保护机制,即内存自透明技术。

    And VASP also realizes self-protection strategy , the memory self-transparency technology .

  7. 同时水稻幼苗在受到Pb胁迫的条件下,根系有机酸分泌物量的增加和根系活力增强,可视为水稻根系对Pb胁迫环境产生的一种自我保护机制。

    In addition , both the organic acid secretion from root and the root activity increased with the increase of the Pb treatments , which indicated there was a self-protected mechanism in rice root .

  8. 因此,ITF可减轻多种致伤因子造成的胃肠道损害,在消化道的自我保护机制中占据重要地位。

    ITF is essential for protecting the epithelial layer of the gastrointestinal tract from damage and repairing epithelium after injury .

  9. 结论:低氧应激,血清EPO和肾脏EPOmRNA表达升高是机体自我保护机制之一,低氧训练能使血清E-PO升高,可能是低氧环境和运动缺氧共同刺激的结果;

    Conclusion : It is one of the mechanism of protection that serum EPO and the expression of EPO mRNA of kidney increase by hypoxia stress , it is possible that serum EPO increase after hypoxia training by effects of hypoxic environment and exercise hypoxia ;

  10. 两种自我保护机制:记忆忽视和自我免疫

    Two Kinds of Self-protective Mechanism : Mnemic Neglect and Self-immunization

  11. 略论近代公司少数股东的自我保护机制

    The Monitoring Mechanism of Minority Shareholder in Contemporary Company

  12. 绿洲上大气稳定度的增加对于维持绿洲是一个重要的自我保护机制。

    The atmospheric stability over the oasis is an important self-protection mechanism to maintain oasis .

  13. 研究伏马菌素产生菌的自我保护机制有助于减轻该毒素的危害。

    To understand mechanisms of F.verticillioides 's self-protection against fumonisins may resolve healthy problems caused by the mycotoxins .

  14. 受生物免疫系统自我保护机制的启发,本文提出了一种基于人工免疫的多层垃圾邮件过滤算法,利用分层检测的思想来过滤垃圾邮件。

    Inspired by the self-protection mechanism of biological immune system , a multilevel Spam filtering algorithm is proposed .

  15. 而女性椎体体积与年龄无明显相关,可能是女性免于椎体好发压缩性骨折的自我保护机制。

    There may be a mechanism of self protection through which women can avoid suffering from the vertebral compression fracture .

  16. 生物免疫系统的分布式实时自我保护机制给入侵检测的研究提供了新的思路。

    The distributed real-time self-protection mechanisms of the biological immune system may provide new ideas for the researches in intrusion detection .

  17. 生物免疫系统的自我保护机制对设计新的网络入侵检测系统具有很好的借鉴意义。

    The protection mechanism of the natural immune system has brought us inspirations for designing a novel network intrusion detection system .

  18. 浇淋各器官水提液还极显著地抑制了叶片保护酶和硝酸还原酶活性,使植株自我保护机制降低,氮素代谢受阻。

    They also significantly decreased the activities of nitrate reductase , the protective capability of plant itself , and inhibited nitrogen metabolism in plant .

  19. 结论不同种类的热休克蛋白依据自身表达的特点对移植后的免疫损伤作出反应,体现了细胞的自我保护机制。

    Conclusions Different molecular chaperones respond to immune injury according to their own characteristics after liver transplantation , which shows the mechanism of cellular self-protection .

  20. 可能是脑缺血区神经细胞自我保护机制之一,因此,Bcl-2含量异常可作为早期诊断治疗脑梗塞的客观依据。

    This may be one of the self-protective mechanism . So the abnormality of Bcl-2 can be used as an index for early diagnosing and treating the cerebral infarction .

  21. 自噬是细胞在饥饿、能量缺乏等代谢压力下的一种自我保护机制。其具有降解细胞内非必须物质,维持细胞稳态的功能。

    Autophagy is a self-protection mechanism for cells when they are under the metabolizing pressure such as starvation , energy deficiency etc. Autophagy has the functions of degrading the non-essential substances in cells and maintaining the cell homeostasis .

  22. 如加快企业的非国有化进程、调整政府与企业的关系、涉诉企业要积极应诉、建立自我保护机制等。

    The positive responses can be made : such as accelerating the progress of the enterprises ' non-nationalization , adjust the relationship of government and enterprises , the enterprise involved in appeal should actively react to appeal , set up self-protection mechanism , etc.

  23. 当前实施林木新品种保护存在许多困难:(1)对林木新品种的重要性认识不足,(2)林木新品种缺乏自我保护机制;

    There are more difficulties in conducting forest tree new variety protection : ( 1 ) insufficient understanding on the importance of protecting forest tree new varieties exists in many aspects ; ( 2 ) forest tree new varieties lack of self protection system ;

  24. 在现有安全策略基础之上,增加系统资源的自我保护机制:口令保护.这也是本文研究的核心内容:基于自我保护口令的密码访问控制机制。

    In access control , such improvements will be done as following : Self-protection mechanism of system resource will be added to existing security policies : password protection , and this is the research focus of this paper : password access control mechanism based on self-protection password .

  25. 这种只愿意承认童年时光美好的天真幼稚的倾向,或许是人类一种自我保护的机制,人们用它来建起一道壁垒,防御未来道路上的种种困难。

    This innocent , infantile inclination to acknowledge only the positive may be a protective mechanism designed to build up our morale as a bulwark against difficulties ahead .

  26. 抗氧化水平上调是神经元细胞对抗外源性应激反应伤害自我保护的机制之一,对接收太阳紫外光线的眼睛维持视觉功能具有特别重要的意义。

    The antioxidant upregulation is one way neurons have evolved to protect themselves from exogenous stress and it 's especially important in the eye , which receives damaging UV energy from the sun .

  27. 同时降低胞内井冈霉素的含量也是细胞自我保护的一种机制。

    Probably decreasing the intracellular content of validamycin is a mechanism of self-protection .

  28. 由于创业投资的高风险性,特别是因委托代理问题而导致的逆向选择风险和道德风险,尤其需要投资者加强自我保护,建立有效的投资者自我保护机制。

    Because of the high risks in venture investment , especially the risks called adverse selection and moral hazard which are caused by the problems of principal-agent relationship , it is very necessary for the investors to strengthen the self-protection mechanism .

  29. 设计数据结构保存自我保护口令及分级信息,修改有关系统调用,在核心层实现自我保护机制:二是访问控制策略配置管理工具.提供命令行配置工具,使用户可以为文件制定自我保护策略。

    Firstly , access control enhanced module of file system : it implements the self-protection mechanism of file / directory in kernel by the means of designing new data structures to save self-protection password and level information of file / directory and changing file-system-related system calls .