
  • 网络Actual Labor Relationship
  1. 事实劳动关系论略

    On Actual Labor Relationship

  2. 事实劳动关系是在我国特定劳动法律背景下出现的一个过渡性概念。

    The actual labor relationship is the transitional concept , which emerged in the special background of legislation on labor relationship .

  3. 笔者认为,劳动关系包括非标准劳动关系等事实劳动关系的成立,应该具备三个条件。

    Conditions for the establishment of labor relations should have three elements .

  4. 论我国法律关于事实劳动关系的处理

    On Dealing with the Fact Labor Relationship in China

  5. 然后详细阐述事实劳动关系的基本理论问题。

    And then detailedly expound the fundamental theory of the factual labor relation .

  6. 公司可以终止事实劳动关系吗?

    Can companies terminate de facto labor relationship ?

  7. 由一起事实劳动关系纠纷案件引发的思考

    Reflections on a Dispute Case of Labor Relation

  8. 事实劳动关系刍议

    A Superficial Discussion on the Fact Labor Relationship

  9. 从尊重事实劳动关系视角看劳动者合法权益的维护

    An Analysis of Protecting Labor Rights from the angle of Labor Relations of Fact

  10. 与劳动法律关系相伴相生的事实劳动关系问题由来已久。

    The factual labor relations go with the labor relations for a long time .

  11. 但实践中,无书面劳动合同的事实劳动关系却大量存在。

    But in practice , there are many labor relations that have no written contract .

  12. 事实劳动关系的本质为无效劳动关系,其本身只有用语上的意义。

    The essence of factual work relation is ineffective work relation and only has phraseological meaning .

  13. 事实劳动关系是劳动者和用人单位之间形成的具有劳动权利和义务内容,却不具备法定的劳动合同形式要件的劳动关系。

    The labor relation of fact is the labor rights and duty between the worker and the unit .

  14. 如今,随着用工制度呈现多样化,形式多样的事实劳动关系不断出现。

    Nowadays , system of employment has been diversified and different forms of factual labor relationship are emerging .

  15. 因此,为了更好地保护劳动者的合法权益,有必要正确认识和界定事实劳动关系。

    Therefore , in order to protect the laborers , it is necessary to correctly define the factual labor relationship .

  16. 对此,应从立法、执法等各个方面加强对事实劳动关系的确认和保护,以切实维护广大劳动者的合法权益。

    Therefore , we should strengthen the recognition and protection for labor relations of fact through legislation and execution of law .

  17. 旨在通过比较研究得出对我国事实劳动关系问题解决理念与机制的借鉴。

    This paper aims that gets the idea and machine-made drawing lessons the factual labor relation of our country by comparison .

  18. 劳动合同到期形成事实劳动关系造成劳动者损失是否给予赔偿?

    Does labor contract expire whether does relationship of working of fact of form accomplish sth cause laborer loss to offer compensation ?

  19. 事实劳动关系是一种游离于劳动法律关系之外而需要加以特别保护的劳动关系。

    Factual work relation is the work relation which is free from legal work relation and which needs to be specially protected .

  20. 事实劳动关系当事人的权益结构与责任承担;

    Secondly , the parties structure of the rights and interests and the bearing of the responsibility in the labor relation of fact ;

  21. 其次,介绍事实劳动关系国内外的相关规定及我国的现状。

    Secondly , this paper introduces the factual labor relation which contains home and abroad relevant regulation and current situation of our country .

  22. 派遣协议到期未及时续签,事实劳动关系归哪家单位?

    If the secondment agreement fails to be renewed timely upon expiry , which company with which there is a de facto labor relation ?

  23. 现行劳动合同制度的不足与缺陷是事实劳动关系大量形成的主要原因。事实劳动关系的本质之核,在于维护与实现劳动者的合法权益,追求实质上的劳动公平。

    The essence of fact labor relation consists in a maintenance and carrying out the legal rights of the labourer , pursuing substantial labor equity .

  24. 但是,在立法理念上,我国过于强调书面劳动合同的作用,对事实劳动关系抱着含糊不定的态度。

    The concept of the legislation emphasize too much on the written employment contract , while holding the ambiguous attitude on the factual labor relationship .

  25. 然而,我国法律缺乏对事实劳动关系的明确规定,导致实践中诸多的事实劳动关系无法得到法律的保护。

    However , there are no explicit provisions about factual labor relationship . In practice , some factual labor relationship has not been protected legally .

  26. 合同期满未续签形成事实劳动关系,终止时经济补偿金如何支付?

    If the contract is not renewed upon expiry but de facto employment relationship is formed , how should economic compensation be made upon termination ?

  27. 事实劳动关系在当前社会经济生活中普遍存在,成为我国劳动关系中的重要方面。

    At present , labor relations of fact exist at large field in our social and economic life and become an important factor of labor relations .

  28. 事实劳动关系概念的提出及内涵的不确定性导致了劳动关系领域内的混乱和复杂性。

    The uncertainty of the concept and connotation of " factual work relation " leads to the confusion and complexity in the field of work relation .

  29. 事实劳动关系的界定、效力要与“视为”实施劳动关系的情况区分开来。

    It is necessary to distinguish the system of actual labor relationship extent and effects in law from those " considered to be " in similar situations .

  30. 事实劳动关系在现实社会生活中经常发生,但法律在这方面的规定多有疏漏,对其缺乏必要的法律保护。

    The factual work relation frequently occurs in social life , but law stipulations have much omission in this aspect and lack essential legal protection to it .