
  • 网络DER;distributed energy resources
  1. 分布式能源(DistributedEnergyResources,DER)的逐渐接入,对传统模式的配电网规划和运行提出了新的挑战和要求。

    With the distributed energy resources ( DER ) integrated gradually , traditional distribution system planning and operation face substantial challenges and new requirements .

  2. 主动配电网是具备组合控制各种分布式能源(DistributedGeneration,DG)能力的配电网络,通过主动控制和主动管理将电源和用户需求有效连接起来。

    Active distribution network ( ADN ) refers to distribution network having the ability of combinable controlling various distributed energy resources , and effectively connects generation with consumers ' need through active controlling and management .

  3. 其次,征对典型分布式能源站点B的冷却水排放进行了三维数值模拟。通过分析水文资料确定了计算区域黄浦江水位、取排水口的尺寸和位置。

    Secondly , though the application of hydrologic data , the river level 、 the location and dimension of the intake and outlet of discharge water are determined .

  4. 冷热电联供系统(CCHP)作为一种分布式能源供应系统,受到越来越广泛的重视。

    Combined cooling heating and power system ( CCHP ), as a kind of distributed energy system , is causing great concerns .

  5. 中温PCM主要针对90~550℃的热动力环境,在太阳能热发电、有机朗肯循环、移动蓄热技术、分布式能源系统等方面有广阔的应用前景。

    These PCM have a promising application in thermodynamic environment with its temperature varying from 90 to 550 ℃, especially in solar thermal power , organic Rankine cycle , mobile thermal energy storage and distributed energy resources system .

  6. 结合分布式能源冷热电联供(CCHP)系统在北京市的发展状况,重点探讨了其电力并网交易的问题。

    In the light of the status quo of distributed generation of combined cooling and heating power ( CCHP ) in Beijing , this paper discusses the issues concerning the trading by interconnection .

  7. 智能电网中清洁分布式能源的优化利用策略

    Strategies for Optimal Use of Clean Distributed Energy in Smart Grid

  8. 积极推进热电联产与分布式能源系统的发展

    Actively advance the development of triple - generation and distributed energy system

  9. 分布式能源定义及其与冷热电联产关系的探讨

    Definition of distributed energy resources and Discussion on its relationship with CCHP

  10. 分布式能源系统的研究现状与应用前景

    Status quo of making research on distributed energy systems and application thereof

  11. 分布式能源技术的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Owning and Operating Distributed Energy Resource Technologies

  12. 分布式能源系统在某现代商城应用的可行研究

    Feasibility of applying distributing energy supply system in a marketplace

  13. 某办公大楼分布式能源系统供电方案介绍

    Introduction of Distributed Energy System 's Power Supply Planning in Some Building

  14. 我国发展分布式能源的迫切性、意义及前景

    Urgency , meaning and prospect to develop distributed energy in our country

  15. 分布式能源系统&太阳能发电简介

    Distributed energy resource system & brief introduction on solar energy electricity generatio

  16. 探索了分布式能源的融资、建设和运营模式;

    Explores the financing , building and operating mode of distributed energy ;

  17. 引入蓄能环节的分布式能源系统优化分析

    Optimization and Analysis of Distributed Energy System with Energy Storage

  18. 清洁发展机制与我国天然气分布式能源站的发展

    Clean development mechanism and gas distributed energy stations in China

  19. 分布式能源系统的方案选择及性能分析

    Scheme selection and performance analysis of distributed energy systems

  20. 中国热电联产与分布式能源的新发展

    New development of CHP and distributed energy in China

  21. 从电荒、天然气合理利用论分布式能源

    Electric Shortage Natural Gas Utilization and Distributed Power Source

  22. 微型燃气轮机驱动的分布式能源系统及其性能分析

    Distributed energy system driven by micro-turbine and an performance analysis of the system

  23. 对分布式能源进行功控、电控以及遥控;

    Remote control , electric control and power control of the distributed energy ;

  24. 推广分布式能源供给模式,提高小城镇能源供给安全。

    And popularizing distributed energy supply model for town 's energy supply security .

  25. 关于分布式能源系统建设与发展的思考

    Consideration on Construction and Development of Distributed Energy System

  26. 考虑环境影响的分布式能源系统优化设计与运行策略研究

    Study on the optimal design and operation strategy of distributed energy system considering environment

  27. 太阳能冷热电联供分布式能源系统的研究

    Investigation on the distributed energy system for cooling-heating-power combined cycle driven by solar energy

  28. 斯特林发动机在分布式能源系统的应用

    Application of Stirling Engine in Distributed Energy System

  29. 以微型燃气轮发电机组为代表的分布式能源系统是世界能源发展的新方向。

    Distributed energy represented by micro-turbine generator is new evolution direction of world energy .

  30. 分布式能源系统:联产和联供

    Distributed energy system : co-generation and co-supply