
bàn jīng tǐ
  • semi-crystal
半晶体[bàn jīng tǐ]
  1. 低分子有机物在半晶体聚合物中溶解的研究

    Absorption of Gas in Semicrystalline Polymer Solubility and Modeling

  2. 有机小分子在半晶体聚乙烯中的溶解度对其进行一定的改性修饰来提高它的溶解度和相应的功能特性是一项重要的应用基础研究工作。

    Study on Solubility of Low - Molecules in Polyethylenes But its application is limited because of its low solubility .

  3. 多原子半无限晶体中极化子的激发能量

    Excitation Energy of the Polaron in a Polyatomic Semiinfinite Crystals

  4. 半无限晶体中慢速运动的表面极化子

    Property of slow moving surface polaron in a semi-infinite crystal

  5. 半无限晶体中与声子普适耦合的表面电子

    Surface Electron Universally Coupled with Phonons in a Semi-Infinite Crystal

  6. 半无限晶体近表面内浅态施主杂质的基态能量

    The Ground State Energy of Shallow Donor Impurities near the Surface of Semi-infinite Crystal

  7. 研究半无限晶体中表面极化子的特性。

    Sak , Evans and Mills studied theoretically the surface polaron in polar crystals for the first time .

  8. 本文用变分法计算了半无限晶体近表面内浅态施主杂质的基态能量。

    The ground state energies of a shallow donor impurity near a sharp surface of a semi-infinite crystal are studied .

  9. 本文同时考虑体纵光学声子、表面光学声子以及表面声学声子的影响,研究半无限晶体中与声子普适耦合的表面电子的性质。

    In this paper , the properties of universally coupled surface electron , Which is coupled both with SO BO and SA phonons are studied .

  10. 物理学中研究物质在固态中的性质:半导晶体的电流传导,超导电性和光导电性。

    The branch of physics that studies the properties of materials in the solid state : electrical conduction in crystals of semiconductors and metals ; superconductivity ; photoconductivity .

  11. 介绍了半导晶体光纤测温原理、变压器油中气体分析技术原理,并阐述了半导晶体光纤测温、动态顶空平衡法和光声光谱技术的优点。

    Fiber optic thermometer and the transformer oil chromatogram analysis technologies have been studied , and also this paper states the advantages of measuring temperature by semi-conductor of the fiber-optic sensor , dynamic headspace degas technology and photoacoustic spectroscopy .

  12. 非掺半绝缘GaAs晶体中位错作用的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Role of Dislocation in Undoped Semi-Insulating GaAs Crystals

  13. 升华法制备半磁性半导体晶体Zn(1-x)MnxSe及其发光特性

    Preparation and Cathodeluminescence of Semimagnetic Semiconductor Zn_ ( 1-x ) Mn_xSe

  14. LEC法生长掺In的半绝缘GaAs晶体

    In-Doped Semi-Insulating GaAs Crystals Grown by LEC Method

  15. LPCVD法制备的高纯半绝缘4H-SiC晶体ESR谱特性

    ESR characteristics of high-quality semi-insulating 4H-SiC crystal prepared by LPCVD

  16. 一种新的半经验离子晶体解析零温物态方程

    A New Semi-Experimentally Analytical Zero-Temperature . Equation of State for Ionic Crystals

  17. 新型含硫半抗原的晶体结构、构象分析及其电性研究

    Studies on Crystal Structure , Conformation Analysis of a New Designed Hapten Containing Sulfur

  18. 一个倍半萜的晶体结构

    The X-ray Crystal Structure of One Sesquiterpene

  19. 掺等电子杂质铟生长了低位错密度的半绝缘砷化镓晶体。

    Low dislocation density SI-GaAs crystals have been pulled from melts by doping with iso-electronic impurity-In .

  20. 半无限极性晶体中的极化子

    Polarons in a semi-infinite polar crystal

  21. 转晶剂、晶种和分散剂对α半水石膏晶体粒度、形貌的影响

    Influence of Medium Crystal Agent , Seed Crystal Dispersing Agent on Crystal Granularity Morphology of Alpha-hemihydrate Gypsum

  22. 结论复合转晶剂适当的比例和掺量、蒸压时间是控制α半水石膏晶体粒度、形貌及强度的关键因素。

    The important factors of controlling the crystal granularity , morphology and strength of the alpha hemihydrate gypsum are the proportion of composition medium crystal agent and quantity , autoclave time .

  23. 我们分析的半无限光子晶体系统有两种,一种由均匀介质和半无限光子晶体构成,另一种由两种不同的半无限光子晶体构成。

    Two different systems are considered , one is composed of homogeneous media and semi-infinite photonic crystal , and the other is a heterostructure composed of two different semi-infinite photonic crystals .

  24. 对于由均匀介质和半无限光子晶体构成的系统,我们还给出了一种单模近似模型来计算光从均匀介质中入射时的反射系数及反射光相对于入射光的相位变化。

    For the system composed of homogeneous media and semi-infinite photonic crystal , a " single mode approximation model " is given to get the reflection coefficients and the phase shift of reflected wave relative to the incident wave . 5 .

  25. 本文研究了GaAs(110)弛豫表面的紧束缚计算,采用了有饱和的slab(薄片)模型,来模拟半无限大的晶体。

    In the present work , the tight-binding calculation for the rotational relaxed GaAs ( 110 ) surface is studied .

  26. 含负折射率材料并具有零平均折射率的半无限一维光子晶体的表面态

    Surface states of semi-infinite one-dimensional photonic crystal composed of negative refractive materials with zero-average-index

  27. 正负折射率材料组成的半无限一维光子晶体的反射率

    Reflectivity of semi-infinite one-dimensional photonic crystal composed of alternate layers of ordinary material and negative refraction material

  28. 本文导出一种新的半经验的离子晶体的零温物态方程,它具有解析形式。

    A new semi-experimentally zero-temperature equation of state with analytical form for ionic crystals is derived in this paper .

  29. 评述和展望了近年来出现的半有机非线性光学晶体的研究意义、潜在优势和发展前景。

    The research significance and the advantage of novel semi-organic nonlinear optical crystals are summarized and the prospect is forecasted .

  30. 光子晶体异质结由两个不同晶格结构的半无限大光子晶体构成,材料包括磁性和非磁性两种。

    The heterostructures are assembled of two semi-infinite two-dimensional dielectric ( or magnetic ) photonic crystals they are different in the shapes of the rods and the lattice .