- 名surface water

[surface water] 没有进入地面的天然水
Grey Evaluation for Environmental Quality of Earth Surface Water
Detection of Mutagenicity of Q River Surface Water by Three Methods
Objective To investigate the mutagenicity of Q river surface water .
Study on grey method of forecasting for com_ ( mn ) in surface water by discharge amount of industrial waste water
Objective To explore the feasibility of assessing the genotoxic effect for surface-water pollution using carp erythrocytes with comet test .
The BOD Estimation of Low BOD Concentrition in Surface Water . by Microbial Membrane Sensor
Severe eutrophication , water quality , ultra-Class V surface water standards , blue-green algae spread of water hyacinth , has seriously restricted the sustainable development of Kunming .
Study on Transfer and Accumulation Rule of MTBE in Surface Water System and Toxicity in Aquatic
Conclusion The results suggested that detecting the DNA damage of carp RBCs with comet test might reflect the pollution level of surface-water .
Detection of Organic Extractives from River Water of Chengdu by Using Micronucleus 、 Lymphocyte Transformation and Ames tests
The total hardness , sulfate , chloride and consumption oxygen quantity in mixing water , underground water and surface water existed significant difference ( P0.01 ) .
In this paper , a back propagation network , a Hopfield network , Fuzzy comprehensive index method and classification of gray are compared in application for water quality assessment .
Detection of organic extractives from 3 river water of Chengdu was performed by using micronucleus , Iymphocyte transformation and Ames tests .
This paper introduced the preparation method on filter of phosphoric acid resin , and the conditions of application to separate Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd from the ground water and ocean water .
Methods The mutagenicity of 14 samples from Q river surface water were detected by the method of Ames test , cytokinesis-block micronucleus test and comet assay .
There was no relativity between COD , BOD5 and the total PAHs concentrations therefore , it could not reflect the risk of PAHs pollution of the surface water .
Result Comet test showed that all the carp RBCs had DNA damage that significantly differed from the controls ( P < 0.05 ), there was obvious positive correlation between severity and pollution level , and quite consistent trend showed in micronucleus test .
Combining the forecasting practice in BOD5 of some surface water , a robust GIM ( 1 ) is set up and studied .
Present a graph of evaluation exponent by using the powerful forms function of PowerBuilder , through which the state of surface water and its relationship with water period can be evaluated .
Proved by three groups of experiments , the decomposing time to the determination of Phosphorus could be reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes
Results : The concentration of total nitrogen ( TN ) and total phosphorus ( TP ) in the Lake were higher than the III level guideline of surface water environmental quality standard . The average algae cell density was 3 × 106 / liter .
The routine treatment technology of tap water could not remove effectively the trace organic ( such as PAHs , etc ); pollutants therefore the PAHs pollution of surface water , especial of drinking-water resources , possessed greater health risk .
Method Successive surveillance and comprehensive evaluation were carried out by using Drinking Water Sanitary Criterion ( 2001 ) and Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard ( GB 3838-2002 ) .
Application Of Average Comprehensive Pollution Index In bo Water Pollution Classification
United standard samples , environment water and wastewater were analyzed .
Combined Operation of Surface and Sub surface Water in Wuwei County
Detection of mutagenicity of surface water using human lymphocyte micronucleus test
Join Use of Ground and Surface Water in Irrigation Project
Fuzzy Evaluation Method for Organic Pollution of the Earth 's Surface Water
Study on surface water environmental impact assessment for a small development area