
  • 网络Factual Knowledge;Know-what;knowing that
  1. 在这次旅行中,事实知识和传统之间的冲突深深地吸引了我。

    On this trip I have been fascinated by the tension between factual knowledge and tradition .

  2. 是聪明的当且仅当S具有关于科学、历史、哲学、文学、音乐等等上的广泛的事实知识。

    S is wise iff S has extensive factual knowledge about science , history , philosophy , literature , music , etc.

  3. 由粗糙模糊事实知识库和粗糙模糊规则知识库组成知识推理系统的知识库最后,设计并实现语义Web粗糙模糊本体支持的知识推理系统。

    The Prolog rough fuzzy fact base and the Prolog rough fuzzy rule base are used to constitute the knowledge base in the knowledge reasoning system . Finally , the knowledge reasoning system supported by the semantic Web rough fuzzy ontology is designed and developed .

  4. 因此论文首先从研究协调知识的必要性入手,给出了基于本体论的知识层次划分方法,并讨论了协调知识与具体事实知识的分离。

    At the beginning of this thesis , we analyze the necessary of studying coordination knowledge and use knowledge level methods to separate coordination knowledge and reality knowledge .

  5. 高中化学事实性知识的学习策略及其培养研究

    Research on Learning Strategy of Factual Knowledge in Senior Chemistry

  6. 信息、事实、知识等的蓄积

    A reservoir of information , facts , knowledge , etc

  7. 教育的目的是提供有价值的知识,而不是有事实的知识。

    The aim of education is to supply knowledge not of facts but of values .

  8. 三是针对实证部分研究的结果,就化学事实性知识学习负迁移的因素进行了分析。

    Three for the empirical part of the research results , the analysis of chemical factual knowledge of negative migration factors .

  9. 但是,很多学生感觉化学事实性知识易懂难记,对化学事实性知识的学习不感兴趣。

    To many students , it seems that the factual knowledge in Chemistry is easy to understand but difficult to remember , so many students are not very interested in learning factual knowledge .

  10. 从建构主义的角度来看,跨文化交际能力不仅包含显性方面,即关于既有的文化事实的知识,还包含隐性方面,即理解和处理跨文化事务的能力。

    From the constructivist perspective , intercultural communication competence contains not only the explicit aspect , knowledge about existing cultural facts , but also the implicit aspect , ability of interpreting and coping with ongoing intercultural events .

  11. 化学知识的主体&化学事实性知识是指与物质的性质密切相关的,反映物质的存在、制法、保存、用途、检验等多方面内容的知识。

    Factual knowledge in Chemistry is the knowledge that correlative with the characters of a matter , and which reflecting all-sided facts of a matter , such as existence , methods of preparation , preservation , purpose and test .

  12. 对教材所包含的事实性知识、理论性知识、技能性知识、策略性知识、情意类知识及知识要素和逻辑要素的指标也进行了分析。

    Factual knowledge , theoretical knowledge , skill knowledge , and tactic knowledge are analyzed about the textbook . In terms of analysis indexes of knowledge factor and logic factor , we also analyze them and make a simple comment .

  13. 从工艺知识的特点出发,将工艺知识分为事实性知识、选择性知识和决策性知识,将本体引入工艺知识表示领域,建立了工艺知识概念本体层次结构。

    With a point of departure from the characteristics of technological knowledge , process knowledge was divided into factual knowledge , selective knowledge and decision-making knowledge , and the ontology introduced into the process knowledge representation field , and process knowledge in conception-ontology hierarchy was established .

  14. 为了更好地贯彻和执行新课程理念,化学这门学科的课堂教学目标要从事实性知识的传递向基本观念建构改变,培养学生化学观念建构越来越受到重视。

    In order to better implement and execute the new curriculum concept , the teaching goals of Chemistry in the classroom need to be changed from the transmission of factual knowledge to the construction of basic ideas , and building chemical concepts is taken seriously more and more .

  15. HTML的监护人是事实上的知识产权保护的网络世界的标准。

    HTML Guardian is the de facto world standard for protection of intellectual property on the Web .

  16. 院长斯蒂芬·科斯林(StephenKosslyn)说,其构思是希望在课堂以外的地方传递事实性的知识,利用班级教导学生有效的沟通和人际交往。

    The idea is to transmit facts outside of class , said its dean , Stephen Kosslyn , and use class to teach effective communication and interaction .

  17. 而且更为重要的事实是:知识日趋分散化和多样化。

    The more important trends are that the global knowledge is more and more dispersed .

  18. 知识产权的问题很快划分了软件开发团体界线,因为软件事实上是知识产权。

    The issue of intellectual property ownership sharply divides the software development community because software is , in fact , intellectual property .

  19. 在现代认识论中更多地考虑人的因素,认识的主体间性等问题受到重视,对客观事实和客观知识也提出异议。

    In modern epistemology , human factors are given more consideration , cognitive inter-subjectivity is emphasized and objective fact and objective knowledge are also challenged .

  20. 而事实上显性知识只是所有知识中露出海面的一个小岛而已。

    But in fact the dominant knowledge is just a small amount of all knowledge , which like a small island exposed on the sea .

  21. 因此,建构主义的课程设计观既不同于以培养一般思维技能为目的的内容抽象的课程设计,同时,它也跟传统的重事实与原理知识的传授课程设计观点分道扬镳。

    So it nether like the normal curriculum design which aim at the simple think skill nor like the traditional curriculum design which aim at teaching the facts and theory .

  22. 法官的主要职责是判断是非并将法律适用于依证据认定的事实,法律知识和司法经验对于法官判断证据和事实的重要性也就不言而语;

    The main duty of judges is to determine the right or false . So the important of the knowledge of law and the experience of judicature is easy to realize .

  23. 本片的旁白是中国女演员周迅,除了讲述一些纪录片式的事实和背景知识外,她也为片中的动物主角们献声。

    The movie 's narration is provided by Chinese actress Zhou Xun who , apart from presenting facts and background knowledge in a documentary style , also provides the " voices " of the film 's animal * protagonists .

  24. 区域相互作用的可观察事实可能为区域知识溢出提供某种传递机制。

    The observable facts of regional interaction may become the transferring mechanism of regional knowledge spillover .

  25. 事实证明,缺陷知识库具有一定的推广价值。

    All the facts attest the value of promoting the use of Knowledge Warehouse of Defects .

  26. 事实上,对于知识的价值及在教学中进行知识传授的重要性,杜威从未轻易否定。

    However , Dewey actually never denied the value of knowledge and the importance of knowledge instruction ;

  27. 可以从利用联系生产生活中的实例、实验、化学事实、学生原有知识拓展出新知识、矛盾冲突、现代科技知识等方面来创设问题情境。

    The designing of question situation will be achieved by the development of new knowledge and contradiction from the case in life , the fact in experiment and in chemistry .

  28. 事实上,强调知识价值在今天的主导作用无可厚非,但是,知识只有通过劳动才能转化为商品,把潜在价值转化为现实价值。

    Though the dominant role of knowledge value should be acknowledge , there is no denying that knowledge cannot be turned into commodity without labor which helps to realize potential value .

  29. 在相当长的时间里,语言教育受传统的模式所影响,事实上一直是知识传输过程,语言学习则是知识接受过程。

    For a fairly long time , language teaching has been greatly influenced by the traditional approaches , which are actually " knowledge-imparting processes ", while language learning is a " knowledge-receiving process " .

  30. 而对人来说,事实真或假的知识同样是非常重要的,但这样的知识却超出了它们的定义范围。

    On the other hand , the capability to give proper decisions shows to be one of the most important abilities of human being , which is usually given basing upon the true or false knowledge .