
  • 网络Ground receiving station;earth station;downlink;TGT
  1. 遥感卫星地面接收站的自动化测试系统

    An Auto Test System Successfully be Used in One Remote Sensing Satellite Earth Station

  2. 卫星从一个地面原发站接收信号,然后在将这个信号传送至每个指定的地面接收站。

    The satellite receives a signal transmitted by an originating earth station and retransmits that signal to the destination earth station ( s ) .

  3. 地面接收站条件下LS波段干扰的判断和处理

    The Judging and Processing of LS Band Interference in Ground Receiving Station

  4. 本文结合星载SAR卫星地面接收站的工作特点和军事应用需求,在较系统地分析、综合现有典型SAR目标检测算法的基础上,重新审视和界定SAR目标检测问题。

    The thesis contacted closely with working characteristic and martial demand of satellite station of space-borne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) . Based on analyzing and synthesizing typical algorithms of SAR target detection , the issue of SAR target detection is surveyed and studied .

  5. 并根据布局方案解算过程,提出了通用性的针对CSES地面接收站选址的技术流程。

    Then according to the calculation procedure of the solutions , a general station selection flow for the CSES is put forward .

  6. 此器件已成功地用于卫星地面接收站中。

    It has been successfully used in the satellite ground receiver station .

  7. 卫星地面接收站电磁环境的测试和分析

    Measuring and analysing the electromagnetic environment of satellite ground station

  8. 数字卫星地面接收站的快速调整方法

    The Quick Way to Adjusting the Digital Ground Satellite Station

  9. 因为航天器距任何一个地面接收站都太远,很难发回清晰的无线电信号。

    The spacecraft were too far from any ground station to send clear messages .

  10. 金环牌卫星电视地面接收站

    Gold Ring brand satellite television ground receiving station

  11. 气象卫星地面接收站

    Ground receiving station for meteorological satellites

  12. 国家重点项目,卫星地面接收站也在建设中。

    The ground station of satellite communication , a state key project , is also under construction .

  13. 该论文的研究主要是源于卫星信号地面接收站需要接收低轨卫星下发的遥测信号。

    The study of this paper originates from the telemetry signals of some LEO satellites that are needed for reception by one satellite signal receiving station .

  14. 在大量实践经验的基础上,利用角度互余原理,提出了一种能够利用简单的仪器设备,快速、便捷、准确安装、调试卫星地面接收站的方法。

    A method to install television receive only terminal quickly and accurately with simple instruments is proposed based on a great deal of practical experiences and complementary angle principle .

  15. 本文从资源卫星地面接收站选址的角度,考虑了对地面站允许干扰电平的规定。

    In consideration of the site selection of a satellite ground receiving station , a set of rules of allowable electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) levels is proposed in this paper .

  16. 然后这十进制信号再由遥测系统以编码形式传送到地面接收站。本文重点介绍此种遥测系统。

    These decimal signals are them coded and transmitted by remote measurement system to the receiving station on the ground , In this paper the , remote measurement system is mainly introduced .

  17. 系统需要卫星地面接收站的硬件支持,同时加密解密算法的研究对于卫星数据的获取是不可或缺的条件。

    The system needs the help of satellite receiving station . In the same time , the researches of encrypt & decrypt arithmetic play an important role in the analysis of satellite data .

  18. 早上8:10时最后一次状态更新(几乎是计划抵达北京的时间的2小时之后)是飞机主动发出的,而通常情况应该是由地面接收站主动的。

    The final status update , which took place at 8:10 AM ( almost two hours after MH370 was meant to land in Beijing ) was initiated by the aircraft , as opposed to the ground station .

  19. 利用卫星网络的TCP/IP技术,设计一种高度自动化的遥感地面接收站的远程管理控制系统,并讨论了网内数据传送的控制流程。

    In this paper how the author has designed an highly automation remote management and control system for the satellite receive station used by the satellite TCP / IP technology is described . The data flow process in this system is discussed .

  20. 在遥测地面接收站中,过去通常采用磁带机来记录检前信号,随着高速数字采集和大容量磁盘阵列记录技术的发展,现在已可以采用直接中频采样和数字记录技术。

    At ground receiving station , magnetic tape was generally used to record the undetectable signal . With the development of the technologies of high-speed sampling and large capacity disk array recording , sampling at intermediate frequency and digital recording can be adopted .

  21. 尼克松总统访华时,我们被迫携带了一个地面卫星接收站,以便有效地与国内沟通,同时便利媒体报道。

    When President Nixon came to China , we had to bring a ground station with us in order to communicate effectively and for our media to communicate .

  22. 从卫星上高速下传的数据由地面卫星接收站转发为基带信号送至数据中心,速度可达上百兆波特率,并要求系统能够正确接收,存入计算机中进行后续数据的分析和处理。

    The high speed data flow transmitted from the satellites is received by the satellite communication earth station and then sent to the data terminal center , the speed of which is up to hundreds of megabytes baud rate .

  23. 陆地资源卫星源源不断地把遥感数据传输至地面,卫星地面接收站积累了海量的卫星遥感数据。

    The Land Resource Satellites continuously send the remotely sensed data to the earth , so large quantity of data has been acquire by the satellite receiving ground station .

  24. 特别是卫星在低仰角进行通信时,多径衰落尤其严重,并且由于卫星与地面接收点(地面站或移动用户)的相对运动较快,高多普勒频移可能使信号经历快衰落。

    The satellite system is doomed to suffer from the multipath fading in the presence of little elevation . Because the speed of the satellite comparing to it of the ground station is fast , the high Doppler shifts may lead to fast fading of the signal .