
  • 网络The Queen of Spades;Pique Dame
  1. 雅典娜是黑桃皇后。

    Athena is the Queen of Spades .

  2. 在最前面走着的是“黑桃皇后”卡尔,她挽着一个柳条篮子,里面装着她母亲的杂货、她自己买的布料、以及这个星期里要用的其它物品。

    This leading pedestrian was Car the Queen of Spades , who carried a wicker-basket containing her mother 's groceries , her own draperies , and other purchases for the week .

  3. 我偷偷瞅了一眼钟,希望Charlotte离开的时间不会太久了,然后开始整理手上的扑克:黑桃皇后在红桃王上面;

    I sneaked a look at the clock , hoping it would soon be time for Charlotte to go , and began to stack up my cards : black queen on red king ;

  4. 三幕七场歌剧《黑桃皇后》是最具典型意义的批判现实主义的代表性歌剧。

    The three act seven opera " the queen of spades " is the representative opera critical realism of the most typical .

  5. 好吧,黑桃皇后,黑桃杰克,黑桃10,9,8,我是同花顺!

    All right , queen of spades , jack of spades , 10 of spades , 9 of spades , 8 of spades , Straight flush !