
  • 网络Death Eater;The Death Eaters
  1. 它就像阿兹卡班监狱里的食死徒。

    It almost acts like the death eaters in Azkaban prison .

  2. 部分解决的谜:这四个食死徒是谁?

    Partially solved mystery : who are these four death eaters ?

  3. 欢迎阅读这个帮助你成为一位食死徒的手册。

    Welcome to this helpful guide to being a Death Eater .

  4. 剩下的那个食死徒在大嚷,伏地魔在尖叫:不!

    The remaining Death Eater yelled ; Voldemort screamed , No !

  5. 你知道,他们当时在围捕食死徒。

    They were rounding up the Death Eaters , you know .

  6. 食死徒不能当邓不利多的间谍。

    No Death Eater shall be a spy for Dumbledore .

  7. 也就是在这个时候,斯内普吐露出他也曾经是一个食死徒。

    In this time , Snape reveals he was a death eater .

  8. 一个食死徒拍着地板。

    One of the Death Eaters spat on the floor .

  9. 我的荣耀将超过任何其他的食死徒。

    I will be honored beyond all other Death Eaters .

  10. 即便没有那两个食死徒,哈利仍然寡不敌众。

    Even without those two Death Eaters , Harry is still outnumbered .

  11. 那你是否还记得你成为食死徒之后的其他事情吗?

    Do you remember anything about your life after your Death Eater initiation ?

  12. 这种脑子,可以去当食死徒了,小子。

    Brains like that , you could be a Death Eater , son .

  13. 他是诺特或当面被卢娜击碎冥王星的食死徒。

    This is either nott or the Death Eater Luna Reducto-ed Pluto at .

  14. “那都是食死徒干的,”福吉说,“神秘人的追随者们。

    It was the Death Eaters , said Fudge . He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named 's followers .

  15. 食死徒有退休年龄吗?

    Is there a retirement age for Death Eaters ?

  16. 一个食死徒试图逃跑,但是邓布利多用魔法钩住了他。

    One Death Eater tries to escape , but Dumbledore reels him in .

  17. 莉莉波特早已不再活着,她从来就不是一个食死徒。

    Lily Potter is not alive , and she never was a Death Eater .

  18. 食死徒不能吹口琴。

    No Death Eater shall play the harmonica .

  19. 食死徒不能表现出正直,除非有真正的意外发生。

    No Death Eater shall behave with integrity unless it is a genuine accident .

  20. 很让我伤心的事情就是我很喜欢贝拉特里克斯这个角色(剧中食死徒之一)。

    One thing really really sad , I 've got very attached to Bellatrix .

  21. 纳西莎与她的妹妹,那个铁杆食死徒贝拉特里克斯•莱斯特兰奇为伴。

    Narcissa is accompanied by her sister , the malevolent Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange .

  22. 此人最好有着惊人的记忆,以及对付食死徒的多方面的经验。

    Preferably one with an eidetic memory and extensive experience with Death Eater procedures .

  23. 没有充分的理由,一个食死徒不能杀死另一个食死徒。

    No Death Eater may kill another Death Eater without a very good reason .

  24. 食死徒永远不能提到伏地魔本人不是纯血的。

    No Death Eater must ever mention that the Dark Lord himself is not pureblooded .

  25. 食死徒们谁也没动,他们都在等待,一切都在等待。

    None of the Death Eaters moved . They were waiting : Everything was waiting .

  26. 其中一个呼叫其余的食死徒,但是赫敏用无声无息咒打中了他。

    One of the Death Eaters yells for the others , but Hermione silencio-es him .

  27. 麦克尼尔。魔法部行刑手。食死徒。

    Macnair , walden : executioner for the Ministry of magic . a former death eater .

  28. 第一个食死徒大喊。

    Shouted the first Death Eater .

  29. 食死徒必须是纯血的。

    Death Eater must be pureblooded .

  30. 此咒语用来发出黑魔标记,伏地魔和食死徒专用。

    This spell conjures the dark mark and is used by Voldemort , and the Death Eaters .