
hēi sēn lín
  • black forest;black growth
  1. 詹姆斯·拉皮内(JamesLapine),《魔法黑森林》

    James Lapine , " Into the Woods "

  2. 梅丽尔·斯特里普(MerylStreep),《魔法黑森林》

    Meryl Streep , " Into the Woods "

  3. 最佳女配角:帕特里西亚·阿凯特(PatriciaArquette),《少年时代》;杰西卡·查斯坦,《至暴之年》;凯拉·奈特莉(KeiraKnightley),《模仿游戏》;艾玛·斯通(EmmaStone),《鸟人》;梅丽尔·斯特里普(MerylStreep),《魔法黑森林》

    Best Supporting ActressPatricia Arquette , " Boyhood " Jessica Chastain , " A Most Violent Year " Keira Knightley , " The Imitation Game " Emma Stone , " Birdman " Meryl Streep , " Into the Woods "

  4. 音乐与喜剧类最佳女主角:艾米·亚当斯,《大眼睛》;艾米莉·布朗特(EmilyBlunt),《魔法黑森林》;海伦·米伦(HelenMirren),《米其林情缘》(TheHundred-FootJourney);朱莉安娜·摩尔,《星图》;奎文赞妮·瓦利斯,《安妮:纽约奇缘》

    Best Actress , Musical or Comedy : Amy Adams , " Big Eyes " Emily Blunt , " Into the Woods " Helen Mirren , " The Hundred-Foot Journey " Julianne Moore , " Maps to the Stars " Quvenzhan é Wallis , " Annie "

  5. 他们在黑森林里越走越深

    Deeper and deeper into the dark wood they went .

  6. 还说在黑森林里等我。

    He 's waiting for me in the darking woods .

  7. 最多有100所房屋被黑森林大火烧毁。

    As many as 100 homes may have been destroyed in black forest .

  8. 但是黑森林火灾烧毁的大部分区域仍然要继续疏散。

    But a large portion of the Black Forest fire burned area remains evacuated .

  9. 她舞着,而且不得不舞,一直舞到黑森林里去。树林中有一道光。

    She danced , and was forced to dance straight out into the gloomy wood .

  10. 黑森林大火的发生地与去年夏天沃尔多峡谷火灾的发生地距离很近。

    The black forest fire is burning quite close to where the Waldo Canyon fire burned last summer .

  11. 他得走上好长的一段路,而且还得经过一个很大的黑森林。

    He had a very long way to go , and had to pass through a dark , gloomy forest .

  12. 最佳音乐、喜剧类电影:《鸟人》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《魔法黑森林》、《骄傲》、《圣人文森特》

    Best Picture , Musical or Comedy " Birdman " " The Grand Budapest Hotel " " Into the Woods " " Pride " " St. Vincent "

  13. 红白条纹相间的木制摊位遍布戴利广场,吸引着游客购买纯手工制成的德国产品,比如黑森林布谷鸟钟、啤酒杯以及大量的装饰品。

    Red-and-white striped wooden stalls fill Daley Plaza enticing visitors to buy handcrafted German products like Black Forest cuckoo clocks , beer steins , and ornaments galore .

  14. 然而有一天,正当众神设宴欢聚的时候,黑森林里的多头百眼兽却突然窜进了大厅!

    On day , when the gods got together for a banquet , a monster with many heads and eyes from the black forest rushed into the hall .

  15. 2014年的音乐剧《魔法黑森林》就是由(格林童话中)的“杰克与豆茎”、“灰姑娘”、“小红帽”、以及“长发姑娘”四个故事汇集而成的讽刺成人童话。

    The 2014 musical drama Into the Woods , for example , combined the stories of Cinderella , Rapunzel , Little Red Riding Hood , and Jack and the Beanstalk to create an ironic tale that would appeal to adults .

  16. 正是怀着这种恐惧症,他试着在拍摄指环王的蜘蛛场景和霍比特人电影中黑森林里的更多蜘蛛时驾驭这种恐惧感。

    It is exactly this fear though , that he attempted to harness when working on the spider scenes for the Lord of the Rings and later for the scenes with multiple spiders in Mirkwood for the filming of The Hobbit .

  17. 除了保证在解剖学上尽可能真实,设计师们也要确保这些生物处于一个潜伏在黑森林里多年的“长期居住”的环境里,让一些最让人不安的蜘蛛们出现在荧幕上。

    Aside from making sure they were as realistic as possible anatomically , the designers also made sure to give the creatures that " lived-in " look from lurking in the dark of Mirkwood for ages , making some of the most disturbing spiders ever to appear onscreen .

  18. 不能在这里,独自一人待在越来越黑的森林里想。

    Not here , alone in the darkening forest .

  19. 黑麋峰森林公园是一个毗邻株洲市的旅游地。

    Heimifeng Forest Park is a tourism attraction adjacent to Zhuzhou City .

  20. 城市居民对周边旅游地的需求特征研究&以湖南湘潭市居民对黑麋峰森林公园的需求调查为例

    Characteristics of urban consumer needs to surrounding tourist areas & a case study of Xiangtan , Hunan

  21. 城市居民对周边旅游资源开发的期望特征&以湖南黑麋峰森林公园为例

    Expectation of city residents on the tourism development of a city 's regional tourism zones & a case study

  22. 你和杰森要去黑又刺激的森林,还要在那儿扎营过夜。

    You 're going to camp out with Jason in the dark and dangerous woods .

  23. 风围着房子吹啊吹,仿佛它在又黑又冷的森林里迷了路。

    All around the house the wind went crying as though it were lost in the dark and the cold .

  24. 水景石材以中国黑花岗岩,蒙古黑花岗岩,森林绿花岗岩为主。

    Chinese black granite , Mongolia black granite and forest green granite are chose for cascades .