
  • 网络geostationary orbit;geo;GSO;geostationary satellite orbit
  1. 顾及系统误差的地球静止轨道卫星PDOP值加权几何法定轨

    Geometry Orbit Determination of GEO Satellite with Systematic Errors Using PDOP Weight

  2. 地球静止轨道区域凝视光学系统成像性能分析

    The Analyse of Imaging Quality of the Optical System in Geostationary Orbit

  3. 利用GPS对地球静止轨道卫星定轨的可行性

    The Feasibility of Determining the Orbit of Geostationary Satellites Using GPS

  4. 星载GPS地球静止轨道卫星自主定轨的新算法

    New Algorithm of Autonomous Orbit Determination of GEO Satellite Using GPS

  5. 地球静止轨道光综合孔径相机的能耗与(u,v)覆盖研究

    Studies on Energy Expending and ( u , v ) Coverage for Optical Synthetic Aperture Camera on Geosynchronous Orbit

  6. 地球静止轨道预警卫星弹道重构是弹道导弹防御的一个重要环节,利用基于Stirling插值逼近的非线性KALMAN滤波方法,对凝视型弹道重构算法进行了研究。

    Trajectory estimation by geostationary early warning satellite is important in ballistic missile defense . Staring trajectory estimation algorithm is discussed with the help of nonlinear KALMAN filter based on Stirling interpolate approximation .

  7. 在卫星动力法定轨的协方差分析基础上,提出了一种针对地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星的简化定轨精度分析方法。

    An approximate algorithm of orbit determination error analysis for geostationary ( GEO ) satellite was presented based on the covariance analysis of dynamic orbit determination in this paper .

  8. 总结了几种利用GPS对地球静止轨道卫星定轨的方法,并且对仅仅接收GPS星发射的信号来定轨这种方法进行了计算论证。

    The several methods of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites using GPS are summarized . The calculation demonstration is carried out according to the method of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites which only receive the signals transmitted by the GPS constellations .

  9. 针对地球静止轨道卫星的特点,提出了一种自主定轨的新算法&积分滤波算法,即利用Kalman滤波进行动力学模型数值积分与GPS定轨的有效融合。

    Considering the feathers of GEO satellite , a new algorithm of autonomous orbit determination of GEO satellite using GPS is proposed in this paper , which is integral and filtering . This algorithm integrates GPS with numerical integral of kinetic model by Kalman filtering .

  10. 传统的地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星通信已不能满足市场的需求,低轨卫星移动通信系统由于其传播时延短、链路传播损耗小等优点,越来越受到人们的重视。

    Traditional geostationary orbit ( GEO ) satellite communication has been unable to meet the demand of the market , LEO satellite mobile communications system attracts increasing attention because of its short propagation delay and small transmission loss .

  11. 介绍了风云二号(FY2)地球静止轨道自旋气象卫星工程测控的关键技术。

    The key technologies used to control FY-2 geostationary meteorological self-spin stabilized satellites were introduced in this paper .

  12. 地球静止轨道卫星有效载荷可优选凝视型光学遥感器

    An Optimized Sensor for Geostationary Orbit Satellite Payload ORBIT OF LIGHT

  13. 地球静止轨道通信卫星位置保持原理及实施策略

    The Principle of Station-keeping and Maneuver Strategies of Geostationary Communication Satellites

  14. 某地球静止轨道卫星成像辐射计热控设计

    Design of Thermal Control Technology of Imaging Radiometer for GEO Satellite

  15. 地球静止轨道自旋卫星姿态确定及控制策略

    The Determination of Attitude and Control Strategies for Double Spin Geostationary Satellites

  16. 地球静止轨道卫星寿命末期离轨方案研究

    De-orbit project of GEO satellite in the end of lifetime

  17. 地球静止轨道的物理性质和技术特征

    Physical nature and technical attributes of the geostationary orbit

  18. 外层空间和地球静止轨道定义和定界工作组

    Working Group on the Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space and Geostationary Orbit

  19. 一种地球静止轨道自旋卫星东西控制参数计算方法及应用

    A Simplified Algorithm for Calculation of West-East Station Keeping Parameters for Dual-Spin Geostationary Satellites

  20. 地球静止轨道空间碎片的处置

    The Disposal of Geostationary Orbit Space Debris

  21. 地球静止轨道的光谱容量

    Spectral capacity of the geostationary orbit

  22. 此外,在定向技术研究中,论文首次提出了单星定向方法,该方法仅利用一颗地球静止轨道卫星就可以定向。

    Secondly , a new orienting method merely with one geostationary satellite is developed for the first time .

  23. 利用数值仿真对近地太阳同步轨道和地球静止轨道两种情况进行了验证,仿真结果表明该思路和方法是有效的。

    Two case is simulated and the feasibility is verified for near earth sun synchronize orbit and geostationary orbit .

  24. 作为互联网路由器领军企业,思科将进军一个新的领域,届时他们将把一个路由器安装在卫星上送入地球静止轨道。

    The company that pioneered the Internet router is about to enter a new frontier , sending one into geostationary orbit on a satellite .

  25. 最后,以地球静止轨道卫星为目标星,研究了悬停轨道的实施途径,并进行了数学仿真。

    Finally , taking earth synchronous satellites as a target , the implementation method of hovering orbit was studied , and numerical simulation was also conducted .

  26. 所以我们需要赤道地面一个非常高的高塔,和沿地球静止轨道绕地运转的卫星。

    So what we need is a really tall tower here on the ground right at the equator and a satellite in geostationary orbit around the Earth .

  27. 随着各国对地球静止轨道的利用,静止轨道卫星的数量急剧增加,造成了静止轨道局部特别是热点地区较为拥挤的现象。

    With the growing use of the geostationary orbit , the increasing geostationary satellite has led to congestion at hot spots in the geostationary altitude in particular .

  28. 卫星定位导航系统对一个国家的生存和发展有着至关重要的作用,我国目前已经研制成功了基于地球静止轨道的双星卫星定位系统。

    The satellite positioning navigation system is very important to the survival and development of a country . Now , we have developed Two-satellite Positioning System based on the earth quiescency track .

  29. 航天测控。中国已建成完整的航天测控网,包括陆地测控站和海上测控船,圆满完成了从近地轨道卫星到地球静止轨道卫星、从卫星到试验飞船的航天测控任务。

    TT monitoring : tt China has established an integrated TT network comprising TT ground stations and ships , which has successfully accomplished TT missions for near-earth orbit and geo-stationary orbit satellites , and experimental spacecraft .

  30. 一旦你在塔正上方的地球静止轨道上,就可以从卫星直接放下碳纳米管缆线并绑在地球地面的高塔上。然后就解决了!

    So once you are in this geostationary orbit right over the tower , just lower your carbon nanotube cable down from the satellite , tether it to the tower here on Earth . And there you have it !