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fēnɡ hé
  • Feng He River
  1. 在不同时期、不同空间,由于人类的活动方式不同,对沣河周边环境所施加的影响也不尽相同。

    Human activities differ due to different periods and space , so the peripheral environment pressure also not the same .

  2. 沣河近16年的水质变化可分为加速恶化和缓慢恶化两个阶段;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) Two phases : accelerated deterioration and slow deterioration of water quality changes were divided .

  3. 集水盆地面积的大小直接影响着聚落规模的发展,甚至使周人放弃周原,到沣河流域建立新的都城。

    The catchment size is directly related to the development of settlements , which may explain that the Zhou people abandoned Zhouyuan and moved its capital to the Fenhe valley .

  4. 结果表明,城市化对西安市主要河流年径流序列的影响强度由大到小依次是灞河、黑河、沣河;

    The results show that effect of urbanization on hydrological sequence of the main rivers around Xi'an is of the decreasing order among Bahe River , Heihe River and Fenghe River ;