
  • 网络Dark Wizard
  1. 当然啦,黑巫师尝试了一些邪恶的替代品,制造出阴尸,(注释四:阴尸是被黑魔法唤醒的死尸——J.K。罗琳注)但阴尸并不是真正被唤醒的人,而是幽灵般的僵尸。

    Vile substitutions have , of course , been attempted by Dark wizards , who have created Inferi , ( Note 4 : Inferi are corpses reanimated by Dark Magic . ) but these are ghastly puppets , not truly reawaken humans .

  2. 他们是不是全都变成了黑巫师?

    Do they all turn into dark wizards ?

  3. 约翰尼·德普出演邪恶的黑巫师GellertGrindelwald,却引起了争议。

    It sparked controversy when Johnny Depp was cast as the infamous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald .

  4. 我大败了黑巫师!

    I defeated the dark sorcerer !

  5. 多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇:有人告诉你某个黑巫师回来了,但那是谎言。

    Dolores Umbridge : You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back . This is a lie .

  6. 哈利的父母就死在这个黑巫师手下,可是哈利大难不死,只留下了这道闪电形伤疤。

    Harry 's parents had died in Voldemort 's attack , but Harry had escaped with his lightning scar ,

  7. 听听这个:‘邓布利多广为人知的贡献包括:一九四五年击败黑巫师格林德沃,

    listen to this : ' Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945 ,

  8. 打击手,往往被指派到抗击犯罪的前线,而傲罗则是追踪并逮捕黑巫师。

    Hit Wizards , it would seem , are sent primarily against criminals while Aurors track down and capture Dark Wizards .

  9. 但是,哈利事先已经听说斯莱特林学院是培养黑巫师的,名声不好,所以他不顾一切地在脑子里说:“不要去斯莱特林!”

    But Harry , who had already heard of Slytherin House 's reputation for turning out Dark wizards , had thought desperately , Not Slytherin !

  10. 华纳兄弟影业在一份声明中宣布,麦斯·米科尔森将取代约翰尼·德普出演《神奇动物在哪里》第三部中的反派黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃。

    Mads Mikkelsen will replace Johnny Depp as the villainous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in the third " Fantastic Beasts " movie , Warner Bros. Pictures has announced in a statement .

  11. 在一个哈迷书粉的推特后面,罗琳透露:这名黑巫师名字结尾的t实际上应该是不发音的。

    While tweeting a fan of the books , Rowling revealed that the ' t ' at the end of the dark wizard 's name is actually supposed to be silent 。

  12. 德普在第一部《神奇动物在哪里》的片尾以格林德沃的身份首次亮相,但是在第二部中戏份大增。第二部讲述了这名黑巫师的崛起。

    Depp debuted as Grindelwald at the end of the first " Fantastic Beasts " movie , but played a much larger part in the second installment , which charts the wizard 's rise .

  13. 哈利一岁时侥幸逃过了有史以来最厉害的黑巫师伏地魔的魔咒。他的名字至今普通巫师们都不敢提及。

    At the age of one , Harry had somehow survived a curse from the greatest dark sorcerer of all time , Lord Voldmort , whose name most witches and wizards still feared to speak .

  14. 哈利一岁时,居然在遭到伏地魔诅咒之后幸存下来。伏地魔是有史以来最厉害的黑巫师,大多数女巫和男巫都不敢提到他的名字。

    At the age of one year old , Harry had somehow survived a curse from the greatest Dark sorcerer of all time , Lord Voldemort , whose name most witches and wizards still feared to speak .

  15. 尽管如此,一根经过许多黑巫师之手的假想的魔杖,起码会对最危险的魔法表现出显著的偏爱。

    Nevertheless , a hypothetical wand that had passed through the hands of many Dark wizards would be likely to have , at the very least , a marked affinity for the most dangerous kinds of magic .

  16. 近年曾出演《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》、《汉尼拔》和《007:大战皇家赌场》的丹麦演员米科尔森将在这个《哈利波特》前传系列中饰演核心人物黑巫师。

    Danish actor Mikkelsen , who has recently appeared in " Rogue One : A Star Wars Story , " " Hannibal , " and " Casino Royale , " will play the dark wizard at the center of the action in the " Harry Potter " prequels .

  17. 发生在7月31日晚的格林高斯银行大劫案目前仍在调查中。有关人士相信是某些黑女巫或黑巫师干的。

    Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July , widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown .