
  • 网络food choices;food selection
  1. 纳多说:“毫无疑问,人们可以通过食物选择,在扭转糖尿病、扭转高血压,甚至预防癌症方面取得很大的进展。”

    " There 's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes , reversing high blood pressure , even preventing cancer by food choices , " Nadeau says .

  2. 用笔记本、标尺和钢笔来检查你作出的食物选择。

    Use a notebook , ruler , and pen to check your food choices .

  3. 目的:了解目前2型糖尿病病人膳食模式及血糖指数(GI)在其食物选择方面的应用情况。

    Objective : To investigate current dietary pattern and application of GI to food choice .

  4. 笼养白头叶猴的食物选择和食物量的研究

    Research on food selection and daily feeding quantity of white-headed leaf monkey

  5. 人乳是婴儿理想的食物选择。

    Human milk is an ideal nutritional source for infants .

  6. 大鼠的条件性味觉厌恶对其他个体食物选择的影响

    Effects of conditioned taste aversion on food selection of companion in rats

  7. 殊不知食物选择对了是有利于恢复健康的。

    But picking the can benefit and even speed healing .

  8. 青春期女生食物选择倾向和节食行为调查

    Food Choice and Dieting Behaviors of Adolescent Girl Students and Influencing Factors Thereof

  9. 更多睡眠与更好的食物选择之间的关系有充分的证据。

    The relationship between getting more sleep and making better food choices is well-documented .

  10. 她说:“是饮酒时的食物选择不当给公众健康造成了隐患。”

    Poorer food choices on drinking days have public-health implications , ' she said .

  11. 动物在学习食物选择的过程中,通过认知过程和感知过程处理食物信息,选择食物项目。

    Animals processed information about food through cognitive processes and affective processes in diet selection .

  12. 然后研究者们测试了人们的食物选择是如何影响他们的日常经历。

    Afterwards , researchers examined the way people 's food choices influenced their daily experiences .

  13. 反刍动物的食物选择及其影响因素

    Food Selectivity and Influencing Factors in Ruminants

  14. 食物选择是反刍动物营养生态学的重要研究内容之一。

    Food selection is one of the main research contents in nutritional ecology of ruminants .

  15. 烹调法:烹调法是对食物选择,烹饪,供应和享受的艺术。

    Gastronomy : art of selecting , preparing , serving , and enjoying fine food .

  16. 一项新研究表明,像这样的标签会帮助人们做出更好的食物选择。

    A new study shows that labels like these help people make better food choices .

  17. 研究指出,如果没有更好的可获得的食物选择,蝌蚪就会互相残食。

    Studies have shown that tadpoles will eat each other if no better food options are available .

  18. 它令人们感到好奇,频频使大家不知不觉进入食物选择的沟通交谈。

    It makes people curious , and that frequently slides us into a conversation about food choices .

  19. 进餐时有限的食物选择

    Limited food choices at meals

  20. 马克:知道你的食物选择会对环境产生什么影响,这样很好。

    Mark : It 's good to know what impacts your food choices have on the environment .

  21. 从而进一步验证了食物选择决定于饲料可利用量和食物质量的假设。

    Those results above support to the hypothesis : the forage availability and food quality decide food selection .

  22. 单宁酸对棕色田鼠和小鼠食物选择、日食量和蛋白质消化率的影响

    Effect of Tannic Acid on Food Selection , Food Intake and Protein Digestion Rate in Mandarin Vole and Mice

  23. 我对外面的食物选择很困惑。我不知道哪种真的的有用。

    I feel confused by all the diet options out there . I don 't know which one actually works .

  24. 提示大鼠中毒后的味觉嗜好行为是影响其他个体的食物选择的重要因素。

    These data suggested that taste preference of poisoned rat is an important factor affected food selection of other rats .

  25. 在不同营养状态下东方田鼠对陌生食物选择学习的研究

    Studies on the learning of preference of new food in rede voles ( Microtus fortis ) with different nutritional status

  26. 这正是大多数人如何看待他们的食物选择的不健康的放纵或者不堪忍受的苦行二者不可调和。

    This is precisely how most people view their food choices-as unhealthy indulgence or unbearable privation-with little grey area in-between .

  27. 当前美国消费者倾向于在提供有机食物选择的快餐休闲餐厅里享用那些被认为更自然更健康的食物。

    US consumers are opting for food perceived to be more natural and healthy at fast-casual restaurants that offer organic options .

  28. 在西方国家,星巴克如今为儿童提供低热量饮料和更好的食物选择;但是,同样地,在中国没有;

    Starbucks now offers low-calorie drinks and better food options for kids in the west ; but , again , not in China ;

  29. 有许多既能让你吃饱又能让你感觉很好的食物选择。

    There are really a lot of fat options that are going to fill you up and make you feel great as well .

  30. 目的了解青春期女生食物选择倾向和节食行为及其影响因素,为对青春期女生进行营养教育提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the food choice and dieting behaviors among adolescent girl students and relative influencing factors so as to provide a basis for nutrition education .