
  • 网络groundwater overexploitation;overexploitation of groundwater
  1. 区域上的地下水超采引起全县范围内水位下降。

    The regional groundwater overexploitation leads the water lowering throughout the county .

  2. 机井数量属于绝对承载,一定程度上反映了地下水超采严重的现状。

    The number of motor-pumped well is an absolute load , which reflects the serious situation of groundwater overexploitation to a certain extent .

  3. 针对目前北京市地下水超采状况,引水工程实施后,将有计划地减少地下水的开采量,一方面使宝贵的地下水资源得以恢复;

    After the project , the groundwater discharge will be reduced designedly .

  4. 地下水超采对太原地区岩溶泉的影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Groundwater Overdrawn to the Karstic Spring

  5. 山西省地下水超采现状与特征分析

    Present Situation and Features of Overdraft of Groundwater in Shanxi

  6. 地下水超采引起的近地表地温变化规律研究

    The Study of Ground Temperature Change after Groundwater Exceeding Extraction

  7. 山西省地下水超采状况分析与对策研究

    Situation Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Over-extraction of Groundwater in Shanxi Province

  8. 石河子市城市地下水超采问题及其水资源保护方面的探讨

    Comment on Shihezi under Groundwater Overdraft Problem and Its Water Resources Protection

  9. 安徽淮北平原地下水超采评价与限采规划

    Overdraft Evaluation and Pumping-limit Planning of Groundwater in Huaibei Plain of Anhui Province

  10. 地下水超采现象严重,导致流域部分平原区地面持续沉降。

    Ground water overdraft leads to the continuing subsidence of part plain surface .

  11. 论运城市地下水超采与保护策略

    Groundwater Overdrawn and its Protective Strategy in Yuncheng City

  12. 北方干旱、半干旱地区地下水超采严重,水资源供需矛盾突出。

    Groundwater overexploitation is very serious in arid or semiarid areas of North China .

  13. 本区水资源匮乏,地下水超采严重。

    Water resources in the area are deficient .

  14. 咸阳市城区地下水超采问题及对策

    Issue of Groundwater Overdraft and its Countermeasures in the Urban Area of Xianyang City

  15. 因此必须采取有效措施控制地下水超采,实现灌区农业的可持续发展、保护环境。

    In this paper , the effect of over development of groundwater on earth fissure is studied .

  16. 地下水超采严重,地下水位逐年下降,下降速度达到0.57米/年。

    The over pumping of underground water has caused water levels to decline by 0.57 meters per year .

  17. 分析了气候变化、地下水超采、地表径流及粮食产量变化等方面对水资源的影响。

    The impacts of climate change , groundwater overdraft , surface runoff and food production changes on water resources are analyzed .

  18. 本文论述了2002年运城市地下水超采状况及其引起的环境地质等一系列问题。

    The article discusses the situation of groundwater overdrawn , which result in a series environmental and geological issues in the Yuncheng City in2002 .

  19. 有计划分步骤地关停地下水超采地区部分自备井,同时对现有供水管网进行改造。

    Self-supply wells in the groundwater over-extracted area will be phased out and the reconstruction and expansion of existing water distribution network will be completed .

  20. 地下水超采所引起的地下水位持续下降,不仅造成地表产流减少,而且使降水对地下水的补给量减少。

    The continual lowering of groundwater level created by the excess development of groundwater , not only caused surface runoff decreasing but groundwater recharge lessening .

  21. 经研究表明,地下水超采为影响该区地裂缝灾害的第二大因子,它是通过地面沉降来促使地裂缝的形成和发展。

    Some researches demonstrate that groundwater over pumping is the second factor influencing the ground fissure hazards and assisting ground fissure formation and development via subsidence .

  22. 河西绿洲灌区地下水超采严重,因此针对当地实际情况,建立合理的灌溉技术对当地农业生产具有指导作用。

    Serious over-exploitation of groundwater irrigation in Hexi Oasis , so for the local situation , a reasonable irrigation techniques play a guiding role in local agricultural .

  23. 河北省邯郸县淡水资源短缺、地下水超采、水体污染日趋严重,水的供需矛盾突出,已成为当地经济发展的制约因素。

    In Handan County , Hebei Province , the worsening of situations in freshwater shortage , groundwater overexploitation and water pollution have become restrictive factors of economic development .

  24. 在我国,尤其在北方地区水资源严重短缺,地下水超采已成为北方地区的共性问题。

    The serious short of water resources in our country , especially in the northern regions , the groundwater overdraft has become the common problems of the northern regions .

  25. 城市生态环境用水从城市湖泊环境用水、城市绿化用水、地下水超采恢复用水、城区道路洒水等方面进行分析。

    According to analyzing water consumption of urban lake , green spaces in urban area , recharge of ground water , urban street , calculates urban eco-environmental water consumption .

  26. 因不合理开发利用,出现了浅层地下水超采漏斗、咸水入侵、土壤盐碱化及地下水污染等水环境问题。

    Due to unreasonable exploitation and utilization , some environmental problems occurred in this area , such as over-mining funnels , salt water intrusion , soil salinization and underground pollution .

  27. 中国已经下令关闭10个肮脏行业的小型工业企业,并且严控地下水超采,从而再度发起解决污染的努力。

    China has ordered the closure of small plants in 10 dirty industries and a clampdown on the tapping of underground water sources in a renewed effort to tackle contamination .

  28. 水资源需求增大,地下水超采严重,出现地下水位下降、地面沉降、海水倒灌、泉水干枯等现象。

    The water resource demand increases and the over-exploitation of groundwater is serious , having led to lowering of groundwater level , sea water encroachment , and dried-up of spring water .

  29. 为有效解决地下水超采问题,同时促进亚利桑那州经济和社会发展,美国政府于20世纪90年代兴建了中央亚利桑那调水工程。

    In order to deal with this problem effectively , promote economic and social development of Arizona , the Central Arizona Project ( CAP ) was constructed by the federal government in 1990s .

  30. 并概述武汉市水环境治理的问题包括水体污染严重、湖泊生态系统遭破坏、湖泊萎缩和水量锐减、局部地下水超采等,以及针对这些问题的相应的治理对策。

    And an overview of wuhan water environment management problems including serious water pollution , lakes ecosystem destruction , lakes and quantity of groundwater plummeted , local , aiming at these problems , and the corresponding countermeasures .