
  • 网络Food biotechnology
  1. 食品生物技术的进展

    Advances in food biotechnology

  2. 题为“现代食品生物技术、人类健康和发展”的报告提出了与转基金食品相关的潜在益处和风险。

    The report " Modern food biotechnology , human health and development " presents the potential benefits and risks associated with GM foods .

  3. 加快佛山食品生物技术产业化步伐对策探讨

    A probe into the measures for accelerating industrialisation of food bio-technology in Foshan

  4. 食品生物技术在大豆蛋白食品中的应用

    Application of biotechnology in soybean proteins food

  5. 全俄食品生物技术科学研究所在酒精生产领域的科研工作

    Science Researching At The All-Russian Institute of Food Biotechnology In The Field of The Alcohol Production

  6. 本文综述了国内外食品生物技术在植物资源、动物资源、新型蛋白质资源开发以及对微生物菌种改造的研究进展,阐述了食品生物技术在各应用领域所取得的主要成就。

    This paper summarized the research progress about the application of food biotechnology , such as the exploration of plant , animal and protein source , the improvement of microorganism strain . Introduced the mostly achievement of food biotechnology applied in different field .

  7. 转基因食品是生物技术领域的重要应用之一。

    Genetically-modified ( GM ) food is one of the most significant applications .

  8. 山西省食品生物工程技术中心

    Shanxi food and biology engineering technological center

  9. 本文回顾了近十余年来轻工、食品领域生物技术取得的重大成就,结合产业发展计划提出了今后研究和开发的重点。

    This paper reviewed the great achievements of biotechnology in the field of light and food industries for the past ten years and pointed out the key developing programme in upgrading technological level of food biotechnology in the future .

  10. 本文拟结合国内外生物技术知识产权保护的现状,对生物技术与专利、生物技术与食品安全及生物技术与WTO有关协定的关系做些初步的探讨。

    This thesis examines the domestic and overseas status quo of intellectual property protecting of biotechnology , discusses the relationship between the biotechnology and patent , food hygiene , WTO agreement .

  11. 葡萄糖含量的检测在医疗诊断,食品工业,生物技术等许多领域都有十分重要的应用。

    Glucose monitoring has been of great interests for clinical analysis , food industry , biotechnology , and so forth .

  12. 食品科学领域的生物技术

    Biotechnology in Food Science Field

  13. 这些代表是通晓犹太教律法、现代食品加工技术和生物技术的专家。

    These Kashruth personnel are proficient in the intricacies of Jewish law , modern food production and chemical and biological processes .

  14. 根据国内外食品工业领域中生物技术的研究与应用,本文重点论述生物技术在食品工业中的应用现状、存在问题和前景展望。

    On the research and application of biotechnology in the world , the application , current situation and future prospects in the area of food industry are reviewed in this paper .

  15. 用转基因动植物和微生物生产的可食基因工程疫苗即为疫苗食品,它是当前食品生物技术研究的热点之一。

    Edible vaccines were produced by transgenic animal , plant or food safety microorganism as one of the focus in biotechnology research .

  16. 重新评价了大豆食品的功能价值,并介绍了大豆食品加工的生物工程技术、超滤膜分离技术、挤压膨化技术、微波加热干燥技术、高压处理技术、微胶囊技术和大豆食品辐照技术。

    This text revalued the function value of the soybean food , and introduced a few high new techniques of the soybean food processing , mainly is biology engineering technique , super-strain film to separate technique etc.