
  • 网络Geostationary transfer orbit;GTO
  1. 本研究报告介绍地球同步转移轨道(GTO)被污染情况及其影响,并指出影响GTO上物体轨道寿命几大因素。

    This paper describes the GTO pollution and its impact and points out some major perturbative influences on the orbital lifetime of a body in GTO . E.S.

  2. 德尔它4系列基于一个公共助推核心有5种构型,能将4233~12757kg规格的中型和重型载荷送入地球同步转移轨道(GTO)。

    The delta IV is composed of five configurations based on a common booster core ( CBC ), which is capable of carrying payloads ranging from 4 233 to 12 757 kg into the geosynchronous transfer orbit ( GTO ) .

  3. 航天器进入地球同步转移轨道运行所需速度为10.25公里/秒;

    spacecraft Into the geosynchronous transfer orbit speed of 10.25 kilometers requirements / s ;

  4. 该火箭曾于1990年4月7日成功地将美国休斯公司制造的“亚洲1号”卫星送人地球同步转移轨道,是中国运载火箭发展上的一个重要里程碑。

    The vehicle also marked the first use of a high technology upper stage . On April 7 , 1990 , LM-3 delivered the first foreign communication satellite , Asia Sat l , made by the U. S. Hughes Corporation , into a predetermined GTO .