
  • 网络Saline;brine;NaCl;Hypertonic saline
  1. 研制了一种φ230环隙式离心萃取器。在1500和2090rpm两种转速下,用水-煤油和食盐水-煤油两种体系做了流体力学性能实验。

    The hydromechanics test is carried out for a annular centrifugal contactor with φ 230mm rotor , which is developed by the authors , at 1500 and 2090 rpm and by using two systems water-kerosene and NaCl aqueous-kerosene .

  2. 论述了关于对油炸马铃薯片的工艺过程和工艺参数的研究,并且通过L9(34)正交试验,找到了最佳工艺条件:油炸时间4min;厚度6mm、水分含量75%、用10%食盐水前处理。

    The technological parameters and processes of fried potato were comprehensively studied in the present paper and optimum technological conditions were found through the L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experiments : fried time 4 min , thickness 6mm , content of water 75 % , 10 % NaCl pretreatment .

  3. 用钌钛氧化膜电极电解食盐水时pH对放氧速率的影响及其机理的探讨

    On the Influence of pH on Kinetics and Rate of Oxygen Evolution at Ti Electrode Covered with Film of RuO_2 and TiO_2

  4. 食盐水和BA处理的作用不稳定,在有的亲本组合中表现为促进杂交结籽,在有的组合中表现为抑制作用。

    Pollination after treatments of BA and salt solution can promote seed formation in some parental combination , but inhibit seed formation in others .

  5. 该渗层在食盐水、海水、H2S和SO2介质中具有优异的耐蚀性,在850℃以下具有抗高温氧化性。

    The layers have superior resistance to corrosion in aqueous solution of sodium chloride , in the air , H_2S and SO_2 and good resistance to oxidation up to the temperature of 850 ℃ .

  6. 建立了包括0.5%SDS溶液洗脱、过滤、离心沉淀、饱和食盐水溶液漂浮、麦克马斯特氏(McMaster)虫卵计数板观察计数等一系列程序的虫卵检验操作规程。

    We established a series of operating instruction including the elution of 0.5 % SDS solution , filtration , centrifuging sedimentation , floatation by saturated solution of NaCl and count by McMaster Counting Slides .

  7. 结果表明20min时硫酸镁溶液对卵囊破坏率最低,破坏率最大的是饱和食盐水,随着时间延长各种破坏作用增大,60min时饱和食盐水和尿素溶液中有极少卵囊破损和卵囊变形现象。

    The results indicated that magnesium sulfate solution showed the lowest rate of coccidia oocyst destruction at 20 min ; saturated salt water had the greatest rate of destruction . The destruction increased with time ;

  8. 食盐水电解槽槽电压的影响因素及其分析

    Analyses on the influence factors of table salt electrobath voltage

  9. 锌铝合金溶射膜在食盐水溶液中的腐蚀行为及腐蚀速度

    Electrochemical behavior of zinc-aluminium sprayed film and its corrosion rate in salt solution

  10. 工业电解食盐水的电化学分析

    Electrochemistry Analysis of Industrial Electrolytic Saltwater

  11. 同样,饱和食盐水能够填满位于海岸边的西班牙晶洞。

    The same , salt-saturated fluids could have filled up the Spanish geode , which lies near the coast .

  12. 采用食盐水刺激吐脏、消毒剂杀菌、抗菌抑菌药物抑菌效果的研究,探讨水蚯蚓的处理方法。

    By salt irritation excreting , disinfectant disinfecting and antibiotics bacteriostasis , the method for tubificidae treating was discussed .

  13. 硫酸化物经两次45℃饱和食盐水洗涤,收率为115%。

    Then (ⅰ) is washed twice with saturated salt solution of 45 ℃, the product yield is 115 % .

  14. 食盐水溶液多效蒸发平流加料流程的工艺计算由于涉及较多的计算项目和不定因素而比较困难。

    Craft calculations of parallel-flow adding material process of salt solution of multiple grade evaporation involves in more calculation item with uncertain factor .

  15. 指出电解食盐水时可能发生的几种副反应,分析其对电流效率的影响,介绍利用副反应产物计算阴极电流效率的公式及其应用。

    Some kinds of side reactions occurred during the electrolysis of brine were pointed out , and their influences on current efficiency were analyzed .

  16. 结果表明硫酸镁溶液影响率最小(4.94%)最大的是饱和食盐水(7.47%)。

    Magnesium sulfate solution showed the smallest influence rate ( 4.94 % ) and saturated salt water ( 7.47 % ) had the largest .

  17. 病人在急诊室立即接受大量生理食盐水冲洗,随后之眼部细隙灯检查发现左眼有明显之点状角膜上皮缺损及结膜充血水肿。

    The eye was irrigated with saline immediately , but the initial slit-lamp examination showed diffuse punctate epithelial keratopathy , prominent conjunctival injection and chemosis .

  18. 采用离子交换+膜法处理+三效蒸发浓缩制备食盐水和纯水回用于生产。

    Using ion exchange , membrane method treatment and 3 effective evaporation concentration the salt water and pure water could be prepared and reused for production .

  19. 饱和食盐水在吸入氨气后用二氧化碳进行碳化,便得到重碱(碳酸氢钠)沉淀和氯化铵溶液。

    Saturated salt water after inhaling ammonia with carbon dioxide for carbonation , they will have to re-alkali ( sodium bicarbonate ) and ammonium chloride solution precipitation .

  20. 采用10%、7%和4%3种浓度的食盐水,在20℃的条件下自然发酵白萝卜。

    In this study , radishes were spontaneously fermented at 20 ℃ with three different NaCl concentrations of 10 % , 7 % , and 4 % .

  21. 浸泡介质选用了沸水、20%盐酸、4.5%和45%氢氧化钠水溶液、饱和食盐水、丙酮、甲苯。

    Boiling water , 20 % HC1 , 4.5 % and45 % NaOH ( wt % ), saturated NaCl , acetone and toluene were selected as immersed medium .

  22. 发生器是采用无隔膜电极,电解食盐水经过氧化还原反应得到次氯酸钠溶液进行杀菌。

    In the sterilizer , by using non-diophragm electrode , the sodium hypo - chlorate liquid results in the oxidation - reduction of electrolytic salt solution and disinfect .

  23. 目的研究人尸体原形、无毒、长期保存防腐固定液配方及其固定方法。方法采用食盐水溶液、加消毒剂、丙二醇等成份为防腐固定液,不含福尔马林、石碳酸等有每成份。

    Object To study the preservative fluid for human cadaver with water , salt , disinfectant and propylene glycol without any formalin , phenol or any other toxic material .

  24. 本研究在实验室测定了电解电压、电解电流、食盐水浓度与电析有效面积对次氯酸钠溶液产量的影响。

    This essay shows our determination in lab that electrolytic voltage , electrolytic current , salt solution density and the effective area of electrode influence the yield of sodium hypo-chlorate solution .

  25. 研究表明当固溶处理方案为1100℃,保温30分钟,随后采用食盐水溶液进行搅拌冷却时,坯料初始硬度达到最低。

    Studies show that the initial hardness of blank will meet the minimum when the solution softening treatment process for heating at1100 ℃ for30minutes , followed by stirring cooling in salt solution .

  26. 针对次氯酸钠发生器的工作原理、电解食盐水中间过程的技术控制、杀菌机理,以及操作程序和应该注意的事项进行浅析。

    The working principle of the sodium hypochlorite generator , the technical control of the intermediate process of electrolysis of salt water , the exterminatory mechanism of sodium hypochlorite and the points for attention were introduced .

  27. 利用尿素溶液、饱和食盐水、硫酸镁溶液和砂糖溶液作漂浮液,通过漂浮、离心方法收集兔球虫卵囊,在相同条件下进行3个试验比较。

    Urea solution , saturated salt water , magnesium sulfate solution and sugar solution were used for floating fluid . Rabbit coccidia oocysts were collected by floating and centrifuging , on which three comparative tests were conducted under same conditions .

  28. 三水县矿盐水是一种优质的食盐水溶液,但其中SO4~(2-)的含量较高,对氯碱工业有不良的影响。

    Sodium chloride mineral water solution is of good quality in Sanshui county . But sulphate ion content in the solution is so high that it has an unfavourable influence over the industry where chlorine and caustic soda are produced .

  29. 为了缓解喉咙疼痛的不适,你需要食盐,水和一些止痛片。

    To help alleviate the discomfort of a sore throat you will need salt , water and some painkillers .

  30. 和面:先将砂糖、食盐和水搅拌至糖溶化,加入面粉、酵母和面包改良剂,先用慢速搅拌均匀,然后使用快速搅拌至面筋扩展。

    Dough making : Mix granulated sugar , salt with water till the granulated sugar is dissolved , add flour , yeast and bread improver , mix evenly at a slow speed , then fast mix till the dough is developed .