
  • 网络The Dark Arts;Black magic;Dark Magic
  1. 黑魔法害人,白魔法助人。

    Black magic harms people , but white magic helps them .

  2. 看上去他好像在使用黑魔法。

    He seems to be practicing black magic .

  3. 但是这时,Bonnie的外婆出现了,警告她要远离黑暗,她说如果Bonnie再触碰黑魔法的话那些幽灵会让她受苦的。

    However , when she did , Grams intervened , warning her to stay away from the darkness before they try to keep her there . She warned Bonnie the spirits would make her suffer if she touched dark magic again .

  4. 当然啦,黑巫师尝试了一些邪恶的替代品,制造出阴尸,(注释四:阴尸是被黑魔法唤醒的死尸——J.K。罗琳注)但阴尸并不是真正被唤醒的人,而是幽灵般的僵尸。

    Vile substitutions have , of course , been attempted by Dark wizards , who have created Inferi , ( Note 4 : Inferi are corpses reanimated by Dark Magic . ) but these are ghastly puppets , not truly reawaken humans .

  5. 但大家都知道他最感兴趣的是黑魔法防御术。

    But everyone knows it 's the Dark Arts he fancies .

  6. 你的父母一直在练习黑魔法,你也是。

    Your parents were practising dark magic , just like you .

  7. 但在不采用“incumbation”的黑魔法的情况下维持这种地位很难。

    But maintaining it without adopting the dark arts of incumbation is difficult .

  8. 在这些书里,包含着从不在霍格沃茨课堂上讲授的很厉害的黑魔法,

    These were the books containing powerful Dark Magic never taught at Hogwarts ,

  9. 它还可以作为辟邪之物,防范来自东方的黑魔法艺术。

    It also served as protection against dark magical arts from the East .

  10. 那儿仍然被黑魔法统治着。

    Where the dark arts still hold sway .

  11. 只有高年级学生在研究高深的“黑魔法防御术”时才能读到。

    and only read by older students studying advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts .

  12. 他在霍格沃兹教黑魔法防御术。

    He will be teaching your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts .

  13. 这一神秘的职业,令许多人又敬又怕。巫术,也称黑魔法,是巫师,尤其是女巫施行的法术。

    Witchcraft , also called black magic , is the power or practices of witches .

  14. 一提起“神秘学”这个词,人们最先想到的是黑魔法

    When you say the word " occult , " everyone automatically thinks black magic ,

  15. 两个新的黑魔法!

    Two new black magic spells !

  16. 傲罗是一群抗击黑魔法的精英男女巫师。

    The Aurors are an elite group of witches and wizards who battle against the Dark Arts .

  17. 维吉尔:为了更深研究你的那些黑魔法,你亲手弑杀了结发妻子。

    Vergil : To further your study of the black arts , you sacrificed your loving wife .

  18. 说不定奇洛就施了一些反黑魔法的咒语,斯内普需要把它们解除——”

    and Quirrell would have done some anti-Dark Arts spell that Snape needs to break through - -

  19. 蜂蜜公爵之旅和卢平的黑魔法教室行对我来说都是前所未有的体验。

    The tours of Honeydukes and Professor Lupin 's classroom are like nothing I have ever seen before .

  20. 这是种极不稳定难以控制的黑魔法会脱离宿主然后攻击他人之后便消失得无影无踪

    It 's an unstable , uncontrollable Dark force that busts out and attacks ... and then vanishes .

  21. 他是危险的巫师想抓走所有的蓝精灵以此增进他的黑魔法

    He 's a dangerous wizard who wants to capture all smurfs and use them for his evil magic

  22. 所有食死徒必须精通的黑魔法:谋杀,不可饶恕咒,伪装等。

    All Death Eaters must be proficient in the Dark Arts : murder , Unforgivable Curses , yodeling etc.

  23. 独角兽毛可以产生它一贯的魔力,并且很难屈从于黑魔法。

    Unicorn hairs produced the most consistent magic , and were most difficult to yield to the Dark Arts .

  24. 罗琳:嗯,呃,很显然,书里要有一位黑魔法防御术老师。

    Rowling : Uuuhmmm , whewww . Uhh , * Obviously a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher .

  25. 我以前就听说过黑魔法今天才算是亲眼见到

    I 've heard the effect of dark magic but I 've never before see it with my own eyes !

  26. 她是邪恶巫师格格巫用黑魔法创造出来的他用了一块粘土捏出了蓝妹妹

    She was created by the evil wizard gargamel . Using dark magic , he made her from a lump of Clay

  27. 年轻的男巫打定主意绝不做这种意志薄弱的牺牲品,并利用黑魔法来加强自己的免疫力。

    The young warlock resolved never to fall prey to such weakness , and employed Dark Arts to ensure his immunity .

  28. 邻居们都认为那男人使用黑魔法,他让一些猫猫狗狗的失踪,并制造出奇怪的声音。

    They believed he practiced black magic and was responsible for missing cats and dogs , and strange sounds at all hours .

  29. 当教士们在讨论的时候,阿吉诺一言不发地思考着,不过他心里明白这并非黑魔法所为,那些标记也不是红斑。

    Aginor remained silent through the conversations , though ; he knew that this was not dark magic nor were the markings stigmata .

  30. 除了厉害的黑魔法,没有什么能干扰一把飞天扫帚——小孩子是不可能对光轮2000施这种魔法的。

    Can 't nothing interfere with a broomstick except powerful Dark magic - no kid could do that to a Nimbus Two Thousand .